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All Outputs (4)

Cellular Senescence in Acute and Chronic Wound Repair (2022)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, H. N., & Hardman, M. J. (2022). Cellular Senescence in Acute and Chronic Wound Repair. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 14(11), Article a041221.

Cellular senescence, once thought an artifact of in vitro culture or passive outcome of aging, has emerged as fundamental to tissue development and function. The senescence mechanism importantly halts cell cycle progression to protect against tumor f... Read More about Cellular Senescence in Acute and Chronic Wound Repair.

Skin Aging in Long-Lived Naked Mole-Rats Is Accompanied by Increased Expression of Longevity-Associated and Tumor Suppressor Genes (2022)
Journal Article
Fatima, I., Chen, G., Botchkareva, N. V., Sharov, A. A., Thornton, D., Wilkinson, H. N., Hardman, M. J., Grutzkau, A., Pedro de Magalhaes, J., Seluanov, A., St J Smith, E., Gorbunova, V., Mardaryev, A. N., Faulkes, C. G., & Botchkarev, V. A. (in press). Skin Aging in Long-Lived Naked Mole-Rats Is Accompanied by Increased Expression of Longevity-Associated and Tumor Suppressor Genes. Journal of Investigative Dermatology,

Naked mole-rats (NMRs) (Heterocephalus glaber) are long-lived mammals that possess a natural resistance to cancer and other age-related pathologies, maintaining a healthy life span >30 years. In this study, using immunohistochemical and RNA-sequencin... Read More about Skin Aging in Long-Lived Naked Mole-Rats Is Accompanied by Increased Expression of Longevity-Associated and Tumor Suppressor Genes.

Cellular benefits of single-use negative pressure wound therapy demonstrated in a novel ex vivo human skin wound model (2020)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, H. N., Longhorne, F. L., Roberts, E. R., Brownhill, V. R., & Hardman, M. J. (in press). Cellular benefits of single-use negative pressure wound therapy demonstrated in a novel ex vivo human skin wound model. Wound Repair and Regeneration,

Negative pressure wound therapy is a widely used treatment for chronic, nonhealing wounds. Surprisingly, few studies have systematically evaluated the cellular and molecular effects of negative pressure treatment on human skin. In addition, no study... Read More about Cellular benefits of single-use negative pressure wound therapy demonstrated in a novel ex vivo human skin wound model.

Wound healing: Cellular mechanisms and pathological outcomes (2020)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, H. N., & Hardman, M. J. (2020). Wound healing: Cellular mechanisms and pathological outcomes. Open Biology, 10(9), Article 200223.

Wound healing is a complex, dynamic process supported by a myriad of cellular events that must be tightly coordinated to efficiently repair damaged tissue. Derangement in wound-linked cellular behaviours, as occurs with diabetes and ageing, can lead... Read More about Wound healing: Cellular mechanisms and pathological outcomes.