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The temporal selfish herd: predation risk while aggregations form (2010)
Journal Article
Morrell, L. J., Ruxton, G. D., & James, R. (2011). The temporal selfish herd: predation risk while aggregations form. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278(1705), 605-612.

The hypothesis of the selfish herd has been highly influential to our understanding of animal aggregation. Various movement strategies have been proposed by which individuals might aggregate to form a selfish herd as a defence against predation, but... Read More about The temporal selfish herd: predation risk while aggregations form.

A protocol for stocking hatchery reared freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (2010)
Journal Article
Bolland, J. D., Bracken, L. J., Martin, R., & Lucas, M. C. (2010). A protocol for stocking hatchery reared freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. Aquatic conservation : marine and freshwater ecosystems, 20(6), 695-704.

1.Freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) populations are under serious threat of extinction throughout their geographical range and only a few remnant populations are recruiting to adulthood. Consequently, M. margaritifera is classi... Read More about A protocol for stocking hatchery reared freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera.

Inland capture fisheries (2010)
Journal Article
Welcomme, R. L., Cowx, I. G., Coates, D., Béné, C., Funge-Smith, S., Halls, A., & Lorenzen, K. (2010). Inland capture fisheries. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 365(1554), 2881-2896.

The reported annual yield from inland capture fisheries in 2008 was over 10 million tonnes, although real catches are probably considerably higher than this. Inland fisheries are extremely complex, and in many cases poorly understood. The numerous wa... Read More about Inland capture fisheries.

Evolutionary origin and phylogeography of the diploid obligate parthenogen Artemia parthenogenetica (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) (2010)
Journal Article
Muñoz, J., Gomez, A., Green, A. J., Figuerola, J., Amat, F., & Rico, C. (2010). Evolutionary origin and phylogeography of the diploid obligate parthenogen Artemia parthenogenetica (Branchiopoda: Anostraca). PLoS ONE, 5(8), e11932.

Background: Understanding the evolutionary origin and the phylogeographic patterns of asexual taxa can shed light on the origin and maintenance of sexual reproduction. We assessed the geographic origin, genetic diversity, and phylogeographic history... Read More about Evolutionary origin and phylogeography of the diploid obligate parthenogen Artemia parthenogenetica (Branchiopoda: Anostraca).

Effects of estrogen exposure in mussels, Mytilus edulis, at different stages of gametogenesis (2010)
Journal Article
Ciocan, C. M., Cubero-Leon, E., Puinean, A. M., Hill, E. M., Minier, C., Osada, M., Fenlon, K., & Rotchell, J. M. (2010). Effects of estrogen exposure in mussels, Mytilus edulis, at different stages of gametogenesis. Environmental pollution, 158(9), 2977-2984.

Mytilus edulis were exposed to 17β-estradiol (E2) and the synthetic estrogens ethinyl estradiol (EE2) and estradiol benzoate (EB) for 10 days. Two exposures were performed to determine their effect on vitellogenin (VTG) and estrogen receptor 2 (ER2)... Read More about Effects of estrogen exposure in mussels, Mytilus edulis, at different stages of gametogenesis.

Positive allometry and the prehistory of sexual selection (2010)
Journal Article
Tomkins, J. L., Lebas, N. R., Witton, M. P., Martill, D. M., & Humphries, S. (2010). Positive allometry and the prehistory of sexual selection. The American naturalist, 176(2), 141-148.

The function of the exaggerated structures that adorn many fossil vertebrates remains largely unresolved. One recurrent hypothesis is that these elaborated traits had a role in thermoregulation. This orthodoxy persists despite the observation that tr... Read More about Positive allometry and the prehistory of sexual selection.

Evaluation of extraction methods for use with NMR-based metabolomics in the marine polychaete ragworm, Hediste diversicolor (2010)
Journal Article
del Carmen Alvarez, M., Donarski, J. A., Elliott, M., & Charlton, A. J. (2010). Evaluation of extraction methods for use with NMR-based metabolomics in the marine polychaete ragworm, Hediste diversicolor. Metabolomics, 6(4), 541-549.

The sediment-dwelling polychaete, Hediste diversicolor, is commonly found in Northern temperate estuaries. Its limited mobility and tolerance to polluted conditions makes it a good candidate for biological monitoring. Moreover, its importance in the... Read More about Evaluation of extraction methods for use with NMR-based metabolomics in the marine polychaete ragworm, Hediste diversicolor.

Harmonizing recreational fisheries and conservation objectives for aquatic biodiversity in inland waters (2010)
Journal Article
Cowx, I. G., Arlinghaus, R., & Cooke, S. J. (2010). Harmonizing recreational fisheries and conservation objectives for aquatic biodiversity in inland waters. Journal of fish biology, 76(9), 2194-2215.

The importance of recreational fisheries to local and national economies, and as a generator of immense social welfare throughout the developed world, is well established. Development in the sector and its interaction with non-fishery-related nature... Read More about Harmonizing recreational fisheries and conservation objectives for aquatic biodiversity in inland waters.

Fish migration, dams, and loss of ecosystem services in the Mekong basin (2010)
Journal Article
Dugan, P. J., Barlow, C., Agostinho, A. A., Baran, E., Cada, G. F., Chen, D., Cowx, I. G., Ferguson, J. W., Jutagate, T., Mallen-Cooper, M., Marmulla, G., Nestler, J., Petrere, M., Welcomme, R. L., & Winemiller, K. O. (2010). Fish migration, dams, and loss of ecosystem services in the Mekong basin. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 39(4), 344-348.

The past decade has seen increased international recognition of the importance of the services provided by natural ecosystems. It is unclear however whether such international awareness will lead to improved environmental management in many regions.... Read More about Fish migration, dams, and loss of ecosystem services in the Mekong basin.

Raising awareness of amphibian chytridiomycosis will not alienate ecotourists visiting Madagascar (2010)
Journal Article
Wollenberg, K. C., Jenkins, R. K., Randrianavelona, R., Ralisata, M., Rampilamanana, R., Ramanandraibe, A., Ravoahangimalala, O. R., & Vences, M. (2010). Raising awareness of amphibian chytridiomycosis will not alienate ecotourists visiting Madagascar. EcoHealth, 7(2), 248-251.

Chytridiomycosis (Bd) is contributing to amphibian extinctions worldwide but has so far not been detected in Madagascar. The high likelihood for Bd to spread to the island and efface this amphibian diversity and endemism hotspot requires respective c... Read More about Raising awareness of amphibian chytridiomycosis will not alienate ecotourists visiting Madagascar.

Behavioural phase change in the Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera, is triggered by tactile stimulation of the antennae (2010)
Journal Article
Cullen, D. A., Sword, G. A., Dodgson, T., & Simpson, S. J. (2010). Behavioural phase change in the Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera, is triggered by tactile stimulation of the antennae. Journal of Insect Physiology, 56(8), 937-942.

Density-dependent phase polyphenism is a defining characteristic of the paraphyletic group of acridid grasshoppers known as locusts. The cues and mechanisms associated with crowding that induce behavioural gregarization are best understood in the des... Read More about Behavioural phase change in the Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera, is triggered by tactile stimulation of the antennae.

Fish assemblage diversity and dynamics in the Venice lagoon (2010)
Journal Article
Franzoi, P., Franco, A., & Torricelli, P. (2010). Fish assemblage diversity and dynamics in the Venice lagoon. Rendiconti Lincei, 21(3), 269-281.

Fish fauna is an important component of transitional waters biodiversity. Different ways of using these systems and their resources can be identified, and fish fauna of transitional waters can be categorized accordingly into several functional groups... Read More about Fish assemblage diversity and dynamics in the Venice lagoon.

Seasonal and diel patterns in the migrations of fishes between a river and a floodplain tributary (2010)
Journal Article
Carter, M. G., Vilizzi, L., Copp, G. H., & Nunn, A. D. (2010). Seasonal and diel patterns in the migrations of fishes between a river and a floodplain tributary. Ecology of freshwater fish, 19(1), 153-162.

The population behaviours associated with the migrations of fishes in lowland river ecosystems are amongst the most poorly-understood dispersal mechanisms of temperate freshwater organisms. This study evaluated the influence of four environmental var... Read More about Seasonal and diel patterns in the migrations of fishes between a river and a floodplain tributary.

To signal or not to signal? Chemical communication by urine-borne signals mirrors sexual conflict in crayfish (2010)
Journal Article
Berry, F. C., & Breithaupt, T. (2010). To signal or not to signal? Chemical communication by urine-borne signals mirrors sexual conflict in crayfish. BMC biology, 8, Article 25.

Background: Sexual selection theory predicts that females, being the limiting sex, invest less in courtship signals than males. However, when chemical signals are involved it is often the female that initiates mating by producing stimuli that inform... Read More about To signal or not to signal? Chemical communication by urine-borne signals mirrors sexual conflict in crayfish.

Current knowledge on non-native freshwater fish introductions (2010)
Journal Article
Gozlan, R. E., Britton, J. R., Cowx, I., & Copp, G. H. (2010). Current knowledge on non-native freshwater fish introductions. Journal of fish biology, 76(4), 751-786.

This review provides a contemporary account of knowledge on aspects of introductions of non-native fish species and includes issues associated with introduction pathways, ecological and economic impacts, risk assessments, management options and impac... Read More about Current knowledge on non-native freshwater fish introductions.

Colour change and assortment in the western rainbowfish (2010)
Journal Article
Rodgers, G. M., Kelley, J. L., & Morrell, L. J. (2010). Colour change and assortment in the western rainbowfish. Animal behaviour, 79(5), 1025-1030.

Grouping behaviour is widespread across the animal kingdom, and is known to reduce an individual's risk of predation, for example through predator confusion. Theory predicts that individuals that are different in appearance to the rest of the group a... Read More about Colour change and assortment in the western rainbowfish.

Retention of Panjet-applied alcian blue by cyprinids (2010)
Journal Article
Bolland, J. D., Cowx, I. G., & Lucas, M. C. (2010). Retention of Panjet-applied alcian blue by cyprinids. Journal of fish biology, 76(4), 1015-1018.

Panjet-applied alcian blue did not produce a reliable long-term ( > 5 months) mark. Average time to mark loss was 9·5 months for chub Leuciscus cephalus, 6·0 months for dace Leuciscus leuciscus and 11·1 months for roach Rutilus rutilus. Growth rate... Read More about Retention of Panjet-applied alcian blue by cyprinids.

Unpredictability in food supply during early life influences boldness in fish (2010)
Journal Article
Chapman, B. B., Krause, J., & Morrell, L. J. (2010). Unpredictability in food supply during early life influences boldness in fish. Behavioral ecology, 21(3), 501-506.

Behavioral variation has been documented both between and within populations in a variety of traits. Many of these behavioral traits are phenotypically plastic and are conditional on the early environment an animal experiences, yet despite this the r... Read More about Unpredictability in food supply during early life influences boldness in fish.

Sequential female assessment drives complex sexual selection on bower shape in a cichlid fish (2010)
Journal Article
Young, K. A., Genner, M. J., Haesler, M. P., & Joyce, D. A. (2010). Sequential female assessment drives complex sexual selection on bower shape in a cichlid fish. Evolution, 64(8), 2246-2253.

In many animals, sexual selection on male traits results from female mate choice decisions made during a sequence of courtship behaviors. We use a bower-building cichlid fish, Nyassachromis cf. microcephalus, to show how applying standard selection a... Read More about Sequential female assessment drives complex sexual selection on bower shape in a cichlid fish.

Access to a primary aminosporopollenin solid support from plant spores (2010)
Journal Article
Barrier, S., Löbbert, A., Boasman, A. J., Boa, A. N., Lorch, M., Atkin, S. L., & MacKenzie, G. (2010). Access to a primary aminosporopollenin solid support from plant spores. Green chemistry : an international journal and green chemistry resource : GC, 12(2), 234-240.

Sporopollenin, which is a naturally occurring and highly resilient organic polymer constituting the external shell of spores and pollen grains, has been converted into a primary amine form with a loading of 0.58 +/- 0.04 mmol. g(-1) by reductive amin... Read More about Access to a primary aminosporopollenin solid support from plant spores.