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All Outputs (9)

Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality (2019)
Grabher, B. Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In the context of the transformative ambitions of event-based, culture-led urban regeneration, this thesis interrogates the production of cultures of gender equality in City/ Capital of Culture mega-events. Inspired by Donostia/ San Sebastián as Euro... Read More about Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality.

Fathering in the city : diverse masculinities and care giving practices in New York City (2019)
Gallais, C. Fathering in the city : diverse masculinities and care giving practices in New York City. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis is about primary caregiving fathers in New York City. It aims to explore the changing nature of masculinities in relation to fatherhood. Starting with the premise that not all masculinities are equal, it asks whether, and if yes, how, dif... Read More about Fathering in the city : diverse masculinities and care giving practices in New York City.

Equality building in Europe: praxis, paradoxes, and the transformative potential of gender+ training (2019)
Enderstein, A.-M. Equality building in Europe: praxis, paradoxes, and the transformative potential of gender+ training. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The last six decades have seen measurable progress in equality policies and projects in Europe, but as existing research demonstrates, this work is characterised by paradoxes and faces significant opposition in the current sociopolitical environment.... Read More about Equality building in Europe: praxis, paradoxes, and the transformative potential of gender+ training.

An ethnographic study of women's experiences of breastfeeding in the Karo Highlands of Indonesia (2018)
Pinem, M. L. An ethnographic study of women's experiences of breastfeeding in the Karo Highlands of Indonesia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis is an ethnographic study of women's experiences of breastfeeding. Based in the Karo Highlands of Indonesia on the island of Sumatera and a marginalised location in terms of geography, ethnicity, religion, and state policy, the aim of this... Read More about An ethnographic study of women's experiences of breastfeeding in the Karo Highlands of Indonesia.

Commercialization of agriculture in Nigeria : a gender analysis of cash crop production in Yekemi, Osun State (2015)
Afolabi, M. M. Commercialization of agriculture in Nigeria : a gender analysis of cash crop production in Yekemi, Osun State. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The commercialization of agriculture is seen as a cornerstone of processes of development and modernisation and the incorporation of rural farmers into this economy shows their importance as a major pillar in the economy. In Nigeria, cash crop produc... Read More about Commercialization of agriculture in Nigeria : a gender analysis of cash crop production in Yekemi, Osun State.

Part-time study, full-time lives: Stories of success from part-time undergraduate students (2008)
Medhurst, P. W. Part-time study, full-time lives: Stories of success from part-time undergraduate students. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis is concerned with part-time undergraduate students within the higher education system in England. In particular it focusses on the strategies this group of students employ to complete their degrees successfully. I place the experience of... Read More about Part-time study, full-time lives: Stories of success from part-time undergraduate students.

Fatherhood, masculinity and anger: men understanding emotion work in families (2008)
Jarrell, C. R. Fatherhood, masculinity and anger: men understanding emotion work in families. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The objectives of this thesis are:

1. To contribute to the contemporary agenda on research into fatherhood by focusing on the successes and difficulties of fathers being more involved in the intimate care of their children.

2. To contribute to... Read More about Fatherhood, masculinity and anger: men understanding emotion work in families.

Women who kill their abusive partners : an analysis of queer theory, social justice and the criminal law (2002)
Carline, A. Women who kill their abusive partners : an analysis of queer theory, social justice and the criminal law. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis examines the criminal law's treatment of women who kill their abusive partners through a theoretical framework developed from queer theory and social justice. More specifically, in relation to queer theory, the thesis considers the work o... Read More about Women who kill their abusive partners : an analysis of queer theory, social justice and the criminal law.