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Fixed ‘Formative-Specific' Assessment Rubrics and ‘Formal’ Formative Assessment: Evolving formative assessment processes for a large-scale international student-taught master’s Education module (2025)
Journal Article
Minott, M., Holmes, A., & Hopkins, P. (2025). Fixed ‘Formative-Specific' Assessment Rubrics and ‘Formal’ Formative Assessment: Evolving formative assessment processes for a large-scale international student-taught master’s Education module. Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2, 95-130.

Assessment rubrics are a central component of developing students’ assessment literacy. They are usually used both for the summative assessment of learning, and, formatively, to develop students’ understanding of the standard of work required to be s... Read More about Fixed ‘Formative-Specific' Assessment Rubrics and ‘Formal’ Formative Assessment: Evolving formative assessment processes for a large-scale international student-taught master’s Education module.

Do tablets cure the pedagogy headache? (2016)
Journal Article
Hopkins, P. (2016). Do tablets cure the pedagogy headache?. Educationalfutures, 7(3), 27-47

Tablet devices have made a huge impact in schools and in 2015 they were predicted to outsell personal computers (Gartner, 2014). 70 per cent of UK schools are estimated to be using tablets (BBC, online) and across Europe, “laptops, tablets and net-bo... Read More about Do tablets cure the pedagogy headache?.

Barriers and challenges facing pre-service teachers use of mobile technologies for teaching and learning (2016)
Journal Article
Burden, K., & Hopkins, P. (2016). Barriers and challenges facing pre-service teachers use of mobile technologies for teaching and learning. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 8(2), 1-20.

This study examined the perceptions, attitudes and beliefs of pre-service teachers using the iPad for their professional learning purposes and for teaching during their school placements. The sample consisted of 117 pre-service teachers undertaking a... Read More about Barriers and challenges facing pre-service teachers use of mobile technologies for teaching and learning.

Responses of three Muslim majority primary schools in England to the Islamic faith of their pupils (2010)
Journal Article
Ipgrave, J., Miller, J., & Hopkins, P. (2010). Responses of three Muslim majority primary schools in England to the Islamic faith of their pupils. Journal of international migration and integration = Revue de l'intégration et de la migration internationele, 11(1), 73-89.

This paper considers the responses of three English primary schools to the education of their Muslim pupils. It begins by setting out the context of discussion about Muslims and education in Europe as well as by describing some of the structural and... Read More about Responses of three Muslim majority primary schools in England to the Islamic faith of their pupils.