Profane wretches and holy fools: Sottie's unsettling devotion to Christ's natural law
Book Chapter
(2010). Profane wretches and holy fools: Sottie's unsettling devotion to Christ's natural law. In Performance, drama and spectacle in the medieval city: essays in honour of Alan Hindley (319 - 338). Peeters
All Outputs (11)
No pain, no gain - the provocation of laughter in slapstick comedy (2010)
Journal Article
Peacock, L. S. (2010). No pain, no gain - the provocation of laughter in slapstick comedy. Popular entertainment studies, 1(2), 93-106This article explores the relationship between danger and laughter in the work of a number of what might be defined as slapstick or physical comedians. The notion of physical comedians risking life and limb in order to generate laughter from an admir... Read More about No pain, no gain - the provocation of laughter in slapstick comedy.
Shakespeare and the rhetoric of scenography 1770-1825 (2010)
Book Chapter
Baugh, C. (2010). Shakespeare and the rhetoric of scenography 1770-1825. In C. Dymkowski, & C. Carson (Eds.), Shakespeare in stages: new theatre histories. Cambridge University Press
A tempestuous translation: Aimé Césaire's Une tempête (2010)
Book Chapter
(2010). A tempestuous translation: Aimé Césaire's Une tempête. In Modernités Shakespeariennes (137 - 162). L'Harmattan
Dýnový démon ve vegetariánské restauraci: dušicková opera (The pumpkin demon in a vegetarian restaurant: a halloween opera) (2010)
Drábek, P., & Drabek, P. (2010). Dýnový démon ve vegetariánské restauraci: dušicková opera (The pumpkin demon in a vegetarian restaurant: a halloween opera). Větrné mlýnyPublished opera libretto The Pumpkin Demon in a Vegetarian Restaurant (2010) from the repertory of Ensemble Opera Diversa. Music: Ondrej Kyas. Libretto: Pavel Drábek.
Na troskách struktury: stati o divadelní sémiotice a strukturalismu roku 2008 (On the ruins of the structure: writings on theatre semiotics and structuralism in 2008) (2010)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2010). Na troskách struktury: stati o divadelní sémiotice a strukturalismu roku 2008 (On the ruins of the structure: writings on theatre semiotics and structuralism in 2008). Theatralia, 13(2), 150 - 157An article reflecting on the state of theatre semiotics and theatre structuralism as presented by two collections of essays published in 2008.
Fletcherian dramatic achievement: a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625) (2010)
Drábek, P., & Drabek, P. (2010). Fletcherian dramatic achievement: a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). (1). Masarykova univerzitaThe mature plays of John Fletcher, Shakespeare's collaborator and successor with the King's Men, have received little critical attention. This book analyzes the specifics of mature Fletcherian style, proposing a reading that agrees with the Baroque m... Read More about Fletcherian dramatic achievement: a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625).
The Roman Tragedies (2010)
Journal Article
Billing, C. (2010). The Roman Tragedies. Shakespeare quarterly, 61(3), 415 - 439. article is a critical account of the multi-media performance of Shakespeare's: Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, and Antony and Cleopatra by Toneelgroep (Amsterdam), directed by Ivo Van Hove and Designed by Jan Versweyveld.
Dynamic melody recognition : distinctiveness and the role of musical expertise. (2010)
Journal Article
Bailes, F. (2010). Dynamic melody recognition : distinctiveness and the role of musical expertise. Memory & cognition, 38(5), 641-650. hypothesis that melodies are recognized at moments when they exhibit a distinctive musical pattern was tested. In a melody recognition experiment, point-of-recognition (POR) data were gathered from 32 listeners (16 musicians and 16 nonmusicians)... Read More about Dynamic melody recognition : distinctiveness and the role of musical expertise..
Margita Havlícková: Profesionální divadlo v královském meste Brne 1668-1733 (Margita Havlícková: Professional Theatre in the Royal City of Brno 1668-1733) (2010)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2010). Margita Havlícková: Profesionální divadlo v královském meste Brne 1668-1733 (Margita Havlícková: Professional Theatre in the Royal City of Brno 1668-1733). Theatralia, 13(1), 111 - 112A review of Margita Havlícková's Professional Theatre in the Royal City of Brno 1668-1733 (Brno: JAMU, 2009).
Stríbrný, Zdenek and Zdenek Beran (eds.): Tušivá rozpomnení: Jezerní básníci [Shadowy Recollections: The Lake Poets] (2010)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2010). Stríbrný, Zdenek and Zdenek Beran (eds.): Tušivá rozpomnení: Jezerní básníci [Shadowy Recollections: The Lake Poets]. Brno studies in English, 36(1), 211 - 212A review of Zdenek Stríbrný and Zdenek Beran's edition of Václav Renc's translation of the Lake Poets. The anthology is published four decades after its translation.