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All Outputs (4)

A pan-European perspective of third space professionals located in learning and teaching centres (2025)
Journal Article
Scott, G. W., Costa, M. J., Ewen, M., Lillie, C., Peterbauer, H., Vettori, O., Weiß, C., Warm, J., Valk, A., Karm, M., Soots, H.-B., Geirsdóttir, G., Magni, F., Agrati, L. S., Basbas, N., Căprioară, D., Girtu, M., Torstensdotter, G. L., Dalenius, P., Kilborn, J., …Savaş, T. C. (2025). A pan-European perspective of third space professionals located in learning and teaching centres. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education,

During 2023, the European University Association brought together members of 10 Learning and Teaching Centres from 10 European countries to explore the development and strategic benefits of Learning and Teaching Centres. Through critical self-reflect... Read More about A pan-European perspective of third space professionals located in learning and teaching centres.

Exploring the value of PGRs who teach (PGWT) in supporting undergraduate students’ sense of belonging: A Student Staff Partnership Project (2024)
Journal Article
Grant, B., Lillie, C., Smith, M., & Tomlinson, A. (2024). Exploring the value of PGRs who teach (PGWT) in supporting undergraduate students’ sense of belonging: A Student Staff Partnership Project. Journal of PGR Pedagogic Practice, 4(4), 12-31.

The aim of this research was to explore the impact of interactions between undergraduate students (‘students’) and the postgraduate researchers (‘PGWT’) who teach them, on students’ sense of belonging. Meaningful interactions between staff and studen... Read More about Exploring the value of PGRs who teach (PGWT) in supporting undergraduate students’ sense of belonging: A Student Staff Partnership Project.

Teaching and learning in higher education (2017)
Book Chapter
Lillie, C., Bradley, S., & Robinson Canham, A. (2017). Teaching and learning in higher education. In P. Hoskins, & S. Keevil (Eds.), Academic Practice- a Handbook for Physicists and Engineers involved in Biomedical research and teaching (197-219). Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

Using the AUA CPD Framework: a practical guide to success (2013)
Shine, J., Birds, R., & Lillie, C. (2013). Using the AUA CPD Framework: a practical guide to success

This guide has been developed to help you get the best from the AUA’s CPD Framework. We start by explaining some of the history, and then outline what we mean by a behavioural framework, before we go on to demonstrate how it can be used in the workpl... Read More about Using the AUA CPD Framework: a practical guide to success.