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Understanding factors that could influence patient acceptability of the use of the PINCER intervention in primary care: A qualitative exploration using the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability (2022)
Journal Article
Laing, L., Salema, N.-E., Jeffries, M., Shamsuddin, A., Sheikh, A., Chuter, A., Waring, J., Avery, A., & Keers, R. N. (2022). Understanding factors that could influence patient acceptability of the use of the PINCER intervention in primary care: A qualitative exploration using the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability. PLoS ONE, 17(10), Article e0275633.

Medication errors are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. The pharmacist-led IT-based intervention to reduce clinically important medication errors (PINCER) intervention was shown to reduce medication errors when tested in a... Read More about Understanding factors that could influence patient acceptability of the use of the PINCER intervention in primary care: A qualitative exploration using the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability.

Understanding factors influencing uptake and sustainable use of the PINCER intervention at scale: A qualitative evaluation using Normalisation Process Theory (2022)
Journal Article
Laing, L., Salema, N.-E., Jeffries, M., Shamsuddin, A., Sheikh, A., Chuter, A., Waring, J., Avery, A., & Keers, R. N. (2022). Understanding factors influencing uptake and sustainable use of the PINCER intervention at scale: A qualitative evaluation using Normalisation Process Theory. PLoS ONE, 17(9), Article e0274560.

Medication errors are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. The pharmacist-led IT-based intervention to reduce clinically important medication errors (PINCER) has demonstrated improvements in primary care medication safety, and... Read More about Understanding factors influencing uptake and sustainable use of the PINCER intervention at scale: A qualitative evaluation using Normalisation Process Theory.

Strategies supporting sustainable prescribing safety improvement interventions in English primary care: A qualitative study (2021)
Journal Article
Shamsuddin, A., Jeffries, M., Sheikh, A., Laing, L., Salema, N.-E., Avery, A., Chuter, A., Waring, J., & Keers, R. (2021). Strategies supporting sustainable prescribing safety improvement interventions in English primary care: A qualitative study. BJGP Open, 5(5),

Background: While the use of prescribing safety indicators (PSI) can reduce potentially hazardous prescribing, there is a need to identify actionable strategies for the successful implementation and sustainable delivery of PSI-based interventions in... Read More about Strategies supporting sustainable prescribing safety improvement interventions in English primary care: A qualitative study.

Current COVID-19 treatments: Rapid review of the literature (2021)
Journal Article
Dong, Y., Shamsuddin, A., Campbell, H., & Theodoratou, E. (2021). Current COVID-19 treatments: Rapid review of the literature. Journal of Global Health, 11, Article 10003.

As SARS-CoV-2 continues to spread worldwide, it has already resulted in over 110 million cases and 2.5 million deaths. Currently, there are no effective COVID-19 treatments, although numerous studies are under way. SARS-CoV-2, however, i... Read More about Current COVID-19 treatments: Rapid review of the literature.

Risk factors for poor outcomes in hospitalised COVID-19 patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Ashcroft, T., Chung, A., Dighero, I., Dozier, M., Horne, M., McSwiggan, E., Shamsuddin, A., & Nair, H. (2021). Risk factors for poor outcomes in hospitalised COVID-19 patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Global Health, 11(10001),

Understanding the risk factors for poor outcomes among
COVID-19 patients could help identify vulnerable populations who
would need prioritisation in prevention and treatment for COVID-19.
We aimed to critically appraise and synthesise... Read More about Risk factors for poor outcomes in hospitalised COVID-19 patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

The implementation, use and sustainability of a clinical decision support system for medication optimisation in primary care: A qualitative evaluation (2021)
Journal Article
Jeffries, M., Salema, N.-E., Laing, L., Shamsuddin, A., Sheikh, A., Avery, A., Chuter, A., Waring, J., & Keers, R. (2021). The implementation, use and sustainability of a clinical decision support system for medication optimisation in primary care: A qualitative evaluation. PLoS ONE, 16(5), Article e0250946.

The quality and safety of prescribing in general practice is important, Clinical decision support (CDS) systems can be used which present alerts to health professionals when prescribing in order to identify patients at risk of potentially... Read More about The implementation, use and sustainability of a clinical decision support system for medication optimisation in primary care: A qualitative evaluation.

Conducting research using online workshops during COVID- 19: Lessons for and beyond the pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
Shamsuddin, A., Sheikh, A., & Keers, R. (2021). Conducting research using online workshops during COVID- 19: Lessons for and beyond the pandemic. International Journal of Qualitative Methods,

Social distancing rules in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic have
necessitated a move to online research for many social science
researchers. In moving data collection online, academic literature on
Internet-mediated research has resurfaced and be... Read More about Conducting research using online workshops during COVID- 19: Lessons for and beyond the pandemic.