Collaboration with service users to develop reusable learning objects: The ROOT to success
Journal Article
Needham, Y., Dearing, M., & Beadle, M. (2012). Collaboration with service users to develop reusable learning objects: The ROOT to success. Nurse education in practice, 12(6), 352 - 355.
All Outputs (7)
User participation in the development of learning materials for an online conference (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Beadle, M., & Needham, Y. (2010, September). User participation in the development of learning materials for an online conference. Presented at NET2010 Conference, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
User participation in the development of learning materials for an on line conference (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dearing, M., Needham, Y., & Beadle, M. (2010, September). User participation in the development of learning materials for an on line conference. Paper presented at Networking for Education in Healthcare, Cambridge
Using an online case conference to facilitate interprofessional learning (2009)
Journal Article
Santy, J., Beadle, M., & Needham, Y. (2009). Using an online case conference to facilitate interprofessional learning. Nurse education in practice, 9(6), 383-387. learning is seen as increasingly important for all health and social care workers. How this is integrated into the education of these workers is less clear and more of a challenge. This article describes an online learning activity... Read More about Using an online case conference to facilitate interprofessional learning.
The early benefits of a problem-based approach to teaching social inclusion using an online virtual town (2007)
Journal Article
Santy, J., & Beadle, M. (2008). The early benefits of a problem-based approach to teaching social inclusion using an online virtual town. Nurse education in practice, 8(3), 190-196. article describes the delivery of a core pre-registration nursing and midwifery module centred on social inclusion. The module was previously delivered using a classroom-based problem-based learning approach. Difficulties with this approach led... Read More about The early benefits of a problem-based approach to teaching social inclusion using an online virtual town.
A survey of postnatal debriefing (2003)
Journal Article
Steele, A. M., & Beadle, M. (2003). A survey of postnatal debriefing. Journal of advanced nursing, 43(2), 130-136. The evidence for postnatal debriefing generally lacks clarification of what postnatal debriefing constitutes. This is true of the recommendation in the United Kingdom for midwives to undertake 'active postnatal debriefing' (Department of... Read More about A survey of postnatal debriefing.
Crediting clinical practice (1997)
Journal Article
Paddison, J., & Beadle, M. (1997). Crediting clinical practice. Modern midwife, 7(6), 27 - 31