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Japan: Fictionality, transmedia national branding and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Hernández-Pérez, Manuel


Manuel Hernández-Pérez


Matthew Freeman

William Proctor


The chapter aims to examine the concept of transmediality (or cross-mediality) in relation to institutional communication in Japan. To do this, it examines several case studies within the current Japanese society, with special attention to crisis communication (Fukushima nuclear incident), the construction of long-term political messages (the myth of the mono-ethnicity and dialogue between national identities) and even reformulations of national Branding (Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games). My hypothesis is that it is almost impossible to build messages that do not replicate or reference elements from other communication structures and purely fictional narrative. This hybridization between fictionality, narrative structures and pseudo-narratives may not be unique to Japan, but we can be found very relevant examples in recent history of media culture in this country. It will be examined, also, the intense relationship between storytelling and institutional message. We can root it to the earliest examples of the Nihonjinron literature and how it was created a story, with global resonances, about �Japanese uniqueness�. The conclusion I expect to reach (or refute) is that transmediality and narrative are common elements of both cultural contents and corporate messages. This explanation can be found regarding the tradition of Political Economy, in the fact that Entertainment and Information spheres share the same political and economic bases. (10,000 words).


Hernández-Pérez, M. (2018). Japan: Fictionality, transmedia national branding and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. In M. Freeman, & W. Proctor (Eds.), Global Convergence Cultures: Transmedia Earth (175-191). Routledge.

Acceptance Date Mar 12, 2018
Online Publication Date Apr 30, 2018
Publication Date May 3, 2018
Deposit Date May 3, 2018
Publisher Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Pages 175-191
Book Title Global Convergence Cultures: Transmedia Earth
Chapter Number 10
ISBN 9781351743211
Keywords Fictionality; Transmedia; Japan; Olympic Games
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