The multiphase circumgalactic medium traced by low metal ions in EAGLE zoom simulations
Journal Article
Oppenheimer, B. D., Schaye, J., Crain, R. A., Werk, J. K., & Richings, A. J. (2018). The multiphase circumgalactic medium traced by low metal ions in EAGLE zoom simulations. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481(1), 835-859.
We explore the circumgalactic metal content traced by commonly observed low ion absorbers, including C II, SiII, SiIII, SiIV, and MgII. We use a set of cosmological hydrodynamical zoom simulations run with the EAGLE model and including a non-equilibr... Read More about The multiphase circumgalactic medium traced by low metal ions in EAGLE zoom simulations.