First source-to-sink monitoring shows dense head controls sediment flux and runout in turbidity currents
Journal Article
Pope, E. L., Cartigny, M. J., Clare, M. A., Talling, P. J., Lintern, D. G., Vellinga, A., Hage, S., Açikalin, S., Bailey, L., Chapplow, N., Chen, Y., Eggenhuisen, J. T., Hendry, A., Heerema, C. J., Heijnen, M., Hubbard, S. M., Hunt, J. E., McGhee, C., Parsons, D. R., Simmons, S. M., …Vendettuoli, D. (2022). First source-to-sink monitoring shows dense head controls sediment flux and runout in turbidity currents. Science Advances, 8(20), eabj3220.
Until recently, despite being one of the most important sediment transport phenomena on Earth, few direct measurements of turbidity currents existed. Consequently, their structure and evolution were poorly understood, particularly whether they are de... Read More about First source-to-sink monitoring shows dense head controls sediment flux and runout in turbidity currents.