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French Feminisms 1975 and After (2017)
Atack, M., Fell, A. S., Holmes, D., & Long, I. (2017). M. Atack, A. S. Fell, D. Holmes, & I. Long (Eds.), French Feminisms 1975 and After. Peter Lang.

This volume explores contemporary French women’s writing through the prism of one of the defining moments of modern feminism: the writings of the 1970s that came to be known as «French feminism». With their exhilarating renewal of the rules of fictio... Read More about French Feminisms 1975 and After.

A powerful political platform: Françoise Giroud and L'Express in a Cold War climate (2016)
Journal Article
Long, I. (2016). A powerful political platform: Françoise Giroud and L'Express in a Cold War climate. French History, 30(2), 241-258.

Founded in 1953 by Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber and Françoise Giroud, L’Express was a politically committed outlet predominantly led by Giroud’s strong editorial direction until its rebranding in 1964 along the lines of Time magazine. Its goals were... Read More about A powerful political platform: Françoise Giroud and L'Express in a Cold War climate.

Writing Gaullist feminism: Françoise Parturier's open letters 1968–1974 (2011)
Journal Article
Long, I. (2011). Writing Gaullist feminism: Françoise Parturier's open letters 1968–1974. Modern & contemporary France / ASM & CF, 19(3), 313-327.

Gaullist feminist Françoise Parturier's open letters written during the second wave women's movement in France are striking examples of how politically engaged women use writing in innovative ways in order to make intellectual interventions. Her pole... Read More about Writing Gaullist feminism: Françoise Parturier's open letters 1968–1974.

"La Ville et ses artifices" dans Le féminin pluriel de Benoîte et Flora Groult
Book Chapter
Long, I. "La Ville et ses artifices" dans Le féminin pluriel de Benoîte et Flora Groult. In Benoîte Groult

Cet article portera sur un livre de Benoîte et Flora Groult, Le féminin pluriel (1965), afin d’analyser la représentation de la ville, de ses artifices et de son impact sur les femmes dans ce texte basé sur des rencontres et des expériences personnel... Read More about "La Ville et ses artifices" dans Le féminin pluriel de Benoîte et Flora Groult.