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All Outputs (76)

Using acoustic tracking of an anadromous lamprey in a heavily fragmented river to assess current and historic passage opportunities and prioritise remediation (2023)
Journal Article
Jubb, W. M., Noble, R. A., Dodd, J. R., Nunn, A. D., & Bolland, J. D. (in press). Using acoustic tracking of an anadromous lamprey in a heavily fragmented river to assess current and historic passage opportunities and prioritise remediation. River Research and Applications,

Anthropogenic structures extensively fragment riverine systems, reducing longitudinal connectivity, inhibiting migration and leading to severe declines in many fish populations, especially for diadromous species. This study investigated the upstream... Read More about Using acoustic tracking of an anadromous lamprey in a heavily fragmented river to assess current and historic passage opportunities and prioritise remediation.

Upstream spawning migration of river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) in the River Trent, 2020-2021 (2023)
Noble, R. A. A., Bolland, J. D., Jubb, W. M., Nunn, A. D., & Dodd, J. R. (2023). Upstream spawning migration of river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) in the River Trent, 2020-2021. [Data].

This study investigated the upstream spawning migration of anadromous river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) in the River Trent, a heavily fragmented tributary of the Humber Estuary- the location of one of the largest river lamprey populations in the U... Read More about Upstream spawning migration of river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) in the River Trent, 2020-2021.

Tracking anadromous fish over successive freshwater migrations reveals the influence of tagging effect, previous success, and abiotic factors on upstream passage over barriers (2023)
Journal Article
Davies, P., Robert Britton, J., Castro-Santos, T., Crundwell, C., Dodd, J. R., Nunn, A. D., Velterop, R., & Bolland, J. D. (2023). Tracking anadromous fish over successive freshwater migrations reveals the influence of tagging effect, previous success, and abiotic factors on upstream passage over barriers. Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences, 80(7), 1110-1125.

Predicting and mitigating the impact of anthropogenic barriers on migratory fish requires an understanding of the individual and environmental factors that influence barrier passage. Here, the upstream spawning migrations of iteroparous twaite shad A... Read More about Tracking anadromous fish over successive freshwater migrations reveals the influence of tagging effect, previous success, and abiotic factors on upstream passage over barriers.

Understanding the impact of barriers to onward migration; a novel approach using translocated fish (2023)
Journal Article
Jubb, W. M., Noble, R. A., Dodd, J. R., Nunn, A. D., Lothian, A. J., Albright, A. J., Bubb, D. H., Lucas, M. C., & Bolland, J. D. (2023). Understanding the impact of barriers to onward migration; a novel approach using translocated fish. Journal of environmental management, 335, Article 117488.

River catchments worldwide are heavily fragmented by anthropogenic barriers, reducing their longitudinal connectivity and contributing to the decline of migratory fish populations. Direct impacts of individual barriers on migratory fish are well-esta... Read More about Understanding the impact of barriers to onward migration; a novel approach using translocated fish.

Individual repeatability in the timing of river entry indicates the strong influence of photoperiod in the spawning migrations of iteroparous twaite shad Alosa fallax (2023)
Journal Article
Yeldham, M. I., Britton, J. R., Crundwell, C., Davies, P., Dodd, J. R., Nunn, A. D., Velterop, R., & Bolland, J. D. (2023). Individual repeatability in the timing of river entry indicates the strong influence of photoperiod in the spawning migrations of iteroparous twaite shad Alosa fallax. Hydrobiologia,

The timing of entry into freshwater by mature anadromous fishes is an important component of their migration phenology. In iteroparous anadromous species, identifying the migration cues that influence the timing of entry into freshwater, and annual v... Read More about Individual repeatability in the timing of river entry indicates the strong influence of photoperiod in the spawning migrations of iteroparous twaite shad Alosa fallax.

Is shape in the eye of the beholder? Assessing landmarking error in geometric morphometric analyses on live fish (2023)
Journal Article
Moccetti, P., Rodger, J. R., Bolland, J. D., Kaiser-Wilks, P., Smith, R., Nunn, A. D., Adams, C. E., Bright, J. A., Honkanen, H. M., Lothian, A. J., Newton, M., & Joyce, D. A. (2023). Is shape in the eye of the beholder? Assessing landmarking error in geometric morphometric analyses on live fish. PeerJ, 11, Article e15545.

Geometric morphometrics is widely used to quantify morphological variation between biological specimens, but the fundamental influence of operator bias on data reproducibility is rarely considered, particularly in studies using photographs of live an... Read More about Is shape in the eye of the beholder? Assessing landmarking error in geometric morphometric analyses on live fish.

Individual movement variation in upstream-migrating sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus in a highly fragmented river (2022)
Journal Article
Davies, P., Britton, J. R., Nunn, A. D., Dodd, J. R., Bainger, C., Velterop, R., & Bolland, J. D. (2022). Individual movement variation in upstream-migrating sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus in a highly fragmented river. Freshwater biology, 67(4), 643-656.

Anthropogenic reductions in riverine connectivity can severely impede the migrations of anadromous species. In fragmented rivers, successful migrations depend on the ability of migrants to negotiate barriers or locate alternative passage routes. Howe... Read More about Individual movement variation in upstream-migrating sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus in a highly fragmented river.

Cumulative impacts of habitat fragmentation and the environmental factors affecting upstream migration in the threatened sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus (2021)
Journal Article
Davies, P., Britton, J. R., Nunn, A. D., Dodd, J. R., Bainger, C., Velterop, R., & Bolland, J. D. (2021). Cumulative impacts of habitat fragmentation and the environmental factors affecting upstream migration in the threatened sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. Aquatic conservation : marine and freshwater ecosystems, 31(9), 2560-2574.

River ecosystems are often fragmented by artificial structures, such as weirs. For anadromous species, these structures can impede access to upstream spawning sites and ultimately lead to severe population declines. This study focused on the freshwat... Read More about Cumulative impacts of habitat fragmentation and the environmental factors affecting upstream migration in the threatened sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus.

An integrated decision driven design framework to support the ecological restoration of rivers (2021)
Journal Article
King, M., van Zyll de Jong, M., Piercey, D., Nunn, A. D., & Cowx, I. G. (in press). An integrated decision driven design framework to support the ecological restoration of rivers. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-24.

A structured and collaborative approach to design and decision‐making in the context of ecological restoration of rivers is developed and illustrated using a case study involving the mitigation of physical barriers to fish migration on the River Tren... Read More about An integrated decision driven design framework to support the ecological restoration of rivers.

Novel insights into the marine phase and river fidelity of anadromous twaite shad Alosa fallax in the UK and Ireland (2020)
Journal Article
Davies, P., Britton, R. J., Nunn, A. D., Dodd, J. R., Crundwell, C., Velterop, R., Ó’Maoiléidigh, N., O’Neill, R., Sheehan, E., Stamp, T., & Bolland, J. (2020). Novel insights into the marine phase and river fidelity of anadromous twaite shad Alosa fallax in the UK and Ireland. Aquatic conservation : marine and freshwater ecosystems, 30(7), 1291-1298.

© 2020 The Authors. Most research on anadromous fishes has been invested in their freshwater life-phases, resulting in a relatively sparse understanding of their spatial ecology during marine life-phases. However, understanding the marine dispersal... Read More about Novel insights into the marine phase and river fidelity of anadromous twaite shad Alosa fallax in the UK and Ireland.

Dynamic competition and resource partitioning during the early life of two widespread, abundant and ecologically similar fishes (2020)
Journal Article
Nunn, A. D., Vickers, L., Mazik, K., Bolland, J., Peirson, G., Axford, S., Henshaw, A., & Cowx, I. G. (2020). Dynamic competition and resource partitioning during the early life of two widespread, abundant and ecologically similar fishes. Hydrobiologia, 847, 2211-2224.

Competition and resource partitioning can have profound implications for individuals, populations and communities, and thus food webs, ecosystems and the management of biota and environments. In many species, the impacts of competition and resource p... Read More about Dynamic competition and resource partitioning during the early life of two widespread, abundant and ecologically similar fishes.

Monitoring methods for assessing inshore fish communities. Natural England Commissioned Report NECR269 (2020)
Franco, A., Nunn, A., Smyth, K., Hanfling, B., & Mazik, K. (2020). Monitoring methods for assessing inshore fish communities. Natural England Commissioned Report NECR269. Natural England

Executive Summary

This report provides a review of the monitoring techniques that can be used to assess inshore fish communities. This is the first part of a study aimed at developing a regional pilot monitoring programme for inshore fish communit... Read More about Monitoring methods for assessing inshore fish communities. Natural England Commissioned Report NECR269.

The Response of River-Resident Fish to Reservoir Freshet Releases of Varying Profiles Intended to Facilitate a Spawning Migration (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, N. J., Taylor, M. J., Harvey, J. P., Angelopoulos, N. V., Smith, M. A., Noble, R. A., Tinsdeall, M., Bolland, J. D., Baxter, J., Baker, N., Taylor, M., Cowx, I. G., Harvey, J., Nunn, A. D., Angelopoulos, N., Smith, M., Noble, R., Tinsdeall, M., Baxter, J., & Bolland, J. (2020). The Response of River-Resident Fish to Reservoir Freshet Releases of Varying Profiles Intended to Facilitate a Spawning Migration. Water Resources Research, 56(6), Article e2018WR024196.

Natural hydrological regimes encompass varying seasonal flow characteristics that provide fish with cues and opportunities for upstream spawning migrations, but these flows are often modified/absent in regulated rivers. Compensatory artificial flows... Read More about The Response of River-Resident Fish to Reservoir Freshet Releases of Varying Profiles Intended to Facilitate a Spawning Migration.

Refinement of acoustic-tagging protocol for twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède), a species sensitive to handling and sedation (2019)
Journal Article
Bolland, J. D., Nunn, A. D., Angelopoulos, N. V., Dodd, J. R., Davies, P., Gutmann Roberts, C., Britton, J. R., & Cowx, I. G. (2019). Refinement of acoustic-tagging protocol for twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède), a species sensitive to handling and sedation. Fisheries research, 212, 183-187.

© 2018 Elsevier B.V. Telemetry investigations to gather essential information about fish migrations are reliant on the behaviour, condition and survival of the animals being unaltered by the tagging procedure. Twaite shad (Alosa fallax Lacépède; 'sha... Read More about Refinement of acoustic-tagging protocol for twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède), a species sensitive to handling and sedation.

Causes and consequences of ontogenetic dietary shifts: a global synthesis using fish models (2018)
Journal Article
Sánchez-Hernández, J., Nunn, A. D., Adams, C. E., & Amundsen, P.-A. (2019). Causes and consequences of ontogenetic dietary shifts: a global synthesis using fish models. Biological Reviews, 94(2), 539-554.

Ontogenetic dietary shifts (ODSs), the changes in diet utilisation occurring over the life span of an individual consumer, are widespread in the animal kingdom. Understanding ODSs provides fundamental insights into the biological and ecological proce... Read More about Causes and consequences of ontogenetic dietary shifts: a global synthesis using fish models.

Overcoming the dichotomy of implementing societal flood risk management while conserving instream fish habitat – A long-term study from a highly modified urban river (2018)
Journal Article
Angelopoulos, N. V., Harvey, J. P., Bolland, J. D., Nunn, A. D., Noble, R. A., Smith, M. A., Taylor, M. J., Masters, J. E., Moxon, J., & Cowx, I. G. (2018). Overcoming the dichotomy of implementing societal flood risk management while conserving instream fish habitat – A long-term study from a highly modified urban river. Journal of environmental management, 224, 69-76.

Flood Risk Management (FRM) is often essential to reduce the risk of flooding to properties and infrastructure in urban landscapes, but typically degrades the habitats required by many aquatic animals for foraging, refuge and reproduction. This confl... Read More about Overcoming the dichotomy of implementing societal flood risk management while conserving instream fish habitat – A long-term study from a highly modified urban river.

New species of leafmining moths and bagworms in East Yorkshire : recent colonists or overlooked residents? (2017)
Journal Article
Nunn, A. (2017). New species of leafmining moths and bagworms in East Yorkshire : recent colonists or overlooked residents?. The Entomologist's record and journal of variation, 129(3), 156-159

The historical scarcity of many leafmining moths in East Yorkshire (vice-county [VC] 61) (see Sutton & Beaumont, 1989) is at least partly due to a lack of recorder effort, and a number of apparently local or rare species are actually relatively wides... Read More about New species of leafmining moths and bagworms in East Yorkshire : recent colonists or overlooked residents?.