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HMAP Dataset 12: North-west Scotland Fisheries

Pierce, G; Pita, C


G Pierce

C Pita


Catch data, herring, haddock, Norway lobster, 1893-2005, West Scotland, 1893-2005. The map below gives an indication of the extent of the Celtic-Biscay Shelf; the 'view as map' link in the download panel at the right will show a much more detailed representation. The kml file download, when used with Google Earth, will render the extent of the Celtic-Biscay Shelf in detail.


Pierce, G., & Pita, C. HMAP Dataset 12: North-west Scotland Fisheries. [Data]

Deposit Date Aug 23, 2010
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords Fisheries statistics, History of marine animal populations, Scottish fisheries, Celtic-Biscay Shelf
Public URL
Publisher URL HMAP website:
Contract Date Aug 23, 2010


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