'Oh that we had such an English Tasso': Tasso in English poetry and drama to 1700
Book Chapter
Lawrence, J. (2019). 'Oh that we had such an English Tasso': Tasso in English poetry and drama to 1700. In M. Marrapodi (Ed.), Routledge Research Companion to Anglo-Italian Renaissance Literature and Culture (250-266). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315612720
All Outputs (321)
Lady Butler: War artist and traveller, 1846-1933 (2019)
Wynne, C. (2019). Lady Butler: War artist and traveller, 1846-1933. Four Courts PressThis is the first biography of Victorian Britain’s greatest war artist, Elizabeth Thompson Butler, who found fame and public acclaim after exhibiting her Crimean War painting The Roll Call in 1874.
‘For by the Image of My Cause, I See / The Portraiture of His’: Hamlet and the Imitation of Emotion (2019)
Book Chapter
Meek, R. (2019). ‘For by the Image of My Cause, I See / The Portraiture of His’: Hamlet and the Imitation of Emotion. In P. Megna, B. Phillips, & R. White (Eds.), Hamlet and emotions (81-108). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-03795-6_5This chapter explores the ways in which Hamlet is part of a larger textual network of mimetic models, and how the play recalls other texts that are concerned with representing emotion. It examines various works from the period that use pictorial meta... Read More about ‘For by the Image of My Cause, I See / The Portraiture of His’: Hamlet and the Imitation of Emotion.
Critical Discourse Analysis (2019)
Digital Artefact
Farrelly, M. (in press). Critical Discourse Analysis. [html]. LondonCritical discourse analysis (CDA) is a social scientific theory and method for analyzing and critiquing the use of language and its contribution to forming and sustaining social practice and for analysis of how language can contribute to reproducing... Read More about Critical Discourse Analysis.
Critical policy discourse analysis (2019)
Montesano Montessori, N., Farrelly, M., & Mulderrig, J. (Eds.). (2019). Critical policy discourse analysis. Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788974967© Nicolina Montesano Montessori, Michael Farrelly and Jane Mulderrig 2019. All rights reserved. This book provides a series of contemporary and international policy case studies analysed through discursive methodological approaches in the traditions... Read More about Critical policy discourse analysis.
Monsters of History: Tyranny, Torture and the Gothic (2019)
Crofts, M. R. Monsters of History: Tyranny, Torture and the Gothic. (Thesis). University of Hull. https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/4739178The Gothic tyrant is a figure that not only plays a vital role in generating fear and manipulating the balance of power in Gothic fiction, but one that has survived throughout the mode’s changing form. It is tyranny that frequently turns Gothic tales... Read More about Monsters of History: Tyranny, Torture and the Gothic.
Introducing critical policy discourse analysis (2019)
Book Chapter
Farrelly, M., Mulderrig, J., & Montessori, N. M. (2019). Introducing critical policy discourse analysis. In N. Montesano Montessori, M. Farrelly, & J. Mulderrig (Eds.), Critical discourse policy analysis (1-22). Edward Elgar Publishing
Concluding remarks on critical policy discourse analysis (2019)
Book Chapter
Farrelly, M., Montessori, N. M., & Mulderrig, J. (2019). Concluding remarks on critical policy discourse analysis. In N. Montesano Montessori, M. Farrelly, & J. Mulderrig (Eds.), Critical policy discourse analysis (264-270). Edward Elgar Publishing
Growing up to be a man: Thomas Hardy and masculinity (2018)
Book Chapter
Thomas, J. (2018). Growing up to be a man: Thomas Hardy and masculinity. In P. Mallett (Ed.), The Victorian novel and masculinity (116-150). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137491541_6In July 1907, Thomas Hardy attended a dinner given by the Medico-Psychology Society (later to become the Royal College of Psychiatrists) as the guest of Peter William Macdonald, MD, medical superintendent of Dorset County Asylum and President of the... Read More about Growing up to be a man: Thomas Hardy and masculinity.
Editing Women's Writing, 1670-1840 (2018)
Culley, A., & Fitzer, A. M. (Eds.). (2018). Editing Women's Writing, 1670-1840. RoutledgeThis edited volume is the first to reflect on the theory and practice of editing women’s writing of the 18th century. The list of contributors includes experts on the fiction, drama, poetry, life-writing, diaries and correspondence of familiar and le... Read More about Editing Women's Writing, 1670-1840.
Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe: The Antwerp Dialogue (2018)
Blanton, V., O'Mara, V., & Stoop, P. (Eds.). (2018). Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe: The Antwerp Dialogue. BrepolsThis collection of essays, the third in an integrated series of three and focused on the literacies of nuns in medieval Europe, brings together specialists working on diverse geographical areas to create a dialogue about the Latin and vernacular tex... Read More about Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe: The Antwerp Dialogue.
‘The Small Box’: Ted Hughes and the figure of the child (2018)
Book Chapter
Perry, S. J. (2018). ‘The Small Box’: Ted Hughes and the figure of the child. In K. McLoughlin (Ed.), British Literature in Transition, 1960–1980: Flower Power (352-367). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316424179.028
The Lyfe of Seynt Birgette: An Edition of a Swedish Saint for an English Audience (2018)
Book Chapter
Hutchison, A., & O'Mara, V. (2018). The Lyfe of Seynt Birgette: An Edition of a Swedish Saint for an English Audience. In C. Batt, & R. Tixier (Eds.), ‘Booldly but meekly’: Essays on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages in Honour of Roger Ellis (173–208). Brepols. https://doi.org/10.1484/M.TMT-EB.5.111966
Reform and order on the Elizabethan stage: Sir Thomas More to Hamlet (2018)
Journal Article
Clare, J. (2018). Reform and order on the Elizabethan stage: Sir Thomas More to Hamlet. Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 154,Im Zuge des religious turn in Studien zur Frühen Neuzeit ist bisher die Bedeutung der Zensur für die Durchsetzung konfessioneller Konformität wenig berücksichtigt worden. Gleichzeitig haben Arbeiten zur Theaterzensur deren Bedeutung für die Gestaltun... Read More about Reform and order on the Elizabethan stage: Sir Thomas More to Hamlet.
Ekphrastic encounters: New interdisciplinary essays on literature and the visual arts (2018)
Meek, R. (2018). D. Kennedy, & R. Meek (Eds.). Ekphrastic encounters: New interdisciplinary essays on literature and the visual arts. Manchester University PressThis book offers a comprehensive reassessment of ekphrasis: the verbal representation of visual art. Ekphrasis has been traditionally regarded as a form of paragone (competition) between word and image. This interdisciplinary collection of essays see... Read More about Ekphrastic encounters: New interdisciplinary essays on literature and the visual arts.
Close encounters of the third kind : Hamo Thornycroft’s The Mower and Matthew Arnold’s ‘Thyrsis’ (2018)
Book Chapter
Thomas, J. (2018). Close encounters of the third kind : Hamo Thornycroft’s The Mower and Matthew Arnold’s ‘Thyrsis’. In D. Kennedy, & R. Meek (Eds.), Ekphrastic Encounters (165-180). Manchester University Press. https://doi.org/10.7765/9781526125804.00016This chapter applies the idea of a non-hierarchical, creative exchange of meaning to Hamo Thornycroft’s 1884 sculpture of The Mower, and its accompanying epigraph from Matthew Arnold’s 1866 elegy for the poet Arthur Hugh Clough: ‘Thyrsis’. The chapte... Read More about Close encounters of the third kind : Hamo Thornycroft’s The Mower and Matthew Arnold’s ‘Thyrsis’.
Keep innocency: Edward Thomas and fatherhood (2018)
Journal Article
Perry, S. (2018). Keep innocency: Edward Thomas and fatherhood. The Cambridge Quarterly, 47(4), 301–324. https://doi.org/10.1093/camqtly/bfy026
Passionate Uprisings in Shakespeare’s 'Lucrece' (2018)
Journal Article
Kaegi, A. (2018). Passionate Uprisings in Shakespeare’s 'Lucrece'. Shakespeare, 14(3), 205-215. https://doi.org/10.1080/17450918.2018.1504814The phenomenon of passionate riot and its role in uprisings, fictional and historical, remains an analytical blind spot. Despite “the affective turn” in the humanities at the outset of the twenty-first century, scholarly studies have continued to foc... Read More about Passionate Uprisings in Shakespeare’s 'Lucrece'.
The religious geography of Marvell’s “An Horatian Ode”: popery, presbytery, and parti-coloured picts (2018)
Journal Article
Mottram, S. (2018). The religious geography of Marvell’s “An Horatian Ode”: popery, presbytery, and parti-coloured picts. Seventeenth Century, 33(4), 441-461. https://doi.org/10.1080/0268117X.2018.1484636Marvell’s “Ode” (1650) is an English poem about a British problem – a problem further problematized by religion. The “Ode” lauds Cromwell’s Irish and Scottish campaigns, but English responses to these “colonial” wars were in reality complicated by pr... Read More about The religious geography of Marvell’s “An Horatian Ode”: popery, presbytery, and parti-coloured picts.
Hughes and Surrealism (2018)
Book Chapter
Perry, S. (2018). Hughes and Surrealism. In T. Gifford (Ed.), Ted Hughes in Context (103-112). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108554381.013