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All Outputs (11)

Positive during COVID-19: Women's strategies for flourishing during a pandemic (2024)
Journal Article
Lanka, E., Marsh-Davies, K., & Anderson, D. (2024). Positive during COVID-19: Women's strategies for flourishing during a pandemic. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 34(6), Article e70007.

The COVID-19 pandemic led to far-reaching detrimental impacts, with challenges weighted toward women, who experience a double-burden of paid work and care/domestic work. Professional lives were enacted in new spaces, as many were ordered to work from... Read More about Positive during COVID-19: Women's strategies for flourishing during a pandemic.

Menopause and Flexible Working: Starting Conversations (2024)
Book Chapter
Brown, S., & Marsh-Davies, K. (2024). Menopause and Flexible Working: Starting Conversations. In V. Porritt, L. Hannay, & N. Hilton (Eds.), Disruptive Women: A WomenEd Guide to Equitable Action in Education. Corwin Press

•There is currently a global teacher recruitment and retention crisis which includes losing experienced and talented women teachers in mid-life.
•Menopause is a normal life stage usually impacting on women in mid-life. We acknowledge that trans and... Read More about Menopause and Flexible Working: Starting Conversations.

Teachers and Teaching Post-COVID (2023)
Book Chapter
Marsh-Davies, K., & Burnett, C. (2023). Teachers and Teaching Post-COVID. In K. Marsh-Davies, & C. Burnett (Eds.), Teachers and Teaching Post-COVID: Seizing Opportunities for Change. Routledge.

This opening chapter provides an introduction to and rationale for Teachers and Teaching Post-COVID. It explores persistent challenges around teacher recruitment, well-being, and retention, before summarising some of the impacts that the pandemic has... Read More about Teachers and Teaching Post-COVID.

COVID-19: A Catalyst for Change (2023)
Book Chapter
Marsh-Davies, K., & Brown, S. (2023). COVID-19: A Catalyst for Change. In K. Marsh-Davies, & C. Burnett (Eds.), Teachers and Teaching Post-COVID: Seizing Opportunities for Change. Routledge.

The final chapter summarises what preceding chapters have revealed about teachers and teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic and why the crisis has been a catalyst for change. Discussion proceeds, organised into two overarching themes drawn from the c... Read More about COVID-19: A Catalyst for Change.

Teachers and Teaching Post-COVID: Seizing Opportunities for Change (2023)
Marsh-Davies, K., & Burnett, C. (Eds.). (2023). Teachers and Teaching Post-COVID: Seizing Opportunities for Change. Taylor & Francis (Routledge)

Featuring a broad swathe of academic research and perspectives from international contributors, this book will capture and share important lessons from the pandemic experience for teaching practice and teacher learning more broadly.

Looking at cor... Read More about Teachers and Teaching Post-COVID: Seizing Opportunities for Change.

Managing menopause is a challenge all leaders must rise to (2021)
Newspaper / Magazine
Marsh-Davies, K. (2021). Managing menopause is a challenge all leaders must rise to. London

Menopause is more inevitable than childbirth, writes Katy Marsh-Davies, yet we don’t have the systems and policies to manage it that we can and should.

Critical Perspectives on Graduate Employability (2016)
Book Chapter
Burke, C., Scurry, T., Blenkinsopp, J., & Graley, K. (2016). Critical Perspectives on Graduate Employability. In M. Tomlinson, & L. Holmes (Eds.), Graduate employability in context: Theory, research and debate (87-107). Palgrave Macmillan.

Fundamental changes in the nature of UK Higher Education have led to an increased emphasis on the notion of Higher Education (HE) investment ‘paying off’ for individuals and society with graduate labour market outcomes increasingly being used to eval... Read More about Critical Perspectives on Graduate Employability.

Exploring performance management in four UK trade unions (2016)
Journal Article
Thursfield, D., & Grayley, K. (2016). Exploring performance management in four UK trade unions. Employee relations, 38(5), 789-804.

Purpose This article explores performance management in four UK trade unions. Specifically, the extent to which managers in the four unions accept or dismiss the unitarist, disciplinary and performative values that arguably characterise performance m... Read More about Exploring performance management in four UK trade unions.

Managing the Boundaries of Telework (2007)
Book Chapter
Musson, G., & Marsh, K. (2007). Managing the Boundaries of Telework. In S. Fineman (Ed.), The Emotional Organization: Passions and Power. Wiley

Men at work and at home: Managing emotion in telework (2007)
Journal Article
Marsh, K., & Musson, G. (2008). Men at work and at home: Managing emotion in telework. Gender, work, and organization, 15(1), 31-48.

Home-based telework, as one of the flexible working options available today, is unique in its ability to blur physically and emotionally the boundaries between work and home. This article explores how men experience working from home, how they constr... Read More about Men at work and at home: Managing emotion in telework.