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Transparent PEM fuel cells for direct visualization experiments (2010)
Journal Article
Rosli, M. I., Borman, D. J., Ingham, D. B., Ismail, M. S., Ma, L., & Pourkashanian, M. (2010). Transparent PEM fuel cells for direct visualization experiments. Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 7(6), Article 061015.

This paper reviews some of the previous research works on direct visualization of water behavior inside proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells using a transparent single cell. Several papers which have employed the method have been selected and su... Read More about Transparent PEM fuel cells for direct visualization experiments.

Through-plane permeability for untreated and PTFE-treated gas diffusion layers in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (2010)
Journal Article
Ismail, M. S., Damjanovic, T., Hughes, K., Ingham, D. B., Ma, L., Pourkashanian, M., & Rosli, M. (2010). Through-plane permeability for untreated and PTFE-treated gas diffusion layers in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 7(5), Article 051016.

The through-plane permeability has been experimentally measured for untreated and polytetrafluoroethylene-treated (PTFE-treated) gas diffusion layers (GDLs), as used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Contrary to what the literature has previous... Read More about Through-plane permeability for untreated and PTFE-treated gas diffusion layers in proton exchange membrane fuel cells.

Effect of polytetrafluoroethylene-treatment and microporous layer-coating on the in-plane permeability of gas diffusion layers used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (2010)
Journal Article
Ismail, M. S., Damjanovic, T., Ingham, D. B., Ma, L., & Pourkashanian, M. (2010). Effect of polytetrafluoroethylene-treatment and microporous layer-coating on the in-plane permeability of gas diffusion layers used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of power sources, 195(19), 6619-6628.

The in-plane permeability has been experimentally estimated for a number of carbon substrates and microporous layer (MPL)-coated gas diffusion layers (GDLs) as used in proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. The results show that the in-plane perm... Read More about Effect of polytetrafluoroethylene-treatment and microporous layer-coating on the in-plane permeability of gas diffusion layers used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells.

Effect of polytetrafluoroethylene-treatment and microporous layer-coating on the electrical conductivity of gas diffusion layers used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (2009)
Journal Article
Ismail, M. S., Damjanovic, T., Ingham, D. B., Pourkashanian, M., & Westwood, A. (2010). Effect of polytetrafluoroethylene-treatment and microporous layer-coating on the electrical conductivity of gas diffusion layers used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of power sources, 195(9), 2700-2708.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of ploytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-treatment and microporous layer (MPL)-coating on the electrical conductivity of gas diffusion layers (GDLs), as used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMF... Read More about Effect of polytetrafluoroethylene-treatment and microporous layer-coating on the electrical conductivity of gas diffusion layers used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells.