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The genomic history of southeastern Europe

Elenski, Nedko; Francken, Michael; Galabova, Borislava; Ganetsovski, Georgi; Gély, Bernard; Hajdu, Tamás; Handzhyiska, Veneta; Harvati, Katerina; Higham, Thomas; Iliev, Stanislav; Jankovi?, Ivor; Karavani?, Ivor; Kennett, Douglas J.; Komšo, Darko; Kozak, Alexandra; Labuda, Damian; Lari, Martina; Lazar, Catalin; Leppek, Maleen; Leshtakov, Krassimir; Vetro, Domenico Lo; Los, Dženi; Lozanov, Ivaylo; Malina, Maria; Virag, Cristian; Viola, Bence; Veselovskaya, Elizaveta; Venelinova, Svetlana; Veljanovska, Fanica; Vasilyev, Sergey; Valentin, Frédérique; Valchev, Ivan; Thevenet, Corinne; Teschler-Nicola, Maria; Talamo, Sahra; Szeniczey, Tamás; Starovi?, Andrej; Stanev, Petar; Slavchev, Vladimir; Šlaus, Mario; Sineo, Luca; Simalcsik, Angela; Price, T. Douglas; Petrova, Vanya; Moiseyev, Vyacheslav; Mirea, Pavel; Menđušić, Marko; Meller, Harald; McSweeney, Kath; Martini, Fabio; Drucker, Dorothée G.; Mathieson, Iain; Alpaslan-Roodenberg, Songül; Posth, Cosimo; Szécsényi-Nagy, Anna; Rohland, Nadin...


Nedko Elenski

Michael Francken

Borislava Galabova

Georgi Ganetsovski

Bernard Gély

Tamás Hajdu

Veneta Handzhyiska

Katerina Harvati

Thomas Higham

Stanislav Iliev

Ivor Jankovi?

Ivor Karavani?

Douglas J. Kennett

Darko Komšo

Alexandra Kozak

Damian Labuda

Martina Lari

Catalin Lazar

Maleen Leppek

Krassimir Leshtakov

Domenico Lo Vetro

Dženi Los

Ivaylo Lozanov

Maria Malina

Cristian Virag

Bence Viola

Elizaveta Veselovskaya

Svetlana Venelinova

Fanica Veljanovska

Sergey Vasilyev

Frédérique Valentin

Ivan Valchev

Corinne Thevenet

Maria Teschler-Nicola

Sahra Talamo

Tamás Szeniczey

Andrej Starovi?

Petar Stanev

Vladimir Slavchev

Mario Šlaus

Luca Sineo

Angela Simalcsik

T. Douglas Price

Vanya Petrova

Vyacheslav Moiseyev

Pavel Mirea

Marko Menđušić

Harald Meller

Kath McSweeney

Fabio Martini

Dorothée G. Drucker

Iain Mathieson

Songül Alpaslan-Roodenberg

Cosimo Posth

Anna Szécsényi-Nagy

Nadin Rohland

Swapan Mallick

Iñigo Olalde

Nasreen Broomandkhoshbacht

Francesca Candilio

Olivia Cheronet

Daniel Fernandes

Matthew Ferry

Beatriz Gamarra

Gloria González Fortes

Wolfgang Haak

Eadaoin Harney

Eppie Jones

Denise Keating

Ben Krause-Kyora

Isil Kucukkalipci

Megan Michel

Alissa Mittnik

Kathrin Nägele

Mario Novak

Jonas Oppenheimer

Nick Patterson

Saskia Pfrengle

Kendra Sirak

Kristin Stewardson

Stefania Vai

Stefan Alexandrov

Kurt W. Alt

Radian Andreescu

Dragana Antonovi?

Abigail Ash

Nadezhda Atanassova

Krum Bacvarov

Mende Balázs Gusztáv

Hervé Bocherens

Michael Bolus

Adina Boronean?

Yavor Boyadzhiev

Alicja Budnik

Josip Burmaz

Stefan Chohadzhiev

Nicholas J. Conard

Richard Cottiaux

Maja ?uka

Christophe Cupillard

Dorotheé G. Drucker

Nedko Elenski

Michael Francken

Borislava Galabova

Georgi Ganetsovski

Bernard Gély

Tamás Hajdu

Veneta Handzhyiska

Katerina Harvati

Thomas Higham

Stanislav Iliev

Ivor Jankovi?

Ivor Karavani?

Douglas J. Kennett

Darko Komšo

Alexandra Kozak

Damian Labuda

Martina Lari

Catalin Lazar

Maleen Leppek

Krassimir Leshtakov

Domenico Lo Vetro

Dženi Los

Ivaylo Lozanov

Maria Malina

Malcolm Lillie


© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. Farming was first introduced to Europe in the mid-seventh millennium bc, and was associated with migrants from Anatolia who settled in the southeast before spreading throughout Europe. Here, to understand the dynamics of this process, we analysed genome-wide ancient DNA data from 225 individuals who lived in southeastern Europe and surrounding regions between 12000 and 500 bc. We document a west-east cline of ancestry in indigenous hunter-gatherers and, in eastern Europe, the early stages in the formation of Bronze Age steppe ancestry. We show that the first farmers of northern and western Europe dispersed through southeastern Europe with limited hunter-gatherer admixture, but that some early groups in the southeast mixed extensively with hunter-gatherers without the sex-biased admixture that prevailed later in the north and west. We also show that southeastern Europe continued to be a nexus between east and west after the arrival of farmers, with intermittent genetic contact with steppe populations occurring up to 2,000 years earlier than the migrations from the steppe that ultimately replaced much of the population of northern Europe.


Elenski, N., Francken, M., Galabova, B., Ganetsovski, G., Gély, B., Hajdu, T., Handzhyiska, V., Harvati, K., Higham, T., Iliev, S., Janković, I., Karavanić, I., Kennett, D. J., Komšo, D., Kozak, A., Labuda, D., Lari, M., Lazar, C., Leppek, M., Leshtakov, K., …Lillie, M. (2018). The genomic history of southeastern Europe. Nature, 555(7695), 197-203.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 24, 2018
Online Publication Date Feb 21, 2018
Publication Date Mar 8, 2018
Deposit Date Mar 20, 2018
Publicly Available Date Aug 22, 2018
Journal Nature
Print ISSN 0028-0836
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 555
Issue 7695
Pages 197-203
Public URL
Publisher URL
Related Public URLs
Contract Date May 30, 2018


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