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Report: Deprescribing medicines in older people living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: the TAILOR evidence synthesis (2022)
Journal Article
Reeve, J., Maden, M., Hill, R., Turk, A., Mahtani, K., Wong, G., Lasserson, D., Krska, J., Mangin, D., Byng, R., Wallace, E., & Ranson, E. (2022). Report: Deprescribing medicines in older people living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: the TAILOR evidence synthesis. Health Technology Assessment, 26(32), VII-108.

Background: Tackling problematic polypharmacy requires tailoring the use of medicines to individual needs and circumstances. This may involve stopping medicines (deprescribing) but patients and clinicians report uncertainty on how best to do this. Th... Read More about Report: Deprescribing medicines in older people living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: the TAILOR evidence synthesis.

Translating qualitative data into intervention content using the Theoretical Domains Framework and stakeholder co-design: a worked example from a study of cervical screening attendance in older women (2022)
Journal Article
Bravington, A., Chen, H., Dyson, J., Jones, L., Dalgliesh, C., Bryan, A., Patnick, J., & Macleod, U. (2022). Translating qualitative data into intervention content using the Theoretical Domains Framework and stakeholder co-design: a worked example from a study of cervical screening attendance in older women. BMC health services research, 22(1), Article 610.

Background: Previous screening interventions have demonstrated a series of features related to social determinants which have increased uptake in targeted populations, including the assessment of health beliefs and barriers to screening attendance as... Read More about Translating qualitative data into intervention content using the Theoretical Domains Framework and stakeholder co-design: a worked example from a study of cervical screening attendance in older women.