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All Outputs (28)

Exploring Alcohol Withdrawal and Frequent Hospital Readmissions (2024)
Cragg, B. (2024). Exploring Alcohol Withdrawal and Frequent Hospital Readmissions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic literature review examined the possible key factors that put individuals more at risk of returning to hospital repeatedly, in relation to alcohol wit... Read More about Exploring Alcohol Withdrawal and Frequent Hospital Readmissions.

Social rank and psychological distress: understanding the protective role of compassion (2024)
Cheung-Cook, T. (2024). Social rank and psychological distress: understanding the protective role of compassion. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
Part One is a systematic review of the literature regarding social rank changes following compassion-based interventions. This review contributes to the evidence su... Read More about Social rank and psychological distress: understanding the protective role of compassion.

Systemic factors in compassionate healthcare: predictors and organisational interventions (2024)
Tunstall, L. (2024). Systemic factors in compassionate healthcare: predictors and organisational interventions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts: a systematic literature review, an empirical paper, and appendices. This thesis aims to explore the systemic factors in compassionate healthcare, namely predictors of submissive compassion and healthcare s... Read More about Systemic factors in compassionate healthcare: predictors and organisational interventions.

Post-traumatic Growth Following an Acquired Brain Injury (2024)
Reddy, A. (2024). Post-traumatic Growth Following an Acquired Brain Injury. (Thesis). University Of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic literature review explored whether social support facilitated post-traumatic growth (PTG) following an acquired brain injury (ABI). Eleven studies we... Read More about Post-traumatic Growth Following an Acquired Brain Injury.

Exploring resilience in decision making for breast reconstruction in women with breast cancer (2024)
Revell, K. (2024). Exploring resilience in decision making for breast reconstruction in women with breast cancer. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic literature review explored women’s experiences of shared decision-making for breast reconstruction following a mastectomy. Following a systematic sea... Read More about Exploring resilience in decision making for breast reconstruction in women with breast cancer.

Healthcare Professionals’ Views on the Effect of Media on Self-Harm in Young People (2024)
Denipitiya, T. (2024). Healthcare Professionals’ Views on the Effect of Media on Self-Harm in Young People. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic literature review explored doctors’ and nurses’ views of self-harm in the UK. A systematic search identified ten suitable papers, which were evaluate... Read More about Healthcare Professionals’ Views on the Effect of Media on Self-Harm in Young People.

The kids and the carers: An exploration into wellbeing and identity formation for care experienced young people and those who support them. (2024)
Wilsher, M. The kids and the carers: An exploration into wellbeing and identity formation for care experienced young people and those who support them. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts: a systematic review of the literature, an empirical paper, and appendices. The thesis aims to explore the lived experiences of care experienced young people’s identity and the wellbeing of those who suppor... Read More about The kids and the carers: An exploration into wellbeing and identity formation for care experienced young people and those who support them..

The Role of Compassion in the Psychological Impact of Functional Seizures (2023)
Utting, A. L. The Role of Compassion in the Psychological Impact of Functional Seizures. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic literature review aimed to synthesise the evidence base of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and third-wave approaches to assess their effectivenes... Read More about The Role of Compassion in the Psychological Impact of Functional Seizures.

Exploring the Experiences of Compassion in Men Living with Infertility (2023)
Wallis, E. C. M. Exploring the Experiences of Compassion in Men Living with Infertility. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts: a systematic literature review, an empirical paper, and appendices.
Part One: The systematic literature review explores perceptions of masculinity in the context of infertility for men. A systematic searc... Read More about Exploring the Experiences of Compassion in Men Living with Infertility.

Measuring aspects of self in dementia and investigating the validity of a self-compassion scale (2023)
Baggaley, J. A. Measuring aspects of self in dementia and investigating the validity of a self-compassion scale. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This portfolio thesis consists of three parts. Part one is a systematic literature review, part two is an empirical paper and part three forms the accompanying appendices. Overall, they aim to evaluate and to add to the existing literature in relatio... Read More about Measuring aspects of self in dementia and investigating the validity of a self-compassion scale.

Exploring the Role of Parenting and Social Media in the Experiences of Transgender Individuals (2023)
Carrick, O. Exploring the Role of Parenting and Social Media in the Experiences of Transgender Individuals. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This portfolio thesis consists of three parts: a systematic literature review, an empirical paper, and the appendices. Together, they provide a greater understanding of the role of parenting and social media in the experiences of transgender individu... Read More about Exploring the Role of Parenting and Social Media in the Experiences of Transgender Individuals.

The factors impacting Critical Care Nurses' decision-making processes in continuous renal replacement therapy. (2023)
Smith, N. D. The factors impacting Critical Care Nurses' decision-making processes in continuous renal replacement therapy. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) is a common treatment intervention in critical care units worldwide. It provides supportive therapy for critically ill patients with severe kidney dysfunction. Efforts to optimise its clinical... Read More about The factors impacting Critical Care Nurses' decision-making processes in continuous renal replacement therapy..

A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations (2018)
Journal Article
Dixon, L., Sanderson, C., Alexander, T., & Holt, L. (2018). A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy, 08(03), Article 343.

Objectives: Hallucinations can be traumatic. However, research into 'post-traumatic growth' in relation to hallucinations is scarce. This study aims to further our understanding of personal growth in the context of hallucinations. Design: A phenomeno... Read More about A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations.

The relationship between perceived organisational threat and compassion for others: Implications for the NHS (2017)
Journal Article
Henshall, L. E., Alexander, T., Molyneux, P., Gardiner, E., & McLellan, A. (2018). The relationship between perceived organisational threat and compassion for others: Implications for the NHS. Clinical psychology and psychotherapy : an international journal of theory & practice, 25(2), 231-249.

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The National Health Service (NHS) is known to be a challenging place to work, with financial and performance targets placing increasing pressure on the organisation. This study aimed to investigate whether these press... Read More about The relationship between perceived organisational threat and compassion for others: Implications for the NHS.

Cognitive correlates of pragmatic language comprehension in adult traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and meta-analyses (2017)
Journal Article
Rowley, D. A., Rogish, M., Alexander, T., & Riggs, K. J. (2017). Cognitive correlates of pragmatic language comprehension in adult traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and meta-analyses. Brain Injury, 31(12), 1564-1574.

Effective pragmatic comprehension of language is critical for successful communication and interaction, but this ability is routinely impaired following Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) [1,2]. Individual studies have investigated the cognitive domains as... Read More about Cognitive correlates of pragmatic language comprehension in adult traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and meta-analyses.

Counter-intuitive moral judgement following traumatic brain injury (2017)
Journal Article
Rowley, D. A., Rogish, M., Alexander, T., & Riggs, K. J. (2018). Counter-intuitive moral judgement following traumatic brain injury. Journal of neuropsychology, 12(2), 200-215.

Several neurological patient populations, including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), appear to produce an abnormally ‘utilitarian’ pattern of judgements to moral dilemmas; they tend to make judgements that maximise the welfare of the majority, rather th... Read More about Counter-intuitive moral judgement following traumatic brain injury.

The relationship between self-blame for the onset of a chronic physical health condition and emotional distress : a systematic literature review (2016)
Journal Article
Callebaut, L., Molyneux, P., & Alexander, T. (2017). The relationship between self-blame for the onset of a chronic physical health condition and emotional distress : a systematic literature review. Clinical psychology and psychotherapy : an international journal of theory & practice, 24(4), 965-986.

Objective: Past literature presents contrasting perspectives regarding the potential influence of self-blame on adjustment to illness. This systematic literature review aimed to summarise findings from all investigations to date that have explored th... Read More about The relationship between self-blame for the onset of a chronic physical health condition and emotional distress : a systematic literature review.

When is better really better? Individuals' experiences of treatment for OAB with anticholinergic medication (2016)
Journal Article
Kinsey, D., Alexander, T., Glover, L., Pretorius, S., Kraus, S., & Duggan, P. (2017). When is better really better? Individuals' experiences of treatment for OAB with anticholinergic medication. International Journal of Urological Nursing, 11(1), 42-51.

Overactive bladder (OAB) has been found to have a number of psychological consequences, including anxiety, depression and shame. However, there is little research on how drug treatment, which has been found to be effective at reducing physical sympto... Read More about When is better really better? Individuals' experiences of treatment for OAB with anticholinergic medication.

The mediating role of illness perceptions in psychological outcomes in overactive bladder (2014)
Journal Article
Pretorius, S., Kinsey, D., Alexander, T., Glover, L., Kraus, S., & Duggan, P. (2014). The mediating role of illness perceptions in psychological outcomes in overactive bladder. International Journal of Urological Nursing, 8(3), 151-160.

Overactive bladder (OAB) is condition, characterized by urinary urgency, frequency and incontinence, which has the potential to disrupt everyday life considerably. Although there is evidence that antimuscarinic treatment is effective at treating phys... Read More about The mediating role of illness perceptions in psychological outcomes in overactive bladder.