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Living with Uncertainty in Model-Based Development

Bernardi, Simona; Famelis, Michalis; Jézéquel, Jean-Marc; Mirandola, Raffaela; Palacin, Diego Perez; Polack, Fiona A. C.; Trubiani, Catia


Simona Bernardi

Michalis Famelis

Jean-Marc Jézéquel

Raffaela Mirandola

Diego Perez Palacin

Catia Trubiani


Robert Heinrich

Francisco Durán

Carolyn Talcott

Steffen Zschaler


Uncertainty is present in model-based developments in many different ways. In the context of composing model-based analysis tools, this chapter discusses how the combination of different models can increase or decrease the overall uncertainty. It explores how such uncertainty could be more explicitly addressed and systematically managed, with the goal of defining a conceptual framework to deal with and manage it. We proceed towards this goal both with a theoretical reasoning and a practical application through an example of designing a peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol. We distinguish two main steps: (i) software system modelling and (ii) model-based performance analysis by highlighting the challenges related to the awareness that model-based development in software engineering needs to coexist with uncertainty. This core chapter addresses Challenge 5 introduced in Chap. 3 of this book (living with uncertainty).


Bernardi, S., Famelis, M., Jézéquel, J., Mirandola, R., Palacin, D. P., Polack, F. A. C., & Trubiani, C. (2021). Living with Uncertainty in Model-Based Development. In R. Heinrich, F. Durán, C. Talcott, & S. Zschaler (Eds.), Composing Model-Based Analysis Tools (159-185). Cham: Springer.

Acceptance Date Mar 1, 2021
Online Publication Date Jul 18, 2021
Publication Date Dec 3, 2021
Deposit Date Mar 17, 2023
Publisher Springer
Pages 159-185
Book Title Composing Model-Based Analysis Tools
ISBN 9783030819149
Public URL
Additional Information First Online: 18 July 2021