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All Outputs (37)

Brain oxygenation patterns during the execution of tool use demonstration, tool use pantomime, and body-part-as-object tool use (2015)
Journal Article
Helmich, I., Holle, H., Rein, R., & Lausberg, H. (2015). Brain oxygenation patterns during the execution of tool use demonstration, tool use pantomime, and body-part-as-object tool use. International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology, 96(1), 1-7.

© 2015 Elsevier B.V. Divergent findings exist whether left and right hemispheric pre- and postcentral cortices contribute to the production of tool use related hand movements. In order to clarify the neural substrates of tool use demonstrations with... Read More about Brain oxygenation patterns during the execution of tool use demonstration, tool use pantomime, and body-part-as-object tool use.

Inconsistent use of gesture space during abstract pointing impairs language comprehension (2015)
Journal Article
Gunter, T. C., Weinbrenner, J. E. D., & Holle, H. (2015). Inconsistent use of gesture space during abstract pointing impairs language comprehension. Frontiers in psychology Frontiers Research Foundation, 6(FEB), Article ARTN 80.

Pointing toward concrete objects is a well-known and efficient communicative strategy. Much less is known about the communicative effectiveness of abstract pointing where the pointing gestures are directed to “empty space.” McNeill's (2003) observati... Read More about Inconsistent use of gesture space during abstract pointing impairs language comprehension.

EasyDIAg: A tool for easy determination of interrater agreement (2014)
Journal Article
Holle, H., Holle, H., Rein, R., & Rein, R. (2015). EasyDIAg: A tool for easy determination of interrater agreement. Behavior research methods, 47(3), 837-847.

Reliable measurements are fundamental for the empirical sciences. In observational research, measurements often consist of observers categorizing behavior into nominalscaled units. Since the categorization is the outcome of a complex judgment process... Read More about EasyDIAg: A tool for easy determination of interrater agreement.

Functional and structural brain differences associated with mirror-touch synaesthesia (2013)
Journal Article
Holle, H., Banissy, M. J., & Ward, J. (2013). Functional and structural brain differences associated with mirror-touch synaesthesia. NeuroImage, 83(December), 1041-1050.

Observing touch is known to activate regions of the somatosensory cortex but the interpretation of this finding is controversial (e.g. does it reflect the simulated action of touching or the simulated reception of touch?). For most people, observing... Read More about Functional and structural brain differences associated with mirror-touch synaesthesia.

Contagious scratching: shared feelings but not shared body locations (2013)
Journal Article
Ward, J., Burckhardt, V., & Holle, H. (2013). Contagious scratching: shared feelings but not shared body locations. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 7(122), Article ARTN 122.

A commentary on: The neural basis of contagious itch and why some people are more prone to it by Holle, H., Warne, K., Seth, A. K., Critchley, H. D., and Ward, J. (2012). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, 19816–19821.

Personality traits in people with synaesthesia: do synaesthetes have an atypical personality profile? (2013)
Journal Article
Banissy, M. J., Holle, H., Cassell, J., Annett, L., Tsakanikos, E., Walsh, V., Spiller, M. J., & Ward, J. (2013). Personality traits in people with synaesthesia: do synaesthetes have an atypical personality profile?. Personality and individual differences, 54(7), 828-831.

People with synaesthesia not only have – by definition – unusual experiences (e.g., numbers triggering colour), they also have a different cognitive profile (e.g., in terms of their memory and perceptual abilities) and a bias towards certain interest... Read More about Personality traits in people with synaesthesia: do synaesthetes have an atypical personality profile?.

Neural basis of contagious itch and why some people are more prone to it (2012)
Journal Article
Holle, H., Warne, K., Seth, A. K., Critchley, H. D., & Ward, J. (2012). Neural basis of contagious itch and why some people are more prone to it. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(48), 19816-19821.

Watching someone scratch himself can induce feelings of itchiness in the perceiver. This provides a unique opportunity to characterize the neural basis of subjective experiences of itch, independent of changes in peripheral inputs. In this study, we... Read More about Neural basis of contagious itch and why some people are more prone to it.

Gesture facilitates the syntactic analysis of speech (2012)
Journal Article
Holle, H., Obermeier, C., Schmidt-Kassow, M., Friederici, A. D., Ward, J., & Gunter, T. C. (2012). Gesture facilitates the syntactic analysis of speech. Frontiers in Psychology, 3(MAR), 1-12.

Recent research suggests that the brain routinely binds together information from gesture and speech. However, most of this research focused on the integration of representational gestures with the semantic content of speech. Much less is known about... Read More about Gesture facilitates the syntactic analysis of speech.

Proprioceptive drift without illusions of ownership for rotated hands in the "rubber hand illusion" paradigm (2011)
Journal Article
Holle, H., McLatchie, N., Maurer, S., & Ward, J. (2011). Proprioceptive drift without illusions of ownership for rotated hands in the "rubber hand illusion" paradigm. Cognitive neuroscience, 2(3-4), 171-178.

The rubber hand illusion is one reliable way to experimentally manipulate the experience of body ownership. However, debate continues about the necessary and sufficient conditions eliciting the illusion. We measured proprioceptive drift and the subje... Read More about Proprioceptive drift without illusions of ownership for rotated hands in the "rubber hand illusion" paradigm.

Imitation and observational learning of hand actions: prefrontal involvement and connectivity (2011)
Journal Article
Higuchi, S., Holle, H., Roberts, N., Eickhoff, S. B., & Vogt, S. (2012). Imitation and observational learning of hand actions: prefrontal involvement and connectivity. NeuroImage, 59(2), 1668-1683.

The first aim of this event-related fMRI study was to identify the neural circuits involved in imitation learning. We used a rapid imitation task where participants directly imitated pictures of guitar chords. The results provide clear evidence for t... Read More about Imitation and observational learning of hand actions: prefrontal involvement and connectivity.

What iconic gesture fragments reveal about gesture-speech integration: when synchrony is lost, memory can help. (2011)
Journal Article
Obermeier, C., Gunter, T. C., & Holle, H. (2011). What iconic gesture fragments reveal about gesture-speech integration: when synchrony is lost, memory can help. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 23(7), 1648-1663.

The present series of experiments explores several issues related to gesture-speech integration and synchrony during sentence processing. To be able to more precisely manipulate gesture-speech synchrony, we used gesture fragments instead of complete... Read More about What iconic gesture fragments reveal about gesture-speech integration: when synchrony is lost, memory can help..

That's not a real body: identifying stimulus qualities that modulate synaesthetic experiences of touch (2011)
Journal Article
Holle, H., Banissy, M., Wright, T., Bowling, N., & Ward, J. (2011). That's not a real body: identifying stimulus qualities that modulate synaesthetic experiences of touch. Consciousness and cognition, 20(3), 720-726.

Mirror-touch synaesthesia is a condition where observing touch to another's body induces a subjective tactile sensation on the synaesthetes body. The present study explores which characteristics of the inducing stimulus modulate the synaesthetic touc... Read More about That's not a real body: identifying stimulus qualities that modulate synaesthetic experiences of touch.

The time course of lexical access in morphologically complex words (2010)
Journal Article
Holle, H., Gunter, T. C., & Koester, D. (2010). The time course of lexical access in morphologically complex words. NeuroReport, 21(5), 319-323.

Compounding, the concatenation of words (e.g. dishwasher), is an important mechanism across many languages. This study investigated whether access of initial compound constituents occurs immediately or, alternatively, whether it is delayed until the... Read More about The time course of lexical access in morphologically complex words.

Integration of iconic gestures and speech in left superior temporal areas boosts speech comprehension under adverse listening conditions (2010)
Journal Article
Holle, H., Obleser, J., Rueschemeyer, S.-A., & Gunter, T. C. (2010). Integration of iconic gestures and speech in left superior temporal areas boosts speech comprehension under adverse listening conditions. NeuroImage, 49(1), 875-884.

Iconic gestures are spontaneous hand movements that illustrate certain contents of speech and, as such, are an important part of face-to-face communication. This experiment targets the brain bases of how iconic gestures and speech are integrated duri... Read More about Integration of iconic gestures and speech in left superior temporal areas boosts speech comprehension under adverse listening conditions.

Electrophysiological evidence for incremental lexical-semantic integration in auditory compound comprehension (2009)
Journal Article
Koester, D., Holle, H., & Gunter, T. C. (2009). Electrophysiological evidence for incremental lexical-semantic integration in auditory compound comprehension. Neuropsychologia, 47(8-9), 1854-1864.

The present study investigated the time-course of semantic integration in auditory compound word processing. Compounding is a productive mechanism of word formation that is used frequently in many languages. Specifically, we examined whether semantic... Read More about Electrophysiological evidence for incremental lexical-semantic integration in auditory compound comprehension.

Neural correlates of the processing of co-speech gestures (2007)
Journal Article
Holle, H., Gunter, T. C., Rüschemeyer, S.-A., Hennenlotter, A., & Iacoboni, M. (2008). Neural correlates of the processing of co-speech gestures. NeuroImage, 39(4), 2010-2024.

In communicative situations, speech is often accompanied by gestures. For example, speakers tend to illustrate certain contents of speech by means of iconic gestures which are hand movements that bear a formal relationship to the contents of speech.... Read More about Neural correlates of the processing of co-speech gestures.

The role of iconic gestures in speech disambiguation: ERP evidence (2007)
Journal Article
Holle, H., & Gunter, T. C. (2007). The role of iconic gestures in speech disambiguation: ERP evidence. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 19(7), 1175-1192.

The present series of experiments explored the extent to which iconic gestures convey information not found in speech. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded as participants watched videos of a person gesturing and speaking simultaneously. The exper... Read More about The role of iconic gestures in speech disambiguation: ERP evidence.