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The effectiveness of silver-releasing dressings in the management of non-healing chronic wounds: a meta-analysis

Lo, Shu-Fen; Chang, Chee-Jen; Hu, Wen-Yu; Hayter, Mark; Chang, Yu-Ting


Shu-Fen Lo

Chee-Jen Chang

Wen-Yu Hu

Mark Hayter

Yu-Ting Chang


Aim.  The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of silver‐releasing dressings in the management of non‐healing chronic wounds.

Background.  Non‐healing chronic wounds often have a negative physical impact on patients and place a financial burden on healthcare systems. Silver dressings are wound products designed to control infection and provide a wound environment conducive to healing. However, validation of the clinical efficacy of these dressings is lacking.

Design.  Systematic review and meta‐analysis.

Methods.  A systematic search of the major electronic databases PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane, MEDLINE, British Nursing Index, EBSCO, OCLC and Proquest between 1950–June 2007 was conducted. Hand searches of selected periodicals, textbooks and checking reference lists and contacting experts was also performed.

Results.  Eight studies were selected from a potentially relevant 1957 references screened. Analysis incorporated data from 1399 participants in the eight randomised control trials. We found that silver dressings significantly improved wound healing (CI95: 0·16–0·39, p 


Lo, S.-F., Chang, C.-J., Hu, W.-Y., Hayter, M., & Chang, Y.-T. (2009). The effectiveness of silver-releasing dressings in the management of non-healing chronic wounds: a meta-analysis. Journal of clinical nursing, 18(5), 716-728.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 11, 2008
Online Publication Date Feb 12, 2009
Publication Date 2009-03
Journal Journal of Clinical Nursing
Print ISSN 0962-1067
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 18
Issue 5
Pages 716-728
Keywords Clinical effectiveness; Meta‐analysis; Nurses; Nursing; Review; Wound care
Public URL