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Accommodation and critique: A necessary tension (2024)
Journal Article
Smith, A., & Midgley, G. (online). Accommodation and critique: A necessary tension. Systems research and behavioral science, 42(1), 23-50.

A dilemma in critical systems thinking is how to balance a desire for critique to inspire far-reaching transformations in society with the requirement for people to reach accommodations to enable on-the-ground change. Both critique and accommodation... Read More about Accommodation and critique: A necessary tension.

Towards "a good enough justice" : Gillian Rose, interpretive systemology, and the mandatory introduction of British values in schools (2022)
Smith, A. Towards "a good enough justice" : Gillian Rose, interpretive systemology, and the mandatory introduction of British values in schools. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Interpretive systemology is a systems approach asking researchers to explore different interpretations of a given social phenomenon or policy problem. While most systems approaches seek to support systemic intervention for social change, interpretive... Read More about Towards "a good enough justice" : Gillian Rose, interpretive systemology, and the mandatory introduction of British values in schools.