Oral and topical antibiotics for clinically infected eczema in children: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial in ambulatory care
Journal Article
Francis, N. A., Ridd, M. J., Thomas-Jones, E., Butler, C. C., Hood, K., Shepherd, V., Marwick, C. A., Huang, C., Longo, M., Wootton, M., & Sullivan, F. (2017). Oral and topical antibiotics for clinically infected eczema in children: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial in ambulatory care. Annals of Family Medicine, 15(2), 124-130. https://doi.org/10.1370/afm.2038
PURPOSE Eczema may flare because of bacterial infection, but evidence supporting antibiotic treatment is of low quality. We aimed to determine the effect of oral and topical antibiotics in addition to topical emollient and corticosteroids in children... Read More about Oral and topical antibiotics for clinically infected eczema in children: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial in ambulatory care.