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Environmental flows from dams: the water framework directive (2009)
Journal Article
Acreman, M., Aldrick, J., Binnie, C., Black, A., Cowx, I., Dawson, H., Dunbar, M., Extence, C., Hannaford, J., Harby, A., Holmes, N., Jarritt, N., Old, G., Peirson, G., Webb, J., & Wood, P. (2009). Environmental flows from dams: the water framework directive. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability, 162(1), 13-22.

The EU water framework directive (WFD) provides a template for sustainable water management across Europe. The WFD requires the development of procedures to ensure appropriate mitigation of anthropogenic impacts on river ecosystems resulting from wat... Read More about Environmental flows from dams: the water framework directive.

Solutions for PCR, cloning and sequencing errors in population genetic analysis (2009)
Journal Article
Cummings, S. M., McMullan, M., Joyce, D. A., & van Oosterhout, C. (2010). Solutions for PCR, cloning and sequencing errors in population genetic analysis. Conservation genetics, 11(3), 1095-1097.

PCR and sequencing artefacts can seriously bias population genetic analyses, particularly of populations with low genetic variation such as endangered vertebrate populations. Here, we estimate the error rates, discuss their population genetics implic... Read More about Solutions for PCR, cloning and sequencing errors in population genetic analysis.

Does sleep play a role in memory consolidation? A comparative test (2009)
Journal Article
Capellini, I., McNamara, P., Preston, B. T., Nunn, C. L., & Barton, R. A. (2009). Does sleep play a role in memory consolidation? A comparative test. PLoS ONE, 4(2), e4609.

Sleep is a pervasive characteristic of mammalian species, yet its purpose remains obscure. It is often proposed that 'sleep is for the brain', a view that is supported by experimental studies showing that sleep improves cognitive processes such as me... Read More about Does sleep play a role in memory consolidation? A comparative test.

Linking functional molecular variation with environmental gradients: myosin gene diversity in a crustacean broadly distributed across variable thermal environments (2009)
Journal Article
Rock, J., Magnay, J. L., Beech, S., El Haj, A. J., Goldspink, G., Lunt, D. H., & Whiteley, N. M. (2009). Linking functional molecular variation with environmental gradients: myosin gene diversity in a crustacean broadly distributed across variable thermal environments. Gene, 437(1-2), 60-70.

To investigate the molecular basis of temperature adaptation in natural populations we used the candidate gene approach, targeting the myosin heavy chain (MyHC) gene. The functional effects of genetic variation in MyHC have been well characterised, a... Read More about Linking functional molecular variation with environmental gradients: myosin gene diversity in a crustacean broadly distributed across variable thermal environments.

The effect of prey density on predators: Conspicuousness and attack success are sensitive to spatial scale (2009)
Journal Article
Ioannou, C. C., Morrell, L. J., Ruxton, G. D., & Krause, J. (2009). The effect of prey density on predators: Conspicuousness and attack success are sensitive to spatial scale. The American naturalist, 173(4), 499-506.

In contrast to the numerous studies that have examined the response of predators to prey group size, little is known about how prey density affects prey detection and the accuracy of attacks. We demonstrate that increasing the density of Daphnia magn... Read More about The effect of prey density on predators: Conspicuousness and attack success are sensitive to spatial scale.

Estrogenic activity of cadmium, copper and zinc in the yeast estrogen screen (2009)
Journal Article
Denier, X., Hill, E. M., Rotchell, J., & Minier, C. (2009). Estrogenic activity of cadmium, copper and zinc in the yeast estrogen screen. Toxicology in Vitro, 23(4), 569-573.

Heavy metals are increasingly studied due to their apparent ability to disrupt signaling pathways of living organisms including humans. Among various mechanisms of action, metals are suspected of exerting estrogenic activity in human and wildlife. In... Read More about Estrogenic activity of cadmium, copper and zinc in the yeast estrogen screen.

Parasite resistance and the adaptive significance of sleep (2009)
Journal Article
Preston, B. T., Capellini, I., McNamara, P., Barton, R. A., & Nunn, C. L. (2009). Parasite resistance and the adaptive significance of sleep. BMC evolutionary biology, 9(1),

Background. Sleep is a biological enigma. Despite occupying much of an animal's life, and having been scrutinized by numerous experimental studies, there is still no consensus on its function. Similarly, no hypothesis has yet explained why species ha... Read More about Parasite resistance and the adaptive significance of sleep.

Simple practical approach for sample loading prior to DNA extraction using a silica monolith in a microfluidic device (2009)
Journal Article
Shaw, K. J., Docker, P. T., Haswell, S. J., Joyce, D. A., Dyer, C. E., Greenman, J., & Greenway, G. M. (2009). Simple practical approach for sample loading prior to DNA extraction using a silica monolith in a microfluidic device. Lab on a chip, 9(23), 3430-3432.

A novel DNA loading methodology is presented for performing DNA extraction on a microfluidic system. DNA in a chaotropic salt solution was manually loaded onto a silica monolith orthogonal to the subsequent flow of wash and elution solutions. DNA was... Read More about Simple practical approach for sample loading prior to DNA extraction using a silica monolith in a microfluidic device.

Molecular studies on the Niphargus kochianus group (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Niphargidae) in Great Britain and Ireland (2008)
Journal Article
Haenfling, B. (2008). Molecular studies on the Niphargus kochianus group (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Niphargidae) in Great Britain and Ireland. Cave and Karst Science, 35(42767), 35 - 40

The Niphargus kochianus group is one of the most westerly and northerly components of the genus Niphargus. All taxa within the group were delimited by morphological characters. However, recent research suggests that morphology alone is inadequate in... Read More about Molecular studies on the Niphargus kochianus group (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Niphargidae) in Great Britain and Ireland.

Does defection during predator inspection affect social structure in wild shoals of guppies? (2008)
Journal Article
Thomas, P. O. R., Croft, D. P., Morrell, L., Davis, A., Faria, J. J., Dyer, J. R. G., Piyapong, C., Ramnarine, I., Ruxton, G. D., & Krause, J. (2008). Does defection during predator inspection affect social structure in wild shoals of guppies?. Animal behaviour, 75(1), 43-53.

Reciprocal altruism has been proposed as a possible mechanism for the evolution of cooperative behaviour. However, very few investigations have tested predictions of reciprocity in wild animal populations. In the current investigation we simulated de... Read More about Does defection during predator inspection affect social structure in wild shoals of guppies?.

Sexual and aggressive interactions in a mixed species group of lobsters Homarus gammarus and H. americanus (2008)
Journal Article
van der Meeren, G. I., Chandrapavan, A., & Breithaupt, T. (2008). Sexual and aggressive interactions in a mixed species group of lobsters Homarus gammarus and H. americanus. Aquatic Biology, 2(2), 191-200.

The introduction of non-native populations can have dramatic effects on the native fauna as a result of interbreeding and aggressive interference between closely related species. This study investigates if female European lobsters Homarus gammarus wo... Read More about Sexual and aggressive interactions in a mixed species group of lobsters Homarus gammarus and H. americanus.

Developing environmental standards for abstractions from UK rivers to implement the EU Water Framework Directive / Développement de standards environnementaux sur les prélèvements d'eau en rivière au Royaume Uni pour la mise en œuvre de la directive cadre sur l'eau de l'Union Européenne (2008)
Journal Article
Acreman, M., Dunbar, M., Hannaford, J., Mountford, O., Wood, P., Holmes, N., Cowx, I., Noble, R., Extence, C., Aldrick, J., King, J., Black, A., & Crookall, D. (2008). Developing environmental standards for abstractions from UK rivers to implement the EU Water Framework Directive / Développement de standards environnementaux sur les prélèvements d'eau en rivière au Royaume Uni pour la mise en œuvre de la directive cadre sur l'eau de l'Union Européenne. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 53(6), 1105-1120.

Under the European Union Water Framework Directive, Member States must put in place a river basin planning framework to determine what measures are necessary to maintain and improve the ecological status for all surface water bodies. The governmental... Read More about Developing environmental standards for abstractions from UK rivers to implement the EU Water Framework Directive / Développement de standards environnementaux sur les prélèvements d'eau en rivière au Royaume Uni pour la mise en œuvre de la directive cadre sur l'eau de l'Union Européenne.

Sperm competition: Linking form to function (2008)
Journal Article
Humphries, S., Evans, J. P., & Simmons, L. W. (2008). Sperm competition: Linking form to function. BMC evolutionary biology, 8(1), Article ARTN 319.

Background. Using information from physics, biomechanics and evolutionary biology, we explore the implications of physical constraints on sperm performance, and review empirical evidence for links between sperm length and sperm competition (where two... Read More about Sperm competition: Linking form to function.

The cost of conflict: agonistic encounters influence responses to chemical signals in the European shore crab (2008)
Journal Article
Fletcher, N., & Hardege, J. D. (2009). The cost of conflict: agonistic encounters influence responses to chemical signals in the European shore crab. Animal behaviour, 77(2), 357-361.

The determination of an individual's behaviour often relies upon complex signals that convey messages about the environment it inhabits. In aquatic environments such signals take varied and conflicting forms including chemical cues indicating food or... Read More about The cost of conflict: agonistic encounters influence responses to chemical signals in the European shore crab.

Risk-sensitive antipredator behavior in the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata (2008)
Journal Article
Botham, M. S., Hayward, R. K., Morrell, L. J., Croft, D. P., Ward, J. R., Ramnarine, I., & Krause, J. (2008). Risk-sensitive antipredator behavior in the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata. Ecology, 89(11), 3174-3185.

The comparative approach has become a powerful tool for understanding how predation has shaped prey behavior. In this study we recorded the occurrence of common aquatic predator species and their densities in seven natural populations of Trinidadian... Read More about Risk-sensitive antipredator behavior in the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata.

Movements and habitat use of wild and stocked juvenile chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L.), in a small lowland river (2008)
Journal Article
Bolland, J., COWX, I. G., & LUCAS, M. C. (2008). Movements and habitat use of wild and stocked juvenile chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L.), in a small lowland river. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 15(5-6), 401-407.

Stocking is a widespread management activity in inland fisheries, but the efficacy of such fishery enhancement measures is poorly understood. Radio-telemetry was used to compare the movements and habitat selection of stocked, juvenile chub, Leuciscus... Read More about Movements and habitat use of wild and stocked juvenile chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L.), in a small lowland river.

Shoal composition determines foraging success in the guppy (2008)
Journal Article
Dyer, J. R. G., Croft, D. P., Morrell, L. J., & Krause, J. (2009). Shoal composition determines foraging success in the guppy. Behavioral ecology, 20(1), 165-171.

The composition of an animal group can impact greatly on the survival and success of its individual members. Much recent work has concentrated on behavioral variation within animal populations along the bold/shy continuum. Here, we screened individua... Read More about Shoal composition determines foraging success in the guppy.

Interspecific activity of the sex pheromone of the European shore crab (Carcinus maenas) (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bublitz, R., Sainte-Marie, B., Newcomb-Hodgetts, C., Fletcher, N., Smith, M., & Hardege, J. Interspecific activity of the sex pheromone of the European shore crab (Carcinus maenas)

The recent identification of uridine diphosphate (UDP) as the female sex-pheromone in the European shore crab Carcinus maenas demonstrated not only the link between moult and pheromone production, but also how it may have evolved from a 'simple' meta... Read More about Interspecific activity of the sex pheromone of the European shore crab (Carcinus maenas).

Development of behavioural and physiological assays to assess discrimination of male and female odours in crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Berry, F. C., & Breithaupt, T. Development of behavioural and physiological assays to assess discrimination of male and female odours in crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus

Many aquatic organisms use chemical signals to coordinate courtship. However, relatively few water-borne pheromones have been identified. A key obstacle hindering progress in the purification of crustacean pheromones has been the development of relia... Read More about Development of behavioural and physiological assays to assess discrimination of male and female odours in crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus.