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Using an institutional repository to support records management and digital preservation (RMDP)


Institutional repositories are under current investigation for their ability to support digital preservation. Whilst systems for digital preservation are still evolving, repositories are increasingly being used as the basis of or a component of such systems. Digital preservation requires information (metadata) to be stored about the digital objects themselves (format etc.), events that occur, agents that have acted on the object, and rights. These can start being collected from the point an object is created in a repository, as part of its ongoing management.


Using an institutional repository to support records management and digital preservation (RMDP)

Deposit Date Apr 8, 2008
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords JISC, e-SIG, REMAP, Records management and digital preservation (RMDP), Open Repositories 2008 (OR08)
Public URL
Contract Date Apr 8, 2008


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