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All Outputs (44)

Sorting out lalos: Description of new species and additional taxonomic data on megophryid frogs from northern Indochina (genus Leptolalax, Megophryidae, Anura) (2011)
Journal Article
Ohler, A., Wollenberg, K. C., Grosjean, S., Hendrix, R., Vences, M., Ziegler, T., & Dubois, A. (2011). Sorting out lalos: Description of new species and additional taxonomic data on megophryid frogs from northern Indochina (genus Leptolalax, Megophryidae, Anura). Zootaxa, 3147(1), 1-83.

Frogs in the subgenus Lalos of the genus Leptolalax (Megophryidae) are highly diversified in continental Asia and consist of about 17 nominal species. These frogs are small, inconspicuous, and of high superficial morphological similarity. We here for... Read More about Sorting out lalos: Description of new species and additional taxonomic data on megophryid frogs from northern Indochina (genus Leptolalax, Megophryidae, Anura).

Prioritising eel-migration barriers for passage improvements (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Noble, R., Nunn, A., Harvey, J., & Cowx, I. (2009, April). Prioritising eel-migration barriers for passage improvements. Presented at Institute of Fisheries Management 2009 Eel Conference, Bridgwater, Somerset

Physical barriers are becoming increasingly recognised as major factors influencing the migrations, population structures, spawning success and recruitment of freshwater organisms. A high-profile example is that of the European eel, which has recentl... Read More about Prioritising eel-migration barriers for passage improvements.

Nidicolous tadpoles rather than direct development in Malagasy frogs of the genus Gephyromantis (2011)
Journal Article
Randrianiaina, R. D., Wollenberg, K. C., Hiobiarilanto, T. R., Strauß, A., Glos, J., & Vences, M. (2011). Nidicolous tadpoles rather than direct development in Malagasy frogs of the genus Gephyromantis. Journal of Natural History, 45(47-48), 2871-2900.

Frogs in the genus Gephyromantis from Madagascar were assumed to have a direct developmental mode, i.e. the complete embryonic and larval development within the egg, but recently free-swimming, exotrophic tadpoles of a few species have been found. He... Read More about Nidicolous tadpoles rather than direct development in Malagasy frogs of the genus Gephyromantis.

Dynamic nuclear polarization-enhanced solid-state NMR of a 13C-labeled signal peptide bound to lipid-reconstituted sec translocon (2011)
Journal Article
Reggie, L., Lopez, J. J., Collinson, I., Glaubitz, C., & Lorch, M. (2011). Dynamic nuclear polarization-enhanced solid-state NMR of a 13C-labeled signal peptide bound to lipid-reconstituted sec translocon. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(47), 19084-19086.

Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) has made it possible to record 2D double-quantum-filtered (DQF) solid-state NMR (ssNMR) spectra of a signal peptide bound to a lipid-reconstituted SecYEG translocon complex. The small quantity of peptide in the sampl... Read More about Dynamic nuclear polarization-enhanced solid-state NMR of a 13C-labeled signal peptide bound to lipid-reconstituted sec translocon.

Serum proteomic profiling reveals that pretreatment complement protein levels are predictive of esophageal cancer patient response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Maher, S. G., McDowell, D. T., Collins, B. C., Muldoon, C., Gallagher, W. M., & Reynolds, J. V. Serum proteomic profiling reveals that pretreatment complement protein levels are predictive of esophageal cancer patient response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation

OBJECTIVE: To identify serum-based biomarkers predicting response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (neo-CRT) in esophageal cancer. PURPOSE: Increasingly, the standard of care for esophageal cancer involves neo-CRT followed by surgery. The identificat... Read More about Serum proteomic profiling reveals that pretreatment complement protein levels are predictive of esophageal cancer patient response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation.

The foraging ecology of larval and juvenile fishes (2011)
Journal Article
Nunn, A. D., Tewson, L. H., & Cowx, I. G. (2012). The foraging ecology of larval and juvenile fishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 22(2), 377-408.

Knowledge of the foraging ecology of fishes is fundamental both to understanding the processes that function at the individual, population and community levels, and for the management and conservation of their populations and habitats. Furthermore, t... Read More about The foraging ecology of larval and juvenile fishes.

Age and reproductive investment in grass goby females in the Venice lagoon (2011)
Journal Article
Franco, A., Malavasi, S., Pranovi, F., Franzoi, P., & Torricelli, P. (2012). Age and reproductive investment in grass goby females in the Venice lagoon. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 93(3), 419-425.

The present work describes the relationship between age and reproductive investment in the grass goby females in the Venice Lagoon. Age was estimated by otoliths reading, while reproductive investment was assessed by either the relative number of mat... Read More about Age and reproductive investment in grass goby females in the Venice lagoon.

Molecular toxicology of corals: A review (2011)
Journal Article
Rotchell, J. M., & Ostrander, G. K. (2011). Molecular toxicology of corals: A review. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B: Critical Reviews, 14(8), 571-592.

Coral reefs worldwide have become increasingly affected by a phenomenon known as "coral bleaching," the loss of the symbiotic algae from the host corals. The underlying causes and mechanism(s) of coral bleaching are not well known, although several h... Read More about Molecular toxicology of corals: A review.

Inferring the origin of populations introduced from a genetically structured native range by approximate Bayesian computation: case study of the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis. (2011)
Journal Article
Lombaert, E., Guillemaud, T., Thomas, C. E., Lawson Handley, L. J., Li, J., Wang, S., Pang, H., Goryacheva, I., Zakharov, I. A., Jousselin, E., Poland, R. L., Migeon, A., Van Lenteren, J., De Clercq, P., Berkvens, N., Jones, W., & Estoup, A. (2011). Inferring the origin of populations introduced from a genetically structured native range by approximate Bayesian computation: case study of the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis. Molecular ecology, 20(22), 4654-4670.

Correct identification of the source population of an invasive species is a prerequisite for testing hypotheses concerning the factors responsible for biological invasions. The native area of invasive species may be large, poorly known and/or genetic... Read More about Inferring the origin of populations introduced from a genetically structured native range by approximate Bayesian computation: case study of the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis..

Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Malagasy frogs of the genus Gephyromantis (2011)
Journal Article
Kaffenberger, N., Wollenberg, K. C., Köhler, J., Glaw, F., Vieites, D. R., & Vences, M. (2012). Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Malagasy frogs of the genus Gephyromantis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 62(1), 555-560.

The genus Gephyromantis is a clade within the Malagasy-Comoroan family Mantellidae composed of rainforest frogs that live and breed to varying degrees independently from water. Based on DNA sequences of five mitochondrial and five nuclear genes we in... Read More about Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Malagasy frogs of the genus Gephyromantis.

Seeds in farmland food-webs: Resource importance, distribution and the impacts of farm management (2011)
Journal Article
Pocock, M. J., Evans, D. M., Brooks, J., & Memmott, J. (2011). Seeds in farmland food-webs: Resource importance, distribution and the impacts of farm management. Biological Conservation, 144(12), 2941-2950.

Whilst considerable research effort in Europe has linked agricultural intensification with dramaticdeclines of seed-feeding birds, surprisingly little is known about the wider importance of seeds in animalfood-webs. Moreover, understanding the dynami... Read More about Seeds in farmland food-webs: Resource importance, distribution and the impacts of farm management.

Comparative analysis of teleost genome sequences reveals an ancient intron size expansion in the zebrafish lineage (2011)
Journal Article
Moss, S. P., Joyce, D. A., Humphries, S., Tindall, K. J., & Lunt, D. H. (2011). Comparative analysis of teleost genome sequences reveals an ancient intron size expansion in the zebrafish lineage. Genome Biology and Evolution, 3(1), 1187-1196.

We have developed a bioinformatics pipeline for the comparative evolutionary analysis of Ensembl genomes and have used it to analyze the introns of the five available teleost fish genomes. We show our pipeline to be a powerful tool for revealing vari... Read More about Comparative analysis of teleost genome sequences reveals an ancient intron size expansion in the zebrafish lineage.

Identification of a female sex pheromone in Carcinus maenas (2011)
Journal Article
Hardege, J. D., Bartels-Hardege, H. D., Fletcher, N., Terschak, J. A., Harley, M., Smith, M. A., Davidson, L., Hayden, D., Müller, C. T., Lorch, M., Welham, K., Walther, T., & Bublitz, R. (2011). Identification of a female sex pheromone in Carcinus maenas. Marine ecology progress series, 436, 177-189.

Despite major progress in our understanding of animal signaling systems, the identification of chemical signals in aquatic organisms is still in its infancy. Exemplary for this is the lack of structural knowledge of crustacean sex pheromones despite... Read More about Identification of a female sex pheromone in Carcinus maenas.

Predation risk shapes social networks in fission-fusion populations (2011)
Journal Article
Kelley, J. L., Morrell, L. J., Inskip, C., Croft, D. P., & Krause, J. (2011). Predation risk shapes social networks in fission-fusion populations. PLoS ONE, 6(8), e24280.

Predation risk is often associated with group formation in prey, but recent advances in methods for analysing the social structure of animal societies make it possible to quantify the effects of risk on the complex dynamics of spatial and temporal or... Read More about Predation risk shapes social networks in fission-fusion populations.

Ecological genetics of invasive alien species (2011)
Journal Article
Lawson Handley, L.-J., Estoup, A., Evans, D. M., Thomas, C. E., Lombaert, E., Facon, B., Aebi, A., & Roy, H. E. (2011). Ecological genetics of invasive alien species. BioControl, 56(4), 409-428.

There is growing realisation that integrating genetics and ecology is critical in the context of biological invasions, since the two are explicitly linked. So far, the focus of ecological genetics of invasive alien species (IAS) has been on determini... Read More about Ecological genetics of invasive alien species.

Invasive alien Crustacea: dispersal, establishment, impact and control (2011)
Journal Article
Hänfling, B., Edwards, F., & Gherardi, F. (2011). Invasive alien Crustacea: dispersal, establishment, impact and control. BioControl, 56(4), 573-595.

The subphylum Crustacea includes the most successful species among aquatic alien invaders. The impacts of invasive alien crustaceans (IAC) are often substantial, due to the complex trophic role of most of these species leading to cascading effects th... Read More about Invasive alien Crustacea: dispersal, establishment, impact and control.

Models in palaeontological functional analysis (2011)
Journal Article
Anderson, P. S., Bright, J. A., Gill, P. G., Palmer, C., & Rayfield, E. J. (2012). Models in palaeontological functional analysis. Biology Letters, 8(1), 119-122.

Models are a principal tool of modern science. By definition, and in practice, models are not literal representations of reality but provide simplifications or substitutes of the events, scenarios or behaviours that are being studied or predicted. Al... Read More about Models in palaeontological functional analysis.

Population and habitat status of two endemic sand gobies in lagoon marshes - Implications for conservation (2011)
Journal Article
Franco, A., Franzoi, P., Malavasi, S., Zucchetta, M., & Torricelli, P. (2011). Population and habitat status of two endemic sand gobies in lagoon marshes - Implications for conservation. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 114, 31-40.

Ensuring biodiversity, through the conservation of natural habitats, such as wetlands, and of their wild flora and fauna, is the main objective of the Habitat and Species Directive 92/43/EC. Within this framework, two species of Community interest, P... Read More about Population and habitat status of two endemic sand gobies in lagoon marshes - Implications for conservation.

Assessment of fish assemblages in coastal lagoon habitats: Effect of sampling method (2011)
Journal Article
Franco, A., Pérez-Ruzafa, A., Drouineau, H., Franzoi, P., Koutrakis, E. T., Lepage, M., Verdiell-Cubedo, D., Bouchoucha, M., López-Capel, A., Riccato, F., Sapounidis, A., Marcos, C., Oliva-Paterna, F. J., Torralva-Forero, M., & Torricelli, P. (2012). Assessment of fish assemblages in coastal lagoon habitats: Effect of sampling method. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 112, 115-125.

The structure of fish assemblages accounted for by different sampling methods (namely fyke net, seine nets, visual census) applied to vegetated and unvegetated lagoon habitats was investigated in terms of species composition, functional groups (ecolo... Read More about Assessment of fish assemblages in coastal lagoon habitats: Effect of sampling method.