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All Outputs (2)

Under threat: the International AIDS Society–Lancet Commission on Health and Human Rights (2024)
Journal Article
Beyrer, C., Kamarulzaman, A., Isbell, M., Amon, J., Baral, S., Bassett, M. T., Cepeda, J., Deacon, H., Dean, L., Fan, L., Giacaman, R., Gomes, C., Gruskin, S., Goyal, R., Mon, S. H. H., Jabbour, S., Kazatchkine, M., Kasoka, K., Lyons, C., Maleche, A., …Rubenstein, L. (2024). Under threat: the International AIDS Society–Lancet Commission on Health and Human Rights. Lancet, 403(10434), 1374-1418.

2023 marked the 75th anniversary of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration articulates an inspiring vision of a world that is just, equitable, tolerant, and strategically focused on actions to address the most vulne... Read More about Under threat: the International AIDS Society–Lancet Commission on Health and Human Rights.

Culture and Heritage in Constitutional Law (2024)
Book Chapter
Vaivade, A., & Deacon, H. (2024). Culture and Heritage in Constitutional Law. In L. Lixinski, & L. K. Morisset (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Heritage and the Law. Routledge.

The chapter will analyze the way states deal with culture and heritage in their constitutions, in relation to nation building, identity and human rights, and will provide insights into examples coming from different regions of the world. Considering... Read More about Culture and Heritage in Constitutional Law.