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All Outputs (29)

Coming down on the winning side: Britain and the South Asia crisis, 1971 (2010)
Journal Article
Smith, S. C. (2010). Coming down on the winning side: Britain and the South Asia crisis, 1971. Contemporary British History, 24(4), 451-470.

The 1971 South Asia crisis demonstrated that Britain, despite the contemporaneous discussions which were taking place over British accession to the European Economic Community, continued to possess global interests. After a brief period of neutrality... Read More about Coming down on the winning side: Britain and the South Asia crisis, 1971.

Conflict and collaboration: Britain and Sultan Ibrahim of Johore (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, S. C. Conflict and collaboration: Britain and Sultan Ibrahim of Johore

The establishment of workable collaborative relations with indigenous elites formed a vital part of the maintenance of the British Empire. This was especially so in the Malay States, where the Malay rulers enjoyed considerable local prestige as relig... Read More about Conflict and collaboration: Britain and Sultan Ibrahim of Johore.

Reassessing Suez 1956: new perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath (2008)
Smith, S. C. (Ed.). (2008). Reassessing Suez 1956: new perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath. Ashgate.

The nationalization of the Suez Canal in 1956 triggered one of the gravest international crises since the Second World War. The fiftieth anniversary of the Suez crisis in 2006 presented an ideal opportunity to re-visit and reassess this seminal episo... Read More about Reassessing Suez 1956: new perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath.

An empire built on sand (2008)
Book Chapter
Smith, S. (2008). An empire built on sand. In Britain and the Middle East: from imperial power to junior partner (48 - 65). Sussex Academic Press

Britain's revival and fall in the Gulf: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States, 1950-71 (2004)
Smith, S. C. (2004). Britain's revival and fall in the Gulf: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States, 1950-71. Routledge.

© 2004 Simon C. Smith. All rights reserved. Britain's relationship with the Gulf region remains one of the few unexplored episodes in the study of British decolonization. The decision, announced in 1968, to leave the Gulf within three years represent... Read More about Britain's revival and fall in the Gulf: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States, 1950-71.

Revolution and reaction: South Arabia in the aftermath of the Yemeni revolution (2000)
Book Chapter
Smith, S. C. (2000). Revolution and reaction: South Arabia in the aftermath of the Yemeni revolution. In K. Fedorowich, & M. Thomas (Eds.), International Diplomacy and Colonial Retreat (193-208). Frank Cass.

‘It seems to me unthinkable’, remarked the Governor of Aden, Sir William Luce, in 1960, ‘that we should make use of this area for our own purposes and then eventually abandon it to chaos and leave its people at the mercy of the Yemen, Saudi Arabia an... Read More about Revolution and reaction: South Arabia in the aftermath of the Yemeni revolution.