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Centennial-scale climate change in Ireland during the Holocene

Swindles, Graeme T.; Lawson, Ian T.; Matthews, Ian P.; Blaauw, Maarten; Daley, Timothy J.; Charman, Dan J.; Roland, Thomas P.; Plunkett, Gill; Schettler, Georg; Gearey, Benjamin R.; Turner, T. Edward; Rea, Heidi A.; Roe, Helen M.; Amesbury, Matthew J.; Chambers, Frank M.; Holmes, Jonathan; Mitchell, Fraser J.G.; Blackford, Jeffrey; Blundell, Antony; Branch, Nicholas; Holmes, Jane; Langdon, Peter; McCarroll, Julia; McDermott, Frank; Oksanen, Pirita O.; Pritchard, Oliver; Stastney, Phil; Stefanini, Bettina; Young, Dan; Wheeler, Jane; Becker, Katharina; Armit, Ian


Graeme T. Swindles

Ian T. Lawson

Ian P. Matthews

Maarten Blaauw

Timothy J. Daley

Dan J. Charman

Thomas P. Roland

Gill Plunkett

Georg Schettler

Benjamin R. Gearey

T. Edward Turner

Heidi A. Rea

Helen M. Roe

Matthew J. Amesbury

Frank M. Chambers

Jonathan Holmes

Fraser J.G. Mitchell

Jeffrey Blackford

Antony Blundell

Nicholas Branch

Jane Holmes

Peter Langdon

Julia McCarroll

Frank McDermott

Pirita O. Oksanen

Oliver Pritchard

Phil Stastney

Bettina Stefanini

Dan Young

Jane Wheeler

Katharina Becker

Ian Armit


We examine mid- to late Holocene centennial-scale climate variability in Ireland using proxy data from peatlands, lakes and a speleothem. A high degree of between-record variability is apparent in the proxy data and significant chronological uncertainties are present. However, tephra layers provide a robust tool for correlation and improve the chronological precision of the records. Although we can find no statistically significant coherence in the dataset as a whole, a selection of high-quality peatland water table reconstructions co-vary more than would be expected by chance alone. A locally weighted regression model with bootstrapping can be used to construct a ‘best-estimate' palaeoclimatic reconstruction from these datasets. Visual comparison and cross-wavelet analysis of peatland water table compilations from Ireland and Northern Britain show that there are some periods of coherence between these records. Some terrestrial palaeoclimatic changes in Ireland appear to coincide with changes in the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation and solar activity. However, these relationships are inconsistent and may be obscured by chronological uncertainties. We conclude by suggesting an agenda for future Holocene climate research in Ireland.


Swindles, G. T., Lawson, I. T., Matthews, I. P., Blaauw, M., Daley, T. J., Charman, D. J., Roland, T. P., Plunkett, G., Schettler, G., Gearey, B. R., Turner, T. E., Rea, H. A., Roe, H. M., Amesbury, M. J., Chambers, F. M., Holmes, J., Mitchell, F. J., Blackford, J., Blundell, A., Branch, N., …Armit, I. (2013). Centennial-scale climate change in Ireland during the Holocene. Earth-Science Reviews, 126, 300-320.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 30, 2013
Publication Date 2013-11
Journal Earth-Science Reviews
Print ISSN 0012-8252
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 126
Pages 300-320
Keywords Climate change; Holocene; Centennial scale; Ireland; Palaeoclimate compilation; Statistical analysis
Public URL
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