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All Outputs (86)

In situ observation of ultrasonic cavitation-induced fragmentation of the primary crystals formed in Al alloys (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, F., Tzanakis, I., Eskin, D., Mi, J., & Connolley, T. (2017). In situ observation of ultrasonic cavitation-induced fragmentation of the primary crystals formed in Al alloys. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 39, 66-76.

The cavitation-induced fragmentation of primary crystals formed in Al alloys were investigated for the first time by high-speed imaging using a novel experimental approach. Three representative primary crystal types, Al3Ti, Si and Al3V with different... Read More about In situ observation of ultrasonic cavitation-induced fragmentation of the primary crystals formed in Al alloys.

On the occurrence of a eutectic-type structure in solidification of Al-Zr alloys (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, F., Eskin, D. G., Khvan, A. V., Starodub, K. F., Lim, J. J., Burke, M. G., Connolley, T., & Mi, J. (2017). On the occurrence of a eutectic-type structure in solidification of Al-Zr alloys. Scripta materialia, 133, 75-78.

For the first time, experimental evidence is presented for the occurrence of a eutectic reaction in dilute Al-Zr alloys solidified at cooling rates from 0.5 to 5 K/s. Particles which formed at grain boundaries during solidification were confirmed by... Read More about On the occurrence of a eutectic-type structure in solidification of Al-Zr alloys.

Numerical and physical simulation of rapid microstructural evolution of gas atomised Ni superalloy powders (2016)
Journal Article
Li, Z., Grant, P. S., Zheng, L., Lee, T. L., Liu, N., Liu, Z., Zhang, G., Mi, J., & Grant, P. (2017). Numerical and physical simulation of rapid microstructural evolution of gas atomised Ni superalloy powders. Materials & design, 117, 157-167.

The rapid microstructural evolution of gas atomised Ni superalloy powder compacts over timescales of a few seconds was studied using a Gleeble 3500 thermomechanical simulator, finite element based numerical model and electron microscopy. The study fo... Read More about Numerical and physical simulation of rapid microstructural evolution of gas atomised Ni superalloy powders.

Design and characterisation of metallic glassy alloys of high neutron shielding capability (2016)
Journal Article
Khong, J. C., Daisenberger, D., Burca, G., Kockelmann, W., Tremsin, A. S., & Mi, J. (2016). Design and characterisation of metallic glassy alloys of high neutron shielding capability. Scientific reports, 6(1), Article 36998.

This paper reports the design, making and characterisation of a series of Fe-based bulk metallic glass alloys with the aim of achieving the combined properties of high neutron absorption capability and sufficient glass forming ability. Synchrotron X-... Read More about Design and characterisation of metallic glassy alloys of high neutron shielding capability.

A refining mechanism of primary Al3Ti intermetallic particles by ultrasonic treatment in the liquid state (2016)
Journal Article
Wang, F., Eskin, D., Mi, J., Connolley, T., Lindsay, J., & Mounib, M. (2016). A refining mechanism of primary Al3Ti intermetallic particles by ultrasonic treatment in the liquid state. Acta Materialia, 116, 354-363.

The mechanism underlying the considerable refinement of primary Al3Ti intermetallic particles induced by ultrasonic treatment (UST) in an Al-0.4 wt% Ti alloy in the fully liquid state was investigated. Scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive... Read More about A refining mechanism of primary Al3Ti intermetallic particles by ultrasonic treatment in the liquid state.

Study of the multi-length scale structure of metallic glasses using synchrotron X-rays and phase-field crystal modelling (2016)
Zhang, W. Study of the multi-length scale structure of metallic glasses using synchrotron X-rays and phase-field crystal modelling. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Metallic glasses and composites are a new class of metal alloys which have unique mechanical and functional properties. The structure of metallic glasses and composites are key to understand the glass formation ability and also their unique propertie... Read More about Study of the multi-length scale structure of metallic glasses using synchrotron X-rays and phase-field crystal modelling.

Multi-scale characterisation of the 3D microstructure of a thermally-shocked bulk metallic glass matrix composite (2016)
Journal Article
Zhang, W., Bodey, A. J., Sui, T., Kockelmann, W., Rau, C., Korsunsky, A. M., & Mi, J. (2016). Multi-scale characterisation of the 3D microstructure of a thermally-shocked bulk metallic glass matrix composite. Scientific reports, 6(1), 18545-1-18545-7.

Bulk metallic glass matrix composites (BMGMCs) are a new class of metal alloys which have significantly increased ductility and impact toughness, resulting from the ductile crystalline phases distributed uniformly within the amorphous matrix. However... Read More about Multi-scale characterisation of the 3D microstructure of a thermally-shocked bulk metallic glass matrix composite.

Effect of ultrasonic melt treatment on the refinement of primary Al3Ti intermetallic in an Al–0.4Ti alloy (2015)
Journal Article
Mi, J., Connolley, T., Eskin, D., & Wang, F. (2016). Effect of ultrasonic melt treatment on the refinement of primary Al3Ti intermetallic in an Al–0.4Ti alloy. Journal of Crystal Growth, 435, 24-30.

High intensity ultrasonic melt treatment was applied to an Al–0.4 wt% Ti alloy over three selected temperature ranges: 810 to 770 °C (above liquidus), 770 to 730 °C (across liquidus), and 730 to 690 °C (below liquidus). The size and morphology of the... Read More about Effect of ultrasonic melt treatment on the refinement of primary Al3Ti intermetallic in an Al–0.4Ti alloy.

In situ synchrotron X-ray studies of the coupled effects of thermal and solutal supercoolings on the instability of dendrite growth (2015)
Journal Article
Li, F., Zhang, J., Dong, Q., Dai, Y., Fu, Y., Xie, H., Mi, J., Yin, F., & Sun, B. (2015). In situ synchrotron X-ray studies of the coupled effects of thermal and solutal supercoolings on the instability of dendrite growth. Materials Characterization, 109, 9-18.

© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Special growth pattern representing unique growth conditions is a vital clue to investigate the morphology evolution mechanism in metallic alloy solidification. The dendrite pattern and growth orientation of... Read More about In situ synchrotron X-ray studies of the coupled effects of thermal and solutal supercoolings on the instability of dendrite growth.

In situ ultrafast synchrotron x-ray imaging studies of the dynamics of ultrasonic bubbles in liquids (2015)
Tan, D. In situ ultrafast synchrotron x-ray imaging studies of the dynamics of ultrasonic bubbles in liquids. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The research studies the highly dynamic and transient behaviour of ultrasonic bubbles in liquids of different physical properties, including water, silicone oil, and liquid metals. A novel ultrasound solidification apparatus as well as the special sa... Read More about In situ ultrafast synchrotron x-ray imaging studies of the dynamics of ultrasonic bubbles in liquids.

Ab initio simulation: The correlation between the local melt structure and segregation behavior of Fe, V, Ti and Si in liquid Al (2015)
Journal Article
Yang, J., Zhang, J., Dai, Y., Ma, J., Li, F., Bian, F., Mi, J., & Sun, B. (2015). Ab initio simulation: The correlation between the local melt structure and segregation behavior of Fe, V, Ti and Si in liquid Al. Computational Materials Science, 109, 41-48.

© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. In this study, the elements Fe, Si, V and Ti, which exhibit typical segregation behavior in Al, were chosen as solute atoms to be analyzed. The structure of molten Al, the local structure around solute atoms... Read More about Ab initio simulation: The correlation between the local melt structure and segregation behavior of Fe, V, Ti and Si in liquid Al.

Solidification of Al alloys under electromagnetic pulses and characterization of the 3D microstructures under synchrotron x-ray tomography (2015)
Journal Article
Manuwong, T., Zhang, W., Kazinczi, P. L., Bodey, A. J., Rau, C., & Mi, J. (2015). Solidification of Al alloys under electromagnetic pulses and characterization of the 3D microstructures under synchrotron x-ray tomography. Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science, 46(7), 2908-2915.

A novel programmable electromagnetic pulse device was developed and used to study the solidification of Al-15 pct Cu and Al-35 pct Cu alloys. The pulsed magnetic fluxes and Lorentz forces generated inside the solidifying melts were simulated using fi... Read More about Solidification of Al alloys under electromagnetic pulses and characterization of the 3D microstructures under synchrotron x-ray tomography.

High speed synchrotron X-ray imaging studies of the ultrasound shockwave and enhanced flow during metal solidification processes (2015)
Journal Article
Tan, D., Lee, T. L., Khong, J. C., Connolley, T., Fezzaa, K., & Mi, J. (2015). High speed synchrotron X-ray imaging studies of the ultrasound shockwave and enhanced flow during metal solidification processes. Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science, 46(7), 2851-2861.

The highly dynamic behaviour of ultrasonic bubble implosion in liquid metal, the multiphase liquid metal flow containing bubbles and particles, and the interaction between ultrasonic waves and semisolid phases during solidification of metal were stud... Read More about High speed synchrotron X-ray imaging studies of the ultrasound shockwave and enhanced flow during metal solidification processes.

Characterization of the residual stresses in spray-formed steels using neutron diffraction (2015)
Journal Article
Lee, T. L., Mi, J., Zhao, S. L., Fan, J. F., Zhang, S. Y., Kabra, S., & Grant, P. S. (2015). Characterization of the residual stresses in spray-formed steels using neutron diffraction. Scripta materialia, 100, 82-85.

Neutron diffraction was used to characterize the residual stresses in an as-sprayed tube-shaped steel preform. The measured residual stress distributions were compared with those simulated using finite element method by taking into account the effect... Read More about Characterization of the residual stresses in spray-formed steels using neutron diffraction.

In situ synchrotron x-ray study of ultrasound cavitation and its effect on solidification microstructures (2014)
Journal Article
Mi, J., Tan, D., & Lee, T. L. (2015). In situ synchrotron x-ray study of ultrasound cavitation and its effect on solidification microstructures. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 46(4), 1615-1619.

Considerable progress has been made in studying the mechanism and effectiveness of using ultrasound waves to manipulate the solidification microstructures of metallic alloys. However, uncertainties remain in both the underlying physics of how microst... Read More about In situ synchrotron x-ray study of ultrasound cavitation and its effect on solidification microstructures.

The onset of plasticity of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass (2014)
Journal Article
Huang, Y., Khong, J. C., Connolley, T., & Mi, J. (2014). The onset of plasticity of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass. International Journal of Plasticity, 60, 87-100.

The deformation behaviors of a Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glassy alloy under step-controlled tensile loads have been studied in situ and systematically using scanning electron microscopy and synchrotron X-ray diffraction. A circular h... Read More about The onset of plasticity of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass.

The effect of cooling rate on the wear performance of a ZrCuAlAg bulk metallic glass (2014)
Journal Article
Huang, Y., Fan, H., Wang, D., Sun, Y., Liu, F., Shen, J., Sun, J., & Mi, J. (2014). The effect of cooling rate on the wear performance of a ZrCuAlAg bulk metallic glass. Materials and Design, 58, 284-289.

In the present work, the local atomic ordering and the wear performance of ZrCuAlAg bulk metallic glass (BMG) samples with different diameters have been studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) plus autocorrelation function analysis, and... Read More about The effect of cooling rate on the wear performance of a ZrCuAlAg bulk metallic glass.

Understanding the deformation mechanism of individual phases of a ZrTi-based bulk metallic glass matrix composite using in situ diffraction and imaging methods (2014)
Journal Article
Huang, Y., Khong, J. C., Connolley, T., & Mi, J. (2014). Understanding the deformation mechanism of individual phases of a ZrTi-based bulk metallic glass matrix composite using in situ diffraction and imaging methods. Applied physics letters, 104(3), Article 031912.

The plasticity of a ZrTi-based bulk metallic glass composite consisting of glassy matrix and crystalline dendritic phase was studied in-situ under identical tensile loading conditions using scanning electron microscopy and synchrotron X-ray diffracti... Read More about Understanding the deformation mechanism of individual phases of a ZrTi-based bulk metallic glass matrix composite using in situ diffraction and imaging methods.