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All Outputs (12)

Multicellular model of neuroblastoma proposes unconventional therapy based on multiple roles of p53 (2024)
Journal Article
Wertheim, K. Y., Chisholm, R., Richmond, P., & Walker, D. (2024). Multicellular model of neuroblastoma proposes unconventional therapy based on multiple roles of p53. PLoS Computational Biology, 20(12), Article e1012648.

Neuroblastoma is the most common extra-cranial solid tumour in children. Over half of all high-risk cases are expected to succumb to the disease even after chemotherapy, surgery, and immunotherapy. Although the importance of MYCN amplification in thi... Read More about Multicellular model of neuroblastoma proposes unconventional therapy based on multiple roles of p53.

A Single Shot Multi-Head Gender, Age, and Landmarks Detection using Shared Convolution Features (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khan, G., Pimbblet, K., Wertheim, K., & Ahmed, W. (2024, August). A Single Shot Multi-Head Gender, Age, and Landmarks Detection using Shared Convolution Features. Presented at 2024 29th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), Sunderland, United Kingdom

Considering the face as a vital and most informative portion of the human body, it reflects different high-level information about an individual. This high-level information includes Age, Gender, and Emotion. Facial muscles' shape and movement can be... Read More about A Single Shot Multi-Head Gender, Age, and Landmarks Detection using Shared Convolution Features.

A multiscale orchestrated computational framework to reveal emergent phenomena in neuroblastoma (2023)
Journal Article
Borau, C., Wertheim, K., Hervas-Raluy, S., Sainz-DeMena, D., Walker, D., Chisholm, R., Richmond, P., Varella, V., Viceconti, M., Montero, A., Gregori-Puigjané, E., Mestres, J., Kasztelnik, M., & García-Aznar, J. (2023). A multiscale orchestrated computational framework to reveal emergent phenomena in neuroblastoma. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 241, Article 107742.

Neuroblastoma is a complex and aggressive type of cancer that affects children. Current treatments involve a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and stem cell transplantation. However, treatment outcomes vary due to the heterogeneous... Read More about A multiscale orchestrated computational framework to reveal emergent phenomena in neuroblastoma.

Mathematical Model of Clonal Evolution Proposes a Personalised Multi-Modal Therapy for High-Risk Neuroblastoma (2023)
Journal Article
Italia, M., Wertheim, K. Y., Taschner-Mandl, S., Walker, D., & Dercole, F. (2023). Mathematical Model of Clonal Evolution Proposes a Personalised Multi-Modal Therapy for High-Risk Neuroblastoma. Cancers, 15(7), Article 1986.

Neuroblastoma is the most common extra-cranial solid tumour in children. Despite multi-modal therapy, over half of the high-risk patients will succumb. One contributing factor is the one-size-fits-all nature of multi-modal therapy. For example, durin... Read More about Mathematical Model of Clonal Evolution Proposes a Personalised Multi-Modal Therapy for High-Risk Neuroblastoma.

A theoretical analysis of the scale separation in a model to predict solid tumour growth (2022)
Journal Article
de Melo Quintela, B., Hervas-Raluy, S., Garcia-Aznar, J. M., Walker, D., Wertheim, K. Y., & Viceconti, M. (2022). A theoretical analysis of the scale separation in a model to predict solid tumour growth. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 547, Article 111173.

Solid tumour growth depends on a host of factors which affect the cell life cycle and extracellular matrix vascularization that leads to a favourable environment. The whole solid tumour can either grow or wither in response to the action of the immun... Read More about A theoretical analysis of the scale separation in a model to predict solid tumour growth.

A multi-approach and multi-scale platform to model CD4+ T cells responding to infections (2021)
Journal Article
Wertheim, K. Y., Puniya, B. L., La Fleur, A., Shah, A. R., Barberis, M., & Helikar, T. (2021). A multi-approach and multi-scale platform to model CD4+ T cells responding to infections. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(8), Article e1009209.

Immune responses rely on a complex adaptive system in which the body and infections interact at multiple scales and in different compartments. We developed a modular model of CD4+ T cells, which uses four modeling approaches to integrate processes at... Read More about A multi-approach and multi-scale platform to model CD4+ T cells responding to infections.

PRIMAGE project: predictive in silico multiscale analytics to support childhood cancer personalised evaluation empowered by imaging biomarkers (2020)
Journal Article
Martí-Bonmatí, L., Alberich-Bayarri, Á., Ladenstein, R., Blanquer, I., Segrelles, J. D., Cerdá-Alberich, L., Gkontra, P., Hero, B., García-Aznar, J. M., Keim, D., Jentner, W., Seymour, K., Jiménez-Pastor, A., González-Valverde, I., Martínez de las Heras, B., Essiaf, S., Walker, D., Rochette, M., Bubak, M., Mestres, J., …Neri, E. (2020). PRIMAGE project: predictive in silico multiscale analytics to support childhood cancer personalised evaluation empowered by imaging biomarkers. European Radiology Experimental, 4(1),

PRIMAGE is one of the largest and more ambitious research projects dealing with medical imaging, artificial intelligence and cancer treatment in children. It is a 4-year European Commission-financed project that has 16 European partners in the consor... Read More about PRIMAGE project: predictive in silico multiscale analytics to support childhood cancer personalised evaluation empowered by imaging biomarkers.

Can VEGFC Form Turing Patterns in the Zebrafish Embryo? (2019)
Journal Article
Wertheim, K. Y., & Roose, T. (2019). Can VEGFC Form Turing Patterns in the Zebrafish Embryo?. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81(4), 1201-1237.

This paper is concerned with a late stage of lymphangiogenesis in the trunk of the zebrafish embryo. At 48 hours post-fertilisation (HPF), a pool of parachordal lymphangioblasts (PLs) lies in the horizontal myoseptum. Between 48 and 168 HPF, the PLs... Read More about Can VEGFC Form Turing Patterns in the Zebrafish Embryo?.

A Mathematical Model of Lymphangiogenesis in a Zebrafish Embryo (2017)
Journal Article
Wertheim, K. Y., & Roose, T. (2017). A Mathematical Model of Lymphangiogenesis in a Zebrafish Embryo. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 79(4), 693-737.

The lymphatic system of a vertebrate is important in health and diseases. We propose a novel mathematical model to elucidate the lymphangiogenic processes in zebrafish embryos. Specifically, we are interested in the period when lymphatic endothelial... Read More about A Mathematical Model of Lymphangiogenesis in a Zebrafish Embryo.

QSAR analysis on tacrine-related acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (2014)
Journal Article
Wong, K. Y., Mercader, A. G., Saavedra, L. M., Honarparvar, B., Romanelli, G. P., & Duchowicz, P. R. (2014). QSAR analysis on tacrine-related acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Journal of Biomedical Science, 21, Article 84.

Background: The evaluation of the clinical effects of Tacrine has shown efficacy in delaying the deterioration of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, while confirming the adverse events consisting mainly in the elevated liver transaminase levels. Th... Read More about QSAR analysis on tacrine-related acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

Fabrication of a novel triphasic and bioactive ceramic and evaluation of its in vitro and in vivo cytocompatibility and osteogenesis (2014)
Journal Article
Roohani-Esfahani, S. I., Wong, K. Y., Lu, Z., Juan Chen, Y., Li, J. J., Gronthos, S., Menicanin, D., Shi, J., Dunstan, C., & Zreiqat, H. (2014). Fabrication of a novel triphasic and bioactive ceramic and evaluation of its in vitro and in vivo cytocompatibility and osteogenesis. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2(13), 1866-1878.

We report, for the first time, the synthesis of a novel triphasic and crystalline bioactive ceramic (MSM-10) with the ability to simultaneously release three types of bioactive ions (strontium (Sr), silicon (Si) and magnesium (Mg)) to the surrounding... Read More about Fabrication of a novel triphasic and bioactive ceramic and evaluation of its in vitro and in vivo cytocompatibility and osteogenesis.

QSAR applications during last decade on inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase in Alzheimer's disease (2012)
Journal Article
Wong, K. Y., Duchowicz, P. R., Mercader, A. G., & Castro, E. A. (2012). QSAR applications during last decade on inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase in Alzheimer's disease. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 12(10), 936-946.

This article reviews multi-criteria QSAR applications on Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors as palliative drugs for Alzheimer's Disease, published in the period 2001-2011. It includes QSAR models for different series of compounds, comparative studies, a... Read More about QSAR applications during last decade on inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase in Alzheimer's disease.