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All Outputs (530)

Defeat and memory: Cultural histories of military defeat in the modern era (2008)
Macleod, J. (Ed.). (2008). Defeat and memory: Cultural histories of military defeat in the modern era. Palgrave Macmillan.

The legacy of defeat in war reverberates through private and collective memory and remains a sub-text in international relations and political discourse. This book examines the manner in which a series of military defeats have been understood and rem... Read More about Defeat and memory: Cultural histories of military defeat in the modern era.

Das Erbe der Monarchie: Nachwirkungen einer deutschen Institution seit 1918 (2008)
Biskup, T., & Kohlrausch, M. (2008). Das Erbe der Monarchie: Nachwirkungen einer deutschen Institution seit 1918. Campus

Die Monarchie wurde 1918 in Deutschland abgeschafft. Aber erlosch damit auch ihre Wirkung? Was hinterließ sie jenseits leerer Throne und wie gingen die Deutschen damit um? In diesem Band wird erstmals untersucht, welche Spuren diese Institution in de... Read More about Das Erbe der Monarchie: Nachwirkungen einer deutschen Institution seit 1918.

Reassessing Suez 1956: new perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath (2008)
Smith, S. C. (Ed.). (2008). Reassessing Suez 1956: new perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath. Ashgate.

The nationalization of the Suez Canal in 1956 triggered one of the gravest international crises since the Second World War. The fiftieth anniversary of the Suez crisis in 2006 presented an ideal opportunity to re-visit and reassess this seminal episo... Read More about Reassessing Suez 1956: new perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath.

When Seve met Bregović: folklore, turbofolk and the boundaries of Croatian musical identity (2008)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (2008). When Seve met Bregović: folklore, turbofolk and the boundaries of Croatian musical identity. Nationalities Papers, 36(4), 741-764.

Popular music in Croatia has consistently been a field where the boundaries of national cultural identity are set, contested and transgressed. The most contentious boundaries involve Serbian culture and the abstract "east", to which essentialized nat... Read More about When Seve met Bregović: folklore, turbofolk and the boundaries of Croatian musical identity.

‘Höfisches Retablissement: Der Hof Friedrichs des Großen nach dem Siebenjährigen Krieg', in: Friedrich300 - Colloquien, Friedrich der Große - eine perspektivische Bestandsaufnahme (2008) (2008)
Biskup, T. (2008). ‘Höfisches Retablissement: Der Hof Friedrichs des Großen nach dem Siebenjährigen Krieg', in: Friedrich300 - Colloquien, Friedrich der Große - eine perspektivische Bestandsaufnahme (2008)

Der Hof blieb auch für Friedrich den Großen unabdingbar, um im höfisch strukturierten Europa des 18. Jahrhunderts Politik machen zu können. Finanzierung, Personaldecke und Infrastruktur des friderizianischen Hofes waren auch im Vergleich zu anderen H... Read More about ‘Höfisches Retablissement: Der Hof Friedrichs des Großen nach dem Siebenjährigen Krieg', in: Friedrich300 - Colloquien, Friedrich der Große - eine perspektivische Bestandsaufnahme (2008).

Wild dances and dying wolves : simulation, essentialization, and national identity at the Eurovision Song Contest (2008)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (2008). Wild dances and dying wolves : simulation, essentialization, and national identity at the Eurovision Song Contest. Popular Communication, 6(3), 173-189.

This paper examines Eurovision as a site for the public representation of the nation and explores the tendency towards simulation in such representations. The contest’s transnational audience and implication in commercial practices create pressures t... Read More about Wild dances and dying wolves : simulation, essentialization, and national identity at the Eurovision Song Contest.

The causes of the Thirty Years War 1618-48 (2008)
Journal Article
Wilson, P. H. (2008). The causes of the Thirty Years War 1618-48. English Historical Review, CXXIII(502), 554-586.

The Thirty Years War (1618-48) was the most destructive conflict in Europe before the twentieth-century world wars. There are several explanations of what caused the war, but these rarely discuss the merits of alternative interpretations, nor do they... Read More about The causes of the Thirty Years War 1618-48.

William Marshal and the Mercenariat (2008)
Book Chapter
Crouch, D. (2008). William Marshal and the Mercenariat. In Mercenaries and Paid Men: The Mercenary Identity in the Middle Ages (15 - 32). Brill

A look at attitudes to the mercenary amongst the established aristocracy as viewed through the source of the biography of William Marshal

The Transformation of Medieval Gwent (2008)
Book Chapter
Crouch, D. (2008). The Transformation of Medieval Gwent. In The Gwent County History 2, The Age of the Marcher Lords, c.1070-1536, (16803). University of Wales Press

A history and analysis of the establishment of Marcher lordships in Gwent between 1067 and 1245.

An empire built on sand (2008)
Book Chapter
Smith, S. (2008). An empire built on sand. In Britain and the Middle East: from imperial power to junior partner (48 - 65). Sussex Academic Press

King Stephen and Northern France (2008)
Book Chapter
Crouch, D. (2008). King Stephen and Northern France. In King Stephen's Reign, 1135-1154 (44 - 57). Boydell

A study of the relations between King Stephen of England (1135-1154), the king of France and the princes of Northern France

Comparing vulnerabilities: Toward charting an historical trajectory of disasters (2007)
Journal Article
Bankoff, G. (2007). Comparing vulnerabilities: Toward charting an historical trajectory of disasters. Historical Social Research ==, 32(3), 103-114.

Disasters have two historical trajectories, one 'natural' in that they involve one or more physical hazards and the other societal in that they are largely culturally determined. They are 'historical' in the sense that both forces change over time. C... Read More about Comparing vulnerabilities: Toward charting an historical trajectory of disasters.