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Criminal careers in transition: The social context of desistance from crime (2014)
Farrall, S., Hunter, B., Sharpe, G., & Calverley, A. (2014). Criminal careers in transition: The social context of desistance from crime. Oxford University Press.

There has been a growth of interest in why people stop offending, and the processes by which they are rehabilitated back into the community. This book follows the completion of a fifth sweep of interviews with members of a cohort of former probatione... Read More about Criminal careers in transition: The social context of desistance from crime.

Public trust and performance measurement in charitable organizations (2014)
Journal Article
Yang, Y., Brennan, I., & Wilkinson, M. (2014). Public trust and performance measurement in charitable organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63(6), 779-796.

Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to seek to investigate public trust as an important factor of performance in the charitable sector, and explain the necessity of including public trust assessment in charity performance measurement. Design/methodo... Read More about Public trust and performance measurement in charitable organizations.

Investigated or ignored: an analysis of race-related deaths since the Macpherson Report (2014)
Journal Article
Burnett, J., & Athwal, H. (2014). Investigated or ignored: an analysis of race-related deaths since the Macpherson Report. Race & class, 56(1), 22-42.

Since the publication of the Macpherson Report in February 1999, there have been at least ninety-three deaths with a known or suspected racial element in the UK. Of these, 97 per cent of the victims were from BME communities (including those from Gyp... Read More about Investigated or ignored: an analysis of race-related deaths since the Macpherson Report.

Rapper, writer, pop-cultural player : Ice-T and the politics of black cultural production (2014)
Metcalf, J., & Turner, W. (Eds.). (2014). Rapper, writer, pop-cultural player : Ice-T and the politics of black cultural production. Ashgate.

© Josephine Metcalf and Will Turner and the contributors 2014. This collection of essays critically engages with factors relating to black urban life and cultural representation in the post-civil rights era, using Ice-T and his myriad roles as musici... Read More about Rapper, writer, pop-cultural player : Ice-T and the politics of black cultural production.

Onset of sexual activity among adolescents in HIV/AIDS affected households in sub-Saharan Africa (2014)
Journal Article
Magadi, M. A., & Uchudi, J. (2015). Onset of sexual activity among adolescents in HIV/AIDS affected households in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of biosocial science, 47(2), 238-257.

This paper examines the effect of orphanhood and HIV status of adults in a household on onset of sexual activity among adolescent girls and boys aged 15-17 years in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We apply multilevel logistic models to pooled Demographic a... Read More about Onset of sexual activity among adolescents in HIV/AIDS affected households in sub-Saharan Africa.

The impact of welfare reform in Scotland tracking study: Baseline findings (2014)
Lister, B., Graham, H., Egdell, V., McQuaid, R., & Raeside, R. (2014). The impact of welfare reform in Scotland tracking study: Baseline findings. Scottish Government

The aim of the study is to explore the impact of on-going welfare changes on a range of households in Scotland over time. This report provides a review of the literature and presents the results of the first sweep of interviews which took place from... Read More about The impact of welfare reform in Scotland tracking study: Baseline findings.

Reshaping the field: building restorative capital (2014)
Journal Article
Green, S., Johnstone, G., & Lambert, C. (2014). Reshaping the field: building restorative capital. Restorative justice, 2(1), 43-63.

Restorative justice is best known as an alternative approach for dealing with crime and wrongdoing. Yet as the restorative movement has grown it is increasingly being deployed in different arenas. Based on a two-year study funded by the UK National L... Read More about Reshaping the field: building restorative capital.

Surveillance, capital and resistance: theorizing the surveillance subject (2014)
McCahill, M., & Finn, R. L. (2014). Surveillance, capital and resistance: theorizing the surveillance subject. Routledge.

Surveillance, Capital and Resistance is a major contribution to current debates on the subjective experience of surveillance. Based on a large research project undertaken in a Northern City in the UK and focusing mainly on the use of surveillance in... Read More about Surveillance, capital and resistance: theorizing the surveillance subject.

Depressed but not legally mentally impaired (2014)
Journal Article
Wondemaghen, M. (2014). Depressed but not legally mentally impaired. International journal of law and psychiatry, 37(2), 160-167.

This article examines the mental impairment (insanity) defense in the Australian state of Victoria and argues that the defense is successful only when offenders suffer from psychotic mental illnesses. This raises the question about how non-psychotic... Read More about Depressed but not legally mentally impaired.

Russian police and transition to democracy: lessons from one empirical study (2013)
Journal Article
Zernova, M. (2013). Russian police and transition to democracy: lessons from one empirical study. Internet journal of criminology, 2013(May), 1-39

The paper discusses public experiences of policing in today’s Russia, public attitudes towards police resulting from such experiences and wider social implications of those attitudes. At the basis of the discussion is an empirical study which has bee... Read More about Russian police and transition to democracy: lessons from one empirical study.

What harm, whose justice: excavating the restorative movement (2013)
Journal Article
Green, S., Johnstone, G., & Lambert, C. (2013). What harm, whose justice: excavating the restorative movement. Contemporary Justice Review, 16(4), 445-460.

The city of Hull in the northeast of England gave itself the ambitious task of becoming the world's first restorative city. The aim of this strategy was to create a more socially and emotionally confident youth population which in turn would encourag... Read More about What harm, whose justice: excavating the restorative movement.

Gendered prison work: female prison officers in the local prison system, 1877-1939 (2013)
Journal Article
Johnston, H. (2014). Gendered prison work: female prison officers in the local prison system, 1877-1939. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 53(2), 193-212.

This article examines the working lives of female prison officers between 1877 and 1939. It documents a relatively under-researched, but important, period in the history of women's imprisonment in England. In doing so it aims to uncover the working l... Read More about Gendered prison work: female prison officers in the local prison system, 1877-1939.

Legal narratives as significant news sources about mental illness and violent crime (2013)
Journal Article
Wondemaghen, M. (2014). Legal narratives as significant news sources about mental illness and violent crime. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 38(4), 343-372.

Media coverage about people affected by mental illness is an area of research that is extensively examined. Many scholars argue that the media depicts people with mental illness as inherently violent and dangerous within sensational narratives. These... Read More about Legal narratives as significant news sources about mental illness and violent crime.

An economic evaluation of anonymised information sharing in a partnership between health services, police and local government for preventing violence-related injury (2013)
Journal Article
Florence, C., Shepherd, J., Brennan, I., & Simon, T. R. (2014). An economic evaluation of anonymised information sharing in a partnership between health services, police and local government for preventing violence-related injury. Injury Prevention, 20(2), 108-114.

Objective To assess the costs and bene fi ts of a partnership between health services, police and local government shown to reduce violence-related injury. <div>Methods Benefi t-cost analysis.</div> <div>Results Anonymised information sharing and use... Read More about An economic evaluation of anonymised information sharing in a partnership between health services, police and local government for preventing violence-related injury.

Counterblast: the perennial problem of short prison sentences (2013)
Journal Article
Johnston, H., & Godfrey, B. (2013). Counterblast: the perennial problem of short prison sentences. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 52(4), 433-437.

In the last three or four years there has been increasing attention on the use of short prison sentences and their effectiveness in the UK. This attention has focused on the continued evidence of high rates of recidivism for those who have served sho... Read More about Counterblast: the perennial problem of short prison sentences.

Media construction of a school shooting as a social problem (2013)
Journal Article
Wondemaghen, M. (2014). Media construction of a school shooting as a social problem. Journalism, 15(6), 696-712.

The Monash University shooting which occurred in 2002, in Melbourne Australia, is analysed using claims-making theory and the four-stage natural history model of social problems. As Spector and Kitsuse argue, social problems 'are what people think th... Read More about Media construction of a school shooting as a social problem.