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All Outputs (8)

Does productive agreement morphology increase sensitivity to agreement in a second language? (2025)
Journal Article
Lago, S., Oltrogge, E., & Stone, K. (2025). Does productive agreement morphology increase sensitivity to agreement in a second language?. Glossa Psycholinguistics, 4(1),

Adult language learners have variable performance with subject-verb number agreement. But it is unclear whether their performance additionally depends on the availability of agreement morphology in their first language. To address this question, we c... Read More about Does productive agreement morphology increase sensitivity to agreement in a second language?.

Looks at what isn't there: eye movements on a blank screen when processing negation in a first and a second language (2024)
Journal Article
Vanek, N., Matić Škorić, A., Košutar, S., Matějka, Š., & Stone, K. (2024). Looks at what isn't there: eye movements on a blank screen when processing negation in a first and a second language. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 18,

Is negation more difficult to process than affirmation? If it is, does processing negation in a second language (L2) compound the difficulty compared to the first language (L1)? This article addresses the issues of difficulties in processing differen... Read More about Looks at what isn't there: eye movements on a blank screen when processing negation in a first and a second language.

Mental simulation of the factual and the illusory in negation processing: evidence from anticipatory eye movements on a blank screen (2024)
Journal Article
Vanek, N., Matić Škorić, A., Košutar, S., Matějka, Š., & Stone, K. (2024). Mental simulation of the factual and the illusory in negation processing: evidence from anticipatory eye movements on a blank screen. Scientific reports, 14(1), Article 2844.

How do comprehenders process negative statements such as The fish is not jumping out of the water? Opinions vary. Some argue for two steps, namely that processing starts off with the representation of the positive/illusory [fish jumping out of the wa... Read More about Mental simulation of the factual and the illusory in negation processing: evidence from anticipatory eye movements on a blank screen.

The N400 is Elicited by Meaning Changes but not Synonym Substitutions: Evidence From Persian Phrasal Verbs (2023)
Journal Article
Stone, K., Khaleghi, N., & Rabovsky, M. (2023). The N400 is Elicited by Meaning Changes but not Synonym Substitutions: Evidence From Persian Phrasal Verbs. Cognitive science, 47(12), Article e13394.

We tested two accounts of the cognitive process underlying the N400 event-related potential component: one that it reflects meaning-based processing and one that it reflects the processing of specific words. The experimental design utilized separable... Read More about The N400 is Elicited by Meaning Changes but not Synonym Substitutions: Evidence From Persian Phrasal Verbs.

Understanding the Effects of Constraint and Predictability in ERP (2023)
Journal Article
Stone, K., Nicenboim, B., Vasishth, S., & Rösler, F. (2023). Understanding the Effects of Constraint and Predictability in ERP. Neurobiology of Language, 4(2), 221-256.

Intuitively, strongly constraining contexts should lead to stronger probabilistic representations of sentences in memory. Encountering unexpected words could therefore be expected to trigger costlier shifts in these representations than expected word... Read More about Understanding the Effects of Constraint and Predictability in ERP.

Possessive Processing in Bilingual Comprehension (2022)
Journal Article
Lago, S., Stone, K., Oltrogge, E., & Veríssimo, J. (2023). Possessive Processing in Bilingual Comprehension. Language Learning, 73(3), 904-941.

Second language (L2) learners make gender errors with possessive pronouns. In production, these errors are modulated by the gender match between the possessor and possessee noun. We examined whether this so-called match effect extends to L2 comprehen... Read More about Possessive Processing in Bilingual Comprehension.

Does entropy modulate the prediction of German long-distance verb particles? (2022)
Journal Article
Stone, K., Vasishth, S., & von der Malsburg, T. (2022). Does entropy modulate the prediction of German long-distance verb particles?. PLoS ONE, 17(8 August), Article e0267813.

In this paper we examine the effect of uncertainty on readers’ predictions about meaning. In particular, we were interested in how uncertainty might influence the likelihood of committing to a specific sentence meaning. We conducted two event-related... Read More about Does entropy modulate the prediction of German long-distance verb particles?.

The interaction of grammatically distinct agreement dependencies in predictive processing (2021)
Journal Article
Stone, K., Veríssimo, J., Schad, D. J., Oltrogge, E., Vasishth, S., & Lago, S. (2021). The interaction of grammatically distinct agreement dependencies in predictive processing. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 36(9), 1159-1179.

Previous research has found that comprehenders sometimes predict information that is grammatically unlicensed by sentence constraints. An open question is why such grammatically unlicensed predictions occur. We examined the possibility that unlicense... Read More about The interaction of grammatically distinct agreement dependencies in predictive processing.