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Timing is everything; operational changes at a pumping station with a gravity sluice to provide safe downstream passage for silver European eels and deliver considerable financial savings

Carter, Liam J.; Wright, Rosalind M.; Thomas, Robert E.; Reeds, Jake; Murphy, Leona A.; Collier, Stephen J.; Evans, Oliver; Baktoft, Henrik; Bolland, Jonathan D.


Liam J. Carter

Rosalind M. Wright

Jake Reeds

Leona A. Murphy

Stephen J. Collier

Oliver Evans

Henrik Baktoft


Catadromous European eel (Anguilla anguilla) are a critically endangered fish species due in part to in-river anthropogenic barriers (e.g., pumping stations, weirs, hydropower facilities). European legislation stipulates that safe downstream passage must be provided at hazardous intakes. Where present, gravity sluices have the potential to act as safe and low-cost downstream passage for seaward migrating silver eels at pumping station, but operational changes are required. This study used catchment-wide and fine-scale acoustic telemetry to investigate if operational changes (OC) at a pumping station (PS) with a co-located gravity sluice (GS) facilitated safe downstream passage for silver European eels. Specifically, night-time pump operations were ceased, river levels prior to sluicing were elevated and the GS was opened during key eel migration windows, i.e., at night during the new moon phase in autumn. No tagged eels passed through any pumps and the majority (2018 = 87.5%, 2020 = 88.9%) that approached the PS during OC passed downstream through the GS. Most eels approached during the first period of night sluicing after release (2018 = 73.9% and 2020 = 76.5%) and passed downstream during the first sluice event they experienced at the PS (2018 = 66.7% and 2020 = 75.0%). During the final approach prior to passage, very few retreats back upstream occurred at a median (IQR) distance of 34 (7.25) m from the GS and were predominantly a short distance (1–8 m). Overall, OC at a PS with a GS are considered a win-win-win, despite opening the sluice for <3% of the study period, given safe downstream passage was maximised, the financial benefits of sluicing water (∼£14,670 in direct operational costs over two years) and the relative ease of implementation.


Carter, L. J., Wright, R. M., Thomas, R. E., Reeds, J., Murphy, L. A., Collier, S. J., Evans, O., Baktoft, H., & Bolland, J. D. (2023). Timing is everything; operational changes at a pumping station with a gravity sluice to provide safe downstream passage for silver European eels and deliver considerable financial savings. Journal of environmental management, 347, Article 119143.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 22, 2023
Online Publication Date Oct 5, 2023
Publication Date Dec 1, 2023
Deposit Date Oct 14, 2023
Publicly Available Date Dec 19, 2023
Journal Journal of Environmental Management
Print ISSN 0301-4797
Electronic ISSN 1095-8630
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 347
Article Number 119143
Keywords Anguilla; European eel; Fish passage; Gravity sluice; Migration; Pumping station
Public URL


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