‘Seeing and knowing’ as processes to improve care experience: what actions facilitate these experiences and how can health professionals achieve them?
Journal Article
Davenport, C. (in press). ‘Seeing and knowing’ as processes to improve care experience: what actions facilitate these experiences and how can health professionals achieve them?. Evidence-Based Nursing, https://doi.org/10.1136/ebnurs-2024-104119
All Outputs (11)
A co-produced curriculum: embedding mental health lived experience into mental health nurse education (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davenport, C., & Maile, C. (2024, July). A co-produced curriculum: embedding mental health lived experience into mental health nurse education. Presented at Teaching Excellence Academy International Annual Conference., University of Hull
A content analysis of mothers’ online communications of their partners’ presumed paternal postnatal depression (2024)
Journal Article
Davenport, C., & Swami, V. (2024). A content analysis of mothers’ online communications of their partners’ presumed paternal postnatal depression. Journal of Health Visiting, 12(5), 210–216. https://doi.org/10.12968/johv.2024.12.5.210Research has increasingly focused on fathers’ experiences of maternal postnatal depression (PND), but there is little information on mothers’ experiences of their partners’ PND. Aims: The aim of this study was to understand how mothers perceive and c... Read More about A content analysis of mothers’ online communications of their partners’ presumed paternal postnatal depression.
Discussion: Why should midwives consider postnatal depression in fathers? (2024)
Journal Article
Davenport, C. (in press). Discussion: Why should midwives consider postnatal depression in fathers?. MIDIRS midwifery digest,Historically it is maternal mental health which is prioritised throughout pregnancy and the postpartum, with recognition by midwives and other professionals that conditions such as postnatal depression (PND) can impact on women’s experiences of new m... Read More about Discussion: Why should midwives consider postnatal depression in fathers?.
Measuring the unknown: we need to measure all experiences important to women regarding their antenatal care (2024)
Journal Article
Davenport, C., & Smith, L. (online). Measuring the unknown: we need to measure all experiences important to women regarding their antenatal care. Evidence-Based Nursing, https://doi.org/10.1136/ebnurs-2023-103915
Improving care for fathers with perinatal depression in the community (2024)
Journal Article
Davenport, C., Price, R., Keynejad, R. C., & Mughal, F. (2024). Improving care for fathers with perinatal depression in the community. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 74(743), 246-247. https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp24X738237
Supporting older adults who misuse alcohol (2024)
Journal Article
Davenport, C., & Craven, R. (2024). Supporting older adults who misuse alcohol. Nursing older people, https://doi.org/10.7748/nop.2024.e1469Older adulthood is a unique time of transition often referred to as the ‘golden years’. It is characterised by positive life experiences such as retirement, but also by a loss of routine and familiarity. Literature identifies alcohol misuse as a grow... Read More about Supporting older adults who misuse alcohol.
A co-produced teaching experience to promote nursing students’ care and compassion towards mental health service users (2024)
Digital Artefact
Davenport, C., & O'Brien, S. (2024). A co-produced teaching experience to promote nursing students’ care and compassion towards mental health service users. [Website]This blog describes a teaching session we co-produced and delivered to around 300 second year student nurses. We recently followed it up by publishing an article reflecting on the experience (O’Brien and Davenport, 2024) and highlighting the need for... Read More about A co-produced teaching experience to promote nursing students’ care and compassion towards mental health service users.
Help-seeking as relationship-saving: opposing perspectives within the intimate relationship when fathers suffer from postnatal depression (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davenport, C. (2024, March). Help-seeking as relationship-saving: opposing perspectives within the intimate relationship when fathers suffer from postnatal depression. Paper presented at Journeys of Masculinity: Bodies, Identities, Wellbeing and the Life Course, University of Surrey [online]Opening slide:
Current guidance recommends that professionals screen and support mothers during the antenatal and postnatal periods for their mental health.
Despite recommendations that father mental health is assessed, this is not currently routin... Read More about Help-seeking as relationship-saving: opposing perspectives within the intimate relationship when fathers suffer from postnatal depression.
Embedding the service user voice to co-produce UK mental health nurse education—A lived experience narrative (2024)
Journal Article
O'Brien, S., & Davenport, C. (2024). Embedding the service user voice to co-produce UK mental health nurse education—A lived experience narrative. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, https://doi.org/10.1111/jpm.13031What is known on the subject?: Co-production aims to value service user voices and is increasingly used in healthcare. Less is known about how co-production in nursing education is experienced by service users. What the paper adds to existing knowled... Read More about Embedding the service user voice to co-produce UK mental health nurse education—A lived experience narrative.
South Asian and black women’s perinatal mental health care services require careful work with families, translators and peer supporters to reduce stigma and ensure confidentiality (2024)
Journal Article
Davenport, C., & Smith, L. (in press). South Asian and black women’s perinatal mental health care services require careful work with families, translators and peer supporters to reduce stigma and ensure confidentiality. Evidence-Based Nursing, https://doi.org/10.1136/ebnurs-2023-103917Implications for practice and research
Improving access for South Asian and black women requires work with communities to challenge mental health stigma and improve confidentiality among translators.
Research is required into the role of the peer... Read More about South Asian and black women’s perinatal mental health care services require careful work with families, translators and peer supporters to reduce stigma and ensure confidentiality.