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All Outputs (236)

Re-evaluating Water Column Reoxygenation during the End Permian Mass Extinction (2024)
Journal Article
Yang, F., Li, S., An, K., Bond, D., Ao, R., Wu, X., Ma, L., & Sun, Y. (2024). Re-evaluating Water Column Reoxygenation during the End Permian Mass Extinction. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(10), Article e2024GC011779.

Ocean anoxia is considered a key driver of the end-Permian mass extinction (EPME). However, it is much debated whether there was an ocean reoxygenation phase during, and in the aftermath, of the EPME. Evidence for ocean reoxygenation is often inferre... Read More about Re-evaluating Water Column Reoxygenation during the End Permian Mass Extinction.

Mega El Niño instigated the end-Permian mass extinction (2024)
Journal Article
Sun, Y., Farnsworth, A., Joachimski, M. M., Wignall, P. B., Krystyn, L., Bond, D. P., Ravidà, D. C., & Valdes, P. J. (2024). Mega El Niño instigated the end-Permian mass extinction. Science, 385(6714), 1189-1195.

The ultimate driver of the end-Permian mass extinction is a topic of much debate. Here, we used a multiproxy and paleoclimate modeling approach to establish a unifying theory elucidating the heightened susceptibility of the Pangean world to the prolo... Read More about Mega El Niño instigated the end-Permian mass extinction.

The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research (2024)
Journal Article
Dowey, N., Lawrence, A., Raji, M., Jackson, C., Williams, R., Fernando, B., Giles, S., Barclay, J., Brotherson, L., Childs, E., Houghton, J., Khatwa, A., Mills, K., Jameson, G., Rockey, F., Rogers, S., & Souch, C. (2024). The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 4, Article 10123.

There is a well-documented racial and ethnic diversity crisis in Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) subjects in the Global North that leads to inequities in who does environmental research. The Equator project set out to increase part... Read More about The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research.

Decolonising UK Earth Science (2024)
Newspaper / Magazine
Williams, R., Mills, K., & Lawrence, A. (2024). Decolonising UK Earth Science

Rebecca Williams, Keely Mills and Anya Lawrence reflect on the recent Decolonising UK Earth Science workshop and how examining our past can shape the future of geoscience.

The impact of frequent wildfires during the Permian–Triassic transition: Floral change and terrestrial crisis in southwestern China (2024)
Journal Article
Hua, F., Shao, L., Wang, X., Jones, T., Jones, T. P., Zhang, T., Bond, D. P., Yan, Z., & Hilton, J. (2024). The impact of frequent wildfires during the Permian–Triassic transition: Floral change and terrestrial crisis in southwestern China. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, 641, Article 112129.

Wildfires are considered to have played an important role in the land plants crisis during the Permian–Triassic (P–T) transition. However, the nature and impact of wildfires in the P–T terrestrial crisis remains unclear. Organic petrology data from a... Read More about The impact of frequent wildfires during the Permian–Triassic transition: Floral change and terrestrial crisis in southwestern China.

Marine snowstorm during the Permian-Triassic mass extinction (2023)
Journal Article
Grasby, S. E., Ardakani, O. H., Liu, X., Bond, D. P. G., Wignall, P. B., & Strachan, L. J. (2024). Marine snowstorm during the Permian-Triassic mass extinction. Geology, 52(2), 120-124.

The Permian-Triassic mass extinction (PTME) interval is marked by major excursions in both inorganic and organic carbon (C) isotopes. Carbon cycle models predict that these trends were driven by large increases in productivity, yet organic C-rich roc... Read More about Marine snowstorm during the Permian-Triassic mass extinction.

Ikaite formation in streams affected by steel waste leachate: First report and potential impact on contaminant dynamics (2023)
Journal Article
Bastianini, L., Rogerson, M., Brasier, A., Prior, T. J., Hardman, K., Dempsey, E., Bird, A., & Mayes, W. M. (2024). Ikaite formation in streams affected by steel waste leachate: First report and potential impact on contaminant dynamics. Chemical Geology, 644, Article 121842.

Highly alkaline (pH 9–12) waters can arise from a range of globally significant and environmentally impactful industrial processes such as lime, steel and cement production, alumina refining and energy generation (e.g. combustion ashes). Such residue... Read More about Ikaite formation in streams affected by steel waste leachate: First report and potential impact on contaminant dynamics.

Lost in Translation? Exploring the journey from press releases to news articles during volcanic crises, and its impact on perceptions (2023)
Jones, E. M. (2023). Lost in Translation? Exploring the journey from press releases to news articles during volcanic crises, and its impact on perceptions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The world in which we communicate has changed rapidly in recent years; information from official bodies can be posted, shared, translated, re-interpreted and disseminated rapidly via online news outlets and social media. The increased use of the inte... Read More about Lost in Translation? Exploring the journey from press releases to news articles during volcanic crises, and its impact on perceptions.

The great catastrophe: causes of the Permo-Triassic marine mass extinction (2023)
Journal Article
Wignall, P. B., & Bond, D. P. G. (2024). The great catastrophe: causes of the Permo-Triassic marine mass extinction. National Science Review, 11(1), Article nwad273.

The marine losses during the Permo-Triassic mass extinction were the worst ever experienced. All groups were badly affected, especially amongst the benthos (e.g. brachiopods, corals, bryozoans, foraminifers, ostracods). Planktonic populations underwe... Read More about The great catastrophe: causes of the Permo-Triassic marine mass extinction.

How Large Igneous Provinces Have Killed Most Life on Earth—Numerous Times (2023)
Journal Article
Grasby, S. E., & Bond, D. P. (2023). How Large Igneous Provinces Have Killed Most Life on Earth—Numerous Times. Elements: An International Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Petrology, 19(5), 276-281.

Evolution has not been a simple path. Since the first appearance of complex life, there have been several mass extinctions on Earth. This was exemplified by the most severe event during the Phanerozoic, the end-Permian mass extinction that occurred 2... Read More about How Large Igneous Provinces Have Killed Most Life on Earth—Numerous Times.

3D Seismic reflection evidence for lower crustal intrusions beneath the Faroe–Shetland Basin, NE Atlantic Margin (2023)
Journal Article
Layfield, L. K., Schofield, N., Watson, D., Holford, S. P., Jolley, D. W., Kilhams, B. A., Muirhead, D. K., Roberts, A. M., Alvey, A. D., Ellwood, A., & Widdowson, M. (2023). 3D Seismic reflection evidence for lower crustal intrusions beneath the Faroe–Shetland Basin, NE Atlantic Margin. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(5), Article jgs2022-172.

Lower crustal intrusion is considered to be a common process along volcanic or magma-rich passive margins, including the NE Atlantic Margin, where it is thought to have occurred during phases of Paleogene magmatism, both prior to and during continent... Read More about 3D Seismic reflection evidence for lower crustal intrusions beneath the Faroe–Shetland Basin, NE Atlantic Margin.

Strategies for making geoscience PhD recruitment more equitable (2023)
Journal Article
Fernando, B., Giles, S., Jackson, C., Lawrence, A., Raji, M., Williams, R., …Dowey, N. (2023). Strategies for making geoscience PhD recruitment more equitable. Nature Geoscience, 16(8), 658-660.

Admission to doctoral study is a crucial step in the academic pipeline, but discriminatory procedures can disproportionately impact students from ethnic minority backgrounds. We show how these policies contribute to inequity in the geosciences and pr... Read More about Strategies for making geoscience PhD recruitment more equitable.

Older than you think: using U–Pb calcite geochronology to better constrain basin-bounding fault reactivation, Inner Moray Firth Basin, western North Sea (2023)
Journal Article
Tamas, A., Holdsworth, R. E., Tamas, D. M., Dempsey, E. D., Hardman, K., Bird, A., Roberts, N. M., Lee, J., Underhill, J. R., McCarthy, D., McCaffrey, K. J., & Selby, D. (2023). Older than you think: using U–Pb calcite geochronology to better constrain basin-bounding fault reactivation, Inner Moray Firth Basin, western North Sea. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(5), Article jgs2022-166.

Like many rift basins worldwide, the Inner Moray Firth Basin (IMFB) is bounded by major reactivated fault zones, including the Helmsdale Fault and the Great Glen Fault (GGF). The Jurassic successions exposed onshore close to these faults at Helmsdale... Read More about Older than you think: using U–Pb calcite geochronology to better constrain basin-bounding fault reactivation, Inner Moray Firth Basin, western North Sea.

Global oceanic anoxia linked with the Capitanian (Middle Permian) marine mass extinction (2023)
Journal Article
Song, H., Algeo, T., Song, H., Tong, J., Wignall, P., Bond, D. P., Zheng, W., Chen, X., Romaniello, S., Wei, H., & Anbar, A. (2023). Global oceanic anoxia linked with the Capitanian (Middle Permian) marine mass extinction. Earth and planetary science letters, 610, Article 118128.

The timing and causation of the Capitanian (late Middle Permian) biocrisis remain controversial. Here, a detailed uranium-isotopic (δ238U) profile was generated for the mid-Capitanian to lower Wuchiapingian of the Penglaitan section (the Guadalupian/... Read More about Global oceanic anoxia linked with the Capitanian (Middle Permian) marine mass extinction.

Middle Jurassic terrestrial environmental and floral changes linked to volcanism: Evidence from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China (2023)
Journal Article
Zhang, P., Yang, M., Lu, J., Jiang, Z., Zhou, K., Liu, H., He, Z., Wang, Y., Bian, X., Shao, L., Hilton, J., & Bond, D. P. (2023). Middle Jurassic terrestrial environmental and floral changes linked to volcanism: Evidence from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Global and planetary change, 223, Article 104094.

The breakup of Pangaea and the rapid opening of the Ligurian and Central Atlantic oceans during the Middle Jurassic resulted in widespread volcanism accompanied by significant shifts in global environments, climates, and floras. Although major volcan... Read More about Middle Jurassic terrestrial environmental and floral changes linked to volcanism: Evidence from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China.

Strike-slip influenced stratigraphic and structural development of the Foula Sandstone Group, Shetland: implications for offshore Devonian basin development on the northern UK continental shelf (2023)
Journal Article
Utley, T. A., Holdsworth, R. E., Blackbourn, G. A., Dempsey, E., Strachan, R. A., McCaffrey, K. J., Morton, A. C., Bird, A. F., Jones, R. R., Saßnowski, A., & Walker, R. J. (2023). Strike-slip influenced stratigraphic and structural development of the Foula Sandstone Group, Shetland: implications for offshore Devonian basin development on the northern UK continental shelf. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(3), Article jgs2022-148.

The island of Foula, located 25 km SW of Shetland, preserves a gently folded, 1.6 km thick sequence of Middle Devonian sandstones spectacularly exposed in kilometre-long cliff sections >350 m high. These rocks unconformably overlie likely Precambrian... Read More about Strike-slip influenced stratigraphic and structural development of the Foula Sandstone Group, Shetland: implications for offshore Devonian basin development on the northern UK continental shelf.

An astronomical timescale for the Permian-Triassic mass extinction reveals a two-step, million-year-long terrestrial crisis in South China (2023)
Journal Article
Hua, F., Shao, L., Zhang, T., Bond, D. P., Wang, X., Wang, J., Yan, Z., Lu, J., & Hilton, J. (2023). An astronomical timescale for the Permian-Triassic mass extinction reveals a two-step, million-year-long terrestrial crisis in South China. Earth and planetary science letters, 605, Article 118035.

The Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction (PTME) is the greatest biotic crisis of the Phanerozoic. In terrestrial settings, the PTME appears to have been diachronous and it has been suggested that losses initiated before the marine crisis. We examine orga... Read More about An astronomical timescale for the Permian-Triassic mass extinction reveals a two-step, million-year-long terrestrial crisis in South China.

The Equator Project (2023)
Dowey, N., Giles, S., Jackson, C., Williams, R., Fernando, B., Lawrence, A., …Souch, C. (2023). The Equator Project

Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry Coupled with In Situ Fieldwork and U-Pb Geochronology to Decipher Multi-Phase Deformation Processes: A Case Study from Sarclet, Inner Moray Firth Basin, UK (2023)
Journal Article
Tamas, A., Holdsworth, R. E., Tamas, D. M., Dempsey, E. D., Hardman, K., Bird, A., …Selby, D. (2023). Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry Coupled with In Situ Fieldwork and U-Pb Geochronology to Decipher Multi-Phase Deformation Processes: A Case Study from Sarclet, Inner Moray Firth Basin, UK. Remote Sensing, 15(3), Article 695.

Constraining the age of formation and repeated movements along fault arrays in superimposed rift basins helps us to better unravel the kinematic history as well as the role of inherited structures in basin evolution. The Inner Moray Firth Basin (IMFB... Read More about Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry Coupled with In Situ Fieldwork and U-Pb Geochronology to Decipher Multi-Phase Deformation Processes: A Case Study from Sarclet, Inner Moray Firth Basin, UK.

Marine bioturbation collapse during Early Jurassic deoxygenation: implications for post-extinction marine ecosystem functioning (2023)
Journal Article
Caswell, B. A., & Herringshaw, L. (2023). Marine bioturbation collapse during Early Jurassic deoxygenation: implications for post-extinction marine ecosystem functioning. Geological Society Special Publications, 529(1), 311-344.

Climate change is undermining the health and integrity of seafloor ecosystems, with declines in bio-turbation expected to impact future ecosystem functioning. We explored changes in the nature and degree of bioturbation during Early Jurassic global w... Read More about Marine bioturbation collapse during Early Jurassic deoxygenation: implications for post-extinction marine ecosystem functioning.