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Marginalised and excluded: Travellers in York

Craig, G; Neale, M; Wilkinson, Mick


G Craig

M Neale

Mick Wilkinson


This research was commissioned by York Travellers Trust and funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.  It follows on from other research reports which have described the position of the Traveller community in York and made recommendations for shifts in policy and service delivery.  Many past recommendations have, however, failed to be acted on and the view of the Trustees of York Travellers Trust (YTT) was that more could be done to improve the conditions in which Travellers were living.  The Trust therefore decided in late 2006 to commission a further study to try to generate interest in changing this situation. 


Craig, G., Neale, M., & Wilkinson, M. (2008). Marginalised and excluded: Travellers in York

Report Type Research Report
Acceptance Date Jan 1, 2008
Publication Date Jan 1, 2008
Public URL