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Válka a smilstvo: bezútešné svety Troila a Kressidy (Love and lechery: the disconsolate worlds of Troilus and Cressida)

Drábek, P; Drabek, Pavel


P Drábek


A critical essay on William Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, written for the programme notes for David Radok's production at the National Theatre in Prague. The text discusses the play as as well as its sources and later adaptations, including several operatic versions. It also briefly handles Czech production history and several foreign productions. The study was written in collaboration with students from the course AJ24091 Frivolous Drama of Early Modern Europe, taught at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic in the Autumn Term of 2012. Collaborators: ABU BADER, Shereen and Karla BOBKOVÁ and Michaela DRAGOUNOVÁ and Jirí HORÁK and Vera HROMÁDKOVÁ and Ondrej LIŠKA and Simona PELOUŠKOVÁ and Lada ŠTICHOVÁ and Marie Gilles Charlotte VAN CASTER.


Drábek, P., & Drabek, P. (2012). Válka a smilstvo: bezútešné svety Troila a Kressidy (Love and lechery: the disconsolate worlds of Troilus and Cressida). In Shakespeare: Troilus a Kressida (14 - 33). Národní divadlo

Publication Date Dec 6, 2012
Pages 14 - 33
Book Title Shakespeare: Troilus a Kressida
ISBN 978-8-07258-411-6
Keywords William Shakespeare; Troilus and Cressida; John Dryden; Elizabethan theatre; Restoration theatre; adaptation; opera
Public URL
Contract Date Dec 6, 2012