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Inadequacy of fluvial energetics for describing gravity current autosuspension (2023)
Journal Article
Fukuda, S., de Vet, M. G., Skevington, E. W., Bastianon, E., Fernández, R., Wu, X., McCaffrey, W. D., Naruse, H., Parsons, D. R., & Dorrell, R. M. (2023). Inadequacy of fluvial energetics for describing gravity current autosuspension. Nature communications, 14(1), Article 2288.

Gravity currents, such as sediment-laden turbidity currents, are ubiquitous natural flows that are driven by a density difference. Turbidity currents have provided vital motivation to advance understanding of this class of flows because their enigmat... Read More about Inadequacy of fluvial energetics for describing gravity current autosuspension.

Effect of hydro-climate variation on biofilm dynamics and its impact in intertidal environments (2022)
Journal Article
Bastianon, E., Hope, J. A., Dorrell, R. M., & Parsons, D. R. (2022). Effect of hydro-climate variation on biofilm dynamics and its impact in intertidal environments. Earth surface dynamics European Geosciences Union, 10(6), 1115-1140.

Shallow tidal environments are very productive ecosystems but are sensitive to environmental changes and sea level rise. Bio-morphodynamic control of these environments is therefore a crucial consideration; however, the effect of small-scale biologic... Read More about Effect of hydro-climate variation on biofilm dynamics and its impact in intertidal environments.