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Characterization of a sex pheromone in a simultaneous hermaphroditic shrimp, Lysmata wurdemanni (2009)
Journal Article
Zhang, D., Lin, J., Harley, M., & Hardege, J. D. (2010). Characterization of a sex pheromone in a simultaneous hermaphroditic shrimp, Lysmata wurdemanni. Marine Biology, 157(1), 1-6.

Olfactory chemical cues have been described to play important roles in the control of mate recognition in many decapod crustaceans. However, we still know very little about the chemical characteristics of the cues that coordinate pre-copulative behav... Read More about Characterization of a sex pheromone in a simultaneous hermaphroditic shrimp, Lysmata wurdemanni.

A habitat-specific fish-based approach to assess the ecological status of Mediterranean coastal lagoons (2009)
Journal Article
Franco, A., Torricelli, P., & Franzoi, P. (2009). A habitat-specific fish-based approach to assess the ecological status of Mediterranean coastal lagoons. Marine pollution bulletin, 58(11), 1704-1717.

A habitat approach was promoted in the framework of ecological status assessment of transitional waters, assuming the importance of habitat heterogeneity to the overall system status. The approach was applied to the use of fish-based multimetric indi... Read More about A habitat-specific fish-based approach to assess the ecological status of Mediterranean coastal lagoons.

Sex ratio, reproductive mode and genetic diversity in Triops cancriformis (2009)
Journal Article
Zierold, T., Montero-Pau, J., Hänfling, B., & Gómez, A. (2009). Sex ratio, reproductive mode and genetic diversity in Triops cancriformis. Freshwater biology, 54(7), 1392-1405.

1. Aquatic invertebrates display a wide array of alternative reproductive modes from apomixis to hermaphroditism and cyclical parthenogenesis. These have important effects on genetic diversity and population structure. Populations of the 'living foss... Read More about Sex ratio, reproductive mode and genetic diversity in Triops cancriformis.

Transcript profiling and DNA damage in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) exposed to 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (2009)
Journal Article
Nogueira, P., Lourenço, J., Rodriguez, E., Pacheco, M., Santos, C., Rotchell, J. M., & Mendo, S. (2009). Transcript profiling and DNA damage in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) exposed to 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. Aquatic Toxicology, 94(2), 123-130.

The molecular responses induced during and after an acute exposure to 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) were analysed in liver, gill and blood cells of juvenile Anguilla anguilla with the aim of developing molecular biomarkers of environmental PA... Read More about Transcript profiling and DNA damage in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) exposed to 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene.

Madagascar as a model region of species diversification (2009)
Journal Article
Vences, M., Wollenberg, K. C., Vieites, D. R., & Lees, D. C. (2009). Madagascar as a model region of species diversification. Trends in ecology & evolution, 24(8), 456-465.

Tropical biotas provide excellent settings in which to explore mechanisms of evolutionary diversification, yet these processes remain poorly understood. Pioneering work on biodiversity patterns and diversification processes in other tropical regions... Read More about Madagascar as a model region of species diversification.

Plasticity in male courtship behaviour as a function of light intensity in guppies (2009)
Journal Article
Chapman, B. B., Morrell, L. J., & Krause, J. (2009). Plasticity in male courtship behaviour as a function of light intensity in guppies. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63(12), 1757-1763.

The environment is profoundly important in shaping many aspects of animal phenotype, including courtship and mating behaviours. Courtship displays rely upon the transmission of visual information from the signaller to the receiver, which means they a... Read More about Plasticity in male courtship behaviour as a function of light intensity in guppies.

Do taxonomic divisions reflect genetic differentiation? A comparison of morphological and genetic data in Coenonympha tullia (Müller), Satyrinae (2009)
Journal Article
Joyce, D. A., Dennis, R. L. H., Bryant, S. R., Shreeve, T. G., Pullin, A. S., & Ready, J. S. (2009). Do taxonomic divisions reflect genetic differentiation? A comparison of morphological and genetic data in Coenonympha tullia (Müller), Satyrinae. Biological journal of the Linnean Society, 97(2), 314-327.

Historically, morphological variation has been used to classify many species (and subspecies) of Lepidop tera. However, some of this variation may be unsuitable for inferring the recent evolutionary history of populations. Genetic data provide an alt... Read More about Do taxonomic divisions reflect genetic differentiation? A comparison of morphological and genetic data in Coenonympha tullia (Müller), Satyrinae.

Identification, release and olfactory detection of bile salts in the intestinal fluid of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) (2009)
Journal Article
Velez, Z., Hubbard, P. C., Welham, K., Hardege, J., Barata, E. N., & Canário, A. V. M. (2009). Identification, release and olfactory detection of bile salts in the intestinal fluid of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). Journal of comparative physiology. A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology, 195(7), 691-698.

Olfactory sensitivity to bile salts is wide-spread in teleosts; however, which bile salts are released in sufficient quantities to be detected is unclear. The current study identified bile salts in the intestinal and bile fluids of Solea senegalensis... Read More about Identification, release and olfactory detection of bile salts in the intestinal fluid of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis).

Vast underestimation of Madagascar's biodiversity evidenced by an integrative amphibian inventory (2009)
Journal Article
Vieites, D. R., Wollenberg, K. C., Andreone, F., Köhler, J., Glaw, F., & Vences, M. (2009). Vast underestimation of Madagascar's biodiversity evidenced by an integrative amphibian inventory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(20), 8267-8272.

Amphibians are in decline worldwide. However, their patterns of diversity, especially in the tropics, are not well understood, mainly because of incomplete information on taxonomy and distribution. We assess morphological, bioacoustic, and genetic va... Read More about Vast underestimation of Madagascar's biodiversity evidenced by an integrative amphibian inventory.

Filter feeders and plankton increase particle encounter rates through flow regime control (2009)
Journal Article
Humphries, S. (2009). Filter feeders and plankton increase particle encounter rates through flow regime control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(19), 7882-7887.

Collisions between particles or between particles and other objects are fundamental to many processes that we take for granted. They drive the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, the onset of rain and snow precipitation, and the manufacture of pharmac... Read More about Filter feeders and plankton increase particle encounter rates through flow regime control.

Maintenance of dominance is mediated by urinary chemical signals in male European lobsters, Homarus gammarus (2009)
Journal Article
Skog, M., Chandrapavan, A., Hallberg, E., & Breithaupt, T. (2009). Maintenance of dominance is mediated by urinary chemical signals in male European lobsters, Homarus gammarus. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 42(2), 119-133.

We studied the relevance of urine cues in Homarus gammarus dominance maintenance, hypothesising that urinary signals are necessary to mediate recognition of former opponents. Males in size-matched pairs interacted on two consecutive days with or with... Read More about Maintenance of dominance is mediated by urinary chemical signals in male European lobsters, Homarus gammarus.

Reply to Triant D and DeWoody J: Integrating numt pseudogenes into mitochondrial phylogenies: comment on Mitochondrial phylogeny of Arvicolinae using comprehensive taxonomic sampling yields new insights (2009)
Journal Article
Buzan, E. V., Krystufek, B., Hänfling, B., & Hutchinson, W. F. (2009). Reply to Triant D and DeWoody J: Integrating numt pseudogenes into mitochondrial phylogenies: comment on Mitochondrial phylogeny of Arvicolinae using comprehensive taxonomic sampling yields new insights. Biological journal of the Linnean Society, 97(1), 225-226.

Genetic diversity and population structure of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis in its native range (2009)
Journal Article
Sui, L., Zhang, F., Wang, X., Bossier, P., Sorgeloos, P., & Hänfling, B. (2009). Genetic diversity and population structure of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis in its native range. Marine Biology, 156(8), 1573-1583.

The Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis is an indigenous and economically important species in China, but can also be found as invasive species in Europe and America. Mitten crabs have been exploited extensively as a food resource since the 1990s.... Read More about Genetic diversity and population structure of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis in its native range.

Why colour in subterranean vertebrates? Exploring the evolution of colour patterns in caecilian amphibians (2009)
Journal Article
Wollenberg, K. C., & John Measey, G. (2009). Why colour in subterranean vertebrates? Exploring the evolution of colour patterns in caecilian amphibians. Journal of evolutionary biology, 22(5), 1046-1056.

The proximate functions of animal skin colour are difficult to assign as they can result from natural selection, sexual selection or neutral evolution under genetic drift. Most often colour patterns are thought to signal visual stimuli; so, their pre... Read More about Why colour in subterranean vertebrates? Exploring the evolution of colour patterns in caecilian amphibians.

Environmental flows from dams: the water framework directive (2009)
Journal Article
Acreman, M., Aldrick, J., Binnie, C., Black, A., Cowx, I., Dawson, H., Dunbar, M., Extence, C., Hannaford, J., Harby, A., Holmes, N., Jarritt, N., Old, G., Peirson, G., Webb, J., & Wood, P. (2009). Environmental flows from dams: the water framework directive. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability, 162(1), 13-22.

The EU water framework directive (WFD) provides a template for sustainable water management across Europe. The WFD requires the development of procedures to ensure appropriate mitigation of anthropogenic impacts on river ecosystems resulting from wat... Read More about Environmental flows from dams: the water framework directive.

Solutions for PCR, cloning and sequencing errors in population genetic analysis (2009)
Journal Article
Cummings, S. M., McMullan, M., Joyce, D. A., & van Oosterhout, C. (2010). Solutions for PCR, cloning and sequencing errors in population genetic analysis. Conservation genetics, 11(3), 1095-1097.

PCR and sequencing artefacts can seriously bias population genetic analyses, particularly of populations with low genetic variation such as endangered vertebrate populations. Here, we estimate the error rates, discuss their population genetics implic... Read More about Solutions for PCR, cloning and sequencing errors in population genetic analysis.

Does sleep play a role in memory consolidation? A comparative test (2009)
Journal Article
Capellini, I., McNamara, P., Preston, B. T., Nunn, C. L., & Barton, R. A. (2009). Does sleep play a role in memory consolidation? A comparative test. PLoS ONE, 4(2), e4609.

Sleep is a pervasive characteristic of mammalian species, yet its purpose remains obscure. It is often proposed that 'sleep is for the brain', a view that is supported by experimental studies showing that sleep improves cognitive processes such as me... Read More about Does sleep play a role in memory consolidation? A comparative test.

Linking functional molecular variation with environmental gradients: myosin gene diversity in a crustacean broadly distributed across variable thermal environments (2009)
Journal Article
Rock, J., Magnay, J. L., Beech, S., El Haj, A. J., Goldspink, G., Lunt, D. H., & Whiteley, N. M. (2009). Linking functional molecular variation with environmental gradients: myosin gene diversity in a crustacean broadly distributed across variable thermal environments. Gene, 437(1-2), 60-70.

To investigate the molecular basis of temperature adaptation in natural populations we used the candidate gene approach, targeting the myosin heavy chain (MyHC) gene. The functional effects of genetic variation in MyHC have been well characterised, a... Read More about Linking functional molecular variation with environmental gradients: myosin gene diversity in a crustacean broadly distributed across variable thermal environments.