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All Outputs (88)

Gypsum addition to soils contaminated by red mud: implications for aluminium, arsenic, molybdenum and vanadium solubility (2013)
Journal Article
Lehoux, A. P., Lockwood, C. L., Mayes, W. M., Stewart, D. I., Mortimer, R. J. G., Gruiz, K., & Burke, I. T. (2013). Gypsum addition to soils contaminated by red mud: implications for aluminium, arsenic, molybdenum and vanadium solubility. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 35(5), 643-656.

Red mud is highly alkaline (pH 13), saline and can contain elevated concentrations of several potentially toxic elements (e.g. Al, As, Mo and V). Release of up to 1 million m3 of bauxite residue (red mud) suspension from the Ajka repository, western... Read More about Gypsum addition to soils contaminated by red mud: implications for aluminium, arsenic, molybdenum and vanadium solubility.

Behavior of aluminum, arsenic, and vanadium during the neutralization of red mud leachate by HCl, gypsum, or seawater (2013)
Journal Article
Burke, I. T., Peacock, C. L., Lockwood, C. L., Stewart, D. I., Mortimer, R. J. G., Ward, M. B., Renforth, P., Gruiz, K., & Mayes, W. M. (2013). Behavior of aluminum, arsenic, and vanadium during the neutralization of red mud leachate by HCl, gypsum, or seawater. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(12), 6527-6535.

Red mud leachate (pH 13) collected from Ajka, Hungary is neutralized to < pH 10 by HCl, gypsum, or seawater addition. During acid neutralization >99% Al is removed from solution during the formation of an amorphous boehmite-like precipitate and dawso... Read More about Behavior of aluminum, arsenic, and vanadium during the neutralization of red mud leachate by HCl, gypsum, or seawater.

Mine water geochemistry and metal flux in a major historic Pb-Zn-F orefield, the Yorkshire Pennines, UK (2013)
Journal Article
Jones, A., Rogerson, M., Greenway, G., Potter, H. A., & Mayes, W. M. (2013). Mine water geochemistry and metal flux in a major historic Pb-Zn-F orefield, the Yorkshire Pennines, UK. Environmental science and pollution research, 20(11), 7570-7581.

Recent studies have shown up to 6 % of rivers in England and Wales to be impacted by discharges from abandoned metal mines. Despite the large extent of impacts, there are still many areas where mine water impact assessments are limited by data availa... Read More about Mine water geochemistry and metal flux in a major historic Pb-Zn-F orefield, the Yorkshire Pennines, UK.

Riverine Flux of Metals from Historically Mined Orefields in England and Wales (2013)
Journal Article
Mayes, W. M., Potter, H. A. B., & Jarvis, A. P. (2013). Riverine Flux of Metals from Historically Mined Orefields in England and Wales. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 224(2), Article 1425.

The flux of metals at the tidal limits of major rivers are an important metric of freshwater contaminant transfer to marine habitats, reported in Northeast Atlantic bordering countries under the 1992 Oslo-Paris (OSPAR) Convention. This paper presents... Read More about Riverine Flux of Metals from Historically Mined Orefields in England and Wales.

Ecotoxicity of fluvial sediments downstream of the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary (2012)
Journal Article
Klebercz, O., Mayes, W. M., Anton, Á. D., Feigl, V., Jarvis, A. P., & Gruiz, K. (2012). Ecotoxicity of fluvial sediments downstream of the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14(8), 2063-2071.

An integrated assessment of biological activity and ecotoxicity of fluvial sediments in the Marcal river catchment (3078 km2), western Hungary, is presented following the accidental spill of bauxite processing residue (red mud) in Ajka. Red mud conta... Read More about Ecotoxicity of fluvial sediments downstream of the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary.

Speciation of arsenic, chromium, and vanadium in red mud samples from the Ajka spill site, Hungary (2012)
Journal Article
Burke, I. T., Mayes, W. M., Peacock, C. L., Brown, A. P., Jarvis, A. P., & Gruiz, K. (2012). Speciation of arsenic, chromium, and vanadium in red mud samples from the Ajka spill site, Hungary. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(6), 3085-3092.

Results are presented from X-ray absorption spectroscopy based analysis of As, Cr and V speciation within samples of bauxite ore processing residue (red mud) collected from the spill site at Ajka, Western Hungary. Cr K-edge XANES analysis found that... Read More about Speciation of arsenic, chromium, and vanadium in red mud samples from the Ajka spill site, Hungary.

Contaminant mobility and carbon sequestration downstream of the Ajka (Hungary) red mud spill : the effects of gypsum dosing (2012)
Journal Article
Renforth, P., Mayes, W. M., Jarvis, A. P., Burke, I. T., Manning, D. A., & Gruiz, K. (2012). Contaminant mobility and carbon sequestration downstream of the Ajka (Hungary) red mud spill : the effects of gypsum dosing. Science of the Total Environment, 421-422, 253-259.

A number of emergency pollution management measures were enacted after the accidental release of caustic bauxite processing residue that occurred in Ajka, western Hungary in October, 2010. These centred on acid and gypsum dosing to reduce pH and mini... Read More about Contaminant mobility and carbon sequestration downstream of the Ajka (Hungary) red mud spill : the effects of gypsum dosing.

Treatment of zinc-rich acid mine water in low residence time bioreactors incorporating waste shells and methanol dosing. (2011)
Journal Article
Mayes, W., Davis, J., Silva, V., & Jarvis, A. P. (2011). Treatment of zinc-rich acid mine water in low residence time bioreactors incorporating waste shells and methanol dosing. Journal of hazardous materials, 193, 279-287.

Bioreactors utilising bacterially mediated sulphate reduction (BSR) have been widely tested for treating metal-rich waters, but sustained treatment of mobile metals (e.g. Zn) can be difficult to achieve in short residence time systems. Data are prese... Read More about Treatment of zinc-rich acid mine water in low residence time bioreactors incorporating waste shells and methanol dosing..

Analysis of long term hydrological records to assess the changing regime and pathways in oil shale mining districts of North East Estonia (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vaht, R., Mayes, W. M., Sepp, M., Järvet, A., & Mander, Ü. Analysis of long term hydrological records to assess the changing regime and pathways in oil shale mining districts of North East Estonia. Presented at River Basin Management VI

This paper documents long term (1923-2005) changes in surface drainage areas and run-off characteristics in two small to medium (100-1000 km2) rivers draining part of the Ordovician oil shale field of north east Estonia. The changing regime in the he... Read More about Analysis of long term hydrological records to assess the changing regime and pathways in oil shale mining districts of North East Estonia.

Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka bauxite residue (red mud) depository failure, Hungary (2011)
Journal Article
Mayes, W. M., Jarvis, A. P., Burke, I. T., Walton, M., Feigl, V., Klebercz, O., & Gruiz, K. (2011). Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka bauxite residue (red mud) depository failure, Hungary. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(12), 5147-5155.

This paper identifies the spatial extent of bauxite processing residue (red mud)-derived contaminants and modes of transport within the Marcal and Raba river systems after the dike failure at Ajka, western Hungary. The geochemical signature of the re... Read More about Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka bauxite residue (red mud) depository failure, Hungary.

Seasonal and spatial variation of diffuse (non-point) source zinc pollution in a historically metal mined river catchment, UK (2011)
Journal Article
Gozzard, E., Mayes, W., Potter, H., & Jarvis, A. (2011). Seasonal and spatial variation of diffuse (non-point) source zinc pollution in a historically metal mined river catchment, UK. Environmental pollution, 159(10), 3113-3122.

Quantifying diffuse sources of pollution is becoming increasingly important when characterising river catchments in entirety e a prerequisite for environmental management. This study examines both low and high flow events, as well as spatial variabil... Read More about Seasonal and spatial variation of diffuse (non-point) source zinc pollution in a historically metal mined river catchment, UK.

Speciation of contaminant metals in red mud from Ajka, Hungary (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Burke, I. T., Mayes, W. M., Peacock, C. L., Brown, A. P., Jarvis, A. P., & Gruiz, K. Speciation of contaminant metals in red mud from Ajka, Hungary. Presented at Goldschmidt 2011 Conference

The catastrophic failure of the sludge dam at the Ajkai Timfoldgyar Zrt alumina plant in Hungary on the 4th October 2010 resulted in the release of 700000 m 3 of caustic metalliferous red mud. Red mud leachate is hyperalkaline (pH 13) has elevated c... Read More about Speciation of contaminant metals in red mud from Ajka, Hungary.

Remediation of Aquatic Post-Industrial Inorganic Pollutants (2011)
Book Chapter
Mayes, W. M., & Jarvis, A. P. (2011). Remediation of Aquatic Post-Industrial Inorganic Pollutants. In J. Nriagu (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (789-800). Elsevier.

Pollution from abandoned mines can be a major and persistent source of degradation to the health of the water environment. This article reviews the nature of these impacts. The most important of these are usually the chemical changes that occur with... Read More about Remediation of Aquatic Post-Industrial Inorganic Pollutants.

Inventory of aquatic contaminant flux arising from historical metal mining in England and Wales (2010)
Journal Article
Mayes, W. M., Potter, H. A. B., & Jarvis, A. P. (2010). Inventory of aquatic contaminant flux arising from historical metal mining in England and Wales. Science of the Total Environment, 408(17), 3576-3583.

The impact of discharges from abandoned metal and ironstone mines has been a much studied form of aquatic pollution in recent decades. Few attempts however, have been made to accurately determine the overall contaminant mass flux arising from abandon... Read More about Inventory of aquatic contaminant flux arising from historical metal mining in England and Wales.

A national strategy for identification, prioritisation and management of pollution from abandoned non-coal mine sites in England and Wales. I.: methodology development and initial results (2009)
Journal Article
Mayes, W., Johnston, D., Potter, H., & Jarvis, A. (2009). A national strategy for identification, prioritisation and management of pollution from abandoned non-coal mine sites in England and Wales. I.: methodology development and initial results. Science of the Total Environment, 407(21), 5435-5447.

In regions affected by historic non-coal (principally metal) mining activity, government agencies are often faced with the challenge of deploying limited remedial resources at abandoned mine sites to achieve maximum improvements in the chemical and e... Read More about A national strategy for identification, prioritisation and management of pollution from abandoned non-coal mine sites in England and Wales. I.: methodology development and initial results.

Preliminary evaluation of a constructed wetland for treating extremely alkaline (pH 12) steel slag drainage (2009)
Journal Article
Mayes, W. M., Aumônier, J., & Jarvis, A. P. (2009). Preliminary evaluation of a constructed wetland for treating extremely alkaline (pH 12) steel slag drainage. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research, 59(11), 2253-2263.

High pH (> 12) leachates are an environmental problem associated with drainage from lime (CaO)rich industrial residues such as steel slags, lime spoil and coal combustion residues. Recent research has highlighted the potential for natural ('volunteer... Read More about Preliminary evaluation of a constructed wetland for treating extremely alkaline (pH 12) steel slag drainage.

Basin scale fluxes of metals from historically mined orefields in the UK. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mayes, W. M., Rolls, T., Potter, H. A., & Jarvis, A. P. (2009, June). Basin scale fluxes of metals from historically mined orefields in the UK. Presented at 8th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage

The flux of metals at the tidal limits of major rivers are an important metric of freshwater contaminant transfer to marine habitats, reported in North-East Atlantic bordering countries under the 1992 OSPAR Convention. This paper critically assesses... Read More about Basin scale fluxes of metals from historically mined orefields in the UK..

Wetland treatment at extremes of pH: A review (2008)
Journal Article
Mayes, W. M., Batty, L. C., Younger, P. L., Jarvis, A. P., Kõiv, M., Vohla, C., & Mander, U. (2009). Wetland treatment at extremes of pH: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 407(13), 3944-3957.

Constructed wetlands are an established treatment technology for a diverse range of polluted effluents. There is a long history of using wetlands as a unit process in treating acid mine drainage, while recent research has highlighted the potential fo... Read More about Wetland treatment at extremes of pH: A review.

Hydrogeochemistry of alkaline steel slag leachates in the UK (2008)
Journal Article
Mayes, W. M., Younger, P. L., & Aumônier, J. (2008). Hydrogeochemistry of alkaline steel slag leachates in the UK. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 195(1-4), 35-50.

Drainage from steel slag disposal sites can be extremely alkaline and a source of pollution to surface and ground waters. Data is presented detailing the hydrogeochemistry of seven highly alkaline (pH > 10) steel slag surface discharges in the UK. Wh... Read More about Hydrogeochemistry of alkaline steel slag leachates in the UK.