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A toy model for gas sloshing in galaxy clusters (2024)
Journal Article
Roediger, E., Vaezzadeh, I., & Nulsen, P. (2024). A toy model for gas sloshing in galaxy clusters. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529(1), 563-574.

We apply a toy model based on ‘pendulum waves’ to gas sloshing in galaxy clusters. Starting with a galaxy cluster potential filled with a hydrostatic intracluster medium (ICM), we perturb all ICM by an initial small, unidirectional velocity, i.e. an... Read More about A toy model for gas sloshing in galaxy clusters.

Resilience of sloshing cold fronts against subsequent minor mergers (2022)
Journal Article
Vaezzadeh, I., Roediger, E., Cashmore, C., Hunt, M., Zuhone, J., Forman, W., Jones, C., Kraft, R., Nulsen, P., Su, Y., & Churazov, E. (2022). Resilience of sloshing cold fronts against subsequent minor mergers. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(1), 518-534.

Minor mergers are common in galaxy clusters. They have the potential to create sloshing cold fronts (SCFs) in the intracluster medium of the cluster. However, the resilience of SCFs to subsequent minor mergers is unknown. Here we investigate the exte... Read More about Resilience of sloshing cold fronts against subsequent minor mergers.

Project ThaiPASS: international outreach blending astronomy and Python (2021)
Journal Article
Keegans, J. D., Stancliffe, R. J., Bilton, L. E., Cashmore, C. R., Gibson, B. K., Kristensen, M. T., Lawson, T. V., Pignatari, M., Vaezzadeh, I., Côté, B., & Chongchitnan, S. (2021). Project ThaiPASS: international outreach blending astronomy and Python. Physics Education, 56(3), Article 035001.

We present our outreach program, the Thailand–UK Python+Astronomy Summer School (ThaiPASS), a collaborative project comprising UK and Thai institutions and assess its impact and possible application to schools in the United Kingdom. Since its incepti... Read More about Project ThaiPASS: international outreach blending astronomy and Python.