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Comparative study of a novel liquid-vapour separator incorporated gravitational loop heat pipe against the conventional gravitational straight and loop heat pipes - Part I: Conceptual development and theoretical analyses (2014)
Journal Article
Zhang, X., Shen, J., He, W., Xu, P., Zhao, X., & Tan, J. (2015). Comparative study of a novel liquid-vapour separator incorporated gravitational loop heat pipe against the conventional gravitational straight and loop heat pipes - Part I: Conceptual development and theoretical analyses. Energy Conversion and Management, 90, 409-426.

Aim of the paper is to investigate the thermal performance of a novel liquid-vapour separator incorporated gravity-assisted loop heat pipe (GALHP) (T1), against a conventional GALHP (T2) and a gravitational straight heat pipe (T3), from the conceptua... Read More about Comparative study of a novel liquid-vapour separator incorporated gravitational loop heat pipe against the conventional gravitational straight and loop heat pipes - Part I: Conceptual development and theoretical analyses.

Measuring patient-perceived continuity of care for patients with long-term conditions in primary care (2014)
Journal Article
Hill, K. M., Twiddy, M., Hewison, J., & House, A. O. (2014). Measuring patient-perceived continuity of care for patients with long-term conditions in primary care. BMC family practice, 15(1), Article 191.

Background: Continuity of care is widely acknowledged as important for patients with multi-morbidity but simple,
service-orientated indices cannot capture the full impact of continuity in complex care delivery systems. The patient’s
perspective is im... Read More about Measuring patient-perceived continuity of care for patients with long-term conditions in primary care.

Later prehistoric vegetation dynamics and Bronze Age agriculture at Hobbister, Orkney, Scotland (2014)
Journal Article
Farrell, M. (2015). Later prehistoric vegetation dynamics and Bronze Age agriculture at Hobbister, Orkney, Scotland. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 24(4), 467-486.

The Bronze Age in Britain was a time of major social and cultural changes, reflected in the division of the landscape into field systems and the establishment of new belief systems and ritual practices. Several hypotheses have been advanced to explai... Read More about Later prehistoric vegetation dynamics and Bronze Age agriculture at Hobbister, Orkney, Scotland.

Use of the enhanced frog embryo teratogenesis assay-Xenopus (FETAX) to determine chemically-induced phenotypic effects (2014)
Journal Article
Hu, L., Zhu, J., Rotchell, J. M., Wu, L., Gao, J., & Shi, H. (2015). Use of the enhanced frog embryo teratogenesis assay-Xenopus (FETAX) to determine chemically-induced phenotypic effects. The Science of the total environment, 508, 258-265.

The frog embryo teratogenesis assay-Xenopus (FETAX) is an established method for the evaluation of the developmental toxicities of chemicals. To develop an enhanced FETAX that is appropriate for common environmental contaminants, we exposed Xenopus t... Read More about Use of the enhanced frog embryo teratogenesis assay-Xenopus (FETAX) to determine chemically-induced phenotypic effects.

Rethinking how we understand individual healthcare needs for people living with long-term conditions: a qualitative study (2014)
Journal Article
Reeve, J., & Cooper, L. (2016). Rethinking how we understand individual healthcare needs for people living with long-term conditions: a qualitative study. Health and Social Care in the Community, 24(1), 27-38.

It has been suggested that we need to ‘Think Differently’ about how we organise care for people with long‐term conditions. Current approaches prioritise reducing population disease burden, meaning health need is defined predominantly in terms of dise... Read More about Rethinking how we understand individual healthcare needs for people living with long-term conditions: a qualitative study.

Why are we not flooded by involuntary autobiographical memories? Few cues are more effective than many (2014)
Journal Article
Vannucci, M., Pelagatti, C., Hanczakowski, M., Mazzoni, G., & Paccani, C. R. (2015). Why are we not flooded by involuntary autobiographical memories? Few cues are more effective than many. Psychological research, 79(6), 1077-1085.

Recent research on involuntary autobiographical memories (IAMs) has shown that these memories can be elicited and studied in the laboratory under controlled conditions. Employing a modified version of a vigilance task developed by Schlagman and Kvavi... Read More about Why are we not flooded by involuntary autobiographical memories? Few cues are more effective than many.

Attributions of cancer 'alarm' symptoms in a community sample (2014)
Journal Article
Whitaker, K. L., Scott, S. E., Winstanley, K., Macleod, U., & Wardle, J. (2014). Attributions of cancer 'alarm' symptoms in a community sample. PLoS ONE, 9(12), Article e114028.

© 2014 Whitaker et al. Background: Attribution of early cancer symptoms to a non-serious cause may lead to longer diagnostic intervals. We investigated attributions of potential cancer 'alarm' and non-alarm symptoms experienced in everyday life in a... Read More about Attributions of cancer 'alarm' symptoms in a community sample.

DNA damage response and senescence in endothelial cells of human cerebral cortex and relation to Alzheimer's neuropathology progression: A population-based study in the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (MRC-CFAS) cohort (2014)
Journal Article
Garwood, C. J., Simpson, J. E., Al Mashhadi, S., Axe, C., Wilson, S., Heath, P. R., …Wharton, S. B. (2014). DNA damage response and senescence in endothelial cells of human cerebral cortex and relation to Alzheimer's neuropathology progression: A population-based study in the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (MRC-CFAS) cohort. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 40(7), 802-814.

Aims: Abnormalities of the brain microvasculature in Alzheimer's disease have led to the vascular hypothesis of the disease, which predicts that vascular changes precede neuronal dysfunction and degeneration. To determine the spectrum of endothelial... Read More about DNA damage response and senescence in endothelial cells of human cerebral cortex and relation to Alzheimer's neuropathology progression: A population-based study in the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (MRC-CFAS) cohort.

From Integration to inclusive Education in England: illuminating the issues through a life history account (2014)
Journal Article
Glazzard, J. (2014). From Integration to inclusive Education in England: illuminating the issues through a life history account. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 9(1), 107-116

This paper provides a life history account of one teacher’s
determination to make inclusion work. The account reflects on the
policy discourses of integration and inclusion and demonstrates ways in which these were translated into practice within... Read More about From Integration to inclusive Education in England: illuminating the issues through a life history account.

State estimation technique for a planetary robotic rover (2014)
Journal Article
Iqbal, J., Rehman-Saad, M., Malik, A., & Mahmood-Tahir, A. (2014). State estimation technique for a planetary robotic rover. Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 58-68

Given the long traverse times and severe environmental constraints on a planet like Mars, the only option feasible now is to observe and explore the planet through more sophisticated planetary rovers. To achieve increasingly ambitious mission objecti... Read More about State estimation technique for a planetary robotic rover.

Content in ESOL: what do learners find useful and important? (2014)
Journal Article
Nickson, M. (2014). Content in ESOL: what do learners find useful and important?. Language Issues, 25(2), 17-24

This research investigated course content in ESOL classes by asking ESOL learners to evaluate the usefulness and importance to them of a range of topics which they may encounter in their language class. A survey was administered to 117 learners rangi... Read More about Content in ESOL: what do learners find useful and important?.

Exploring GPs' experiences of using diagnostic tools for cancer: A qualitative study in primary care (2014)
Journal Article
Green, T., Martins, T., Hamilton, W., Rubin, G., Elliott, K., & Macleod, U. (2015). Exploring GPs' experiences of using diagnostic tools for cancer: A qualitative study in primary care. Family practice, 32(1), 101-105.

© The Author 2014. Background. The UK has an estimated 5-10 000 extra cancer deaths each year when compared to other European countries and diagnostic delays are thought to make a significant contribution to this. One of the initiatives in England in... Read More about Exploring GPs' experiences of using diagnostic tools for cancer: A qualitative study in primary care.

Shaping plasmon beams via the controlled illumination of finite-size plasmonic crystals (2014)
Journal Article
Bouillard, J.-S., Segovia, P., Dickson, W., Wurtz, G. A., & Zayats, A. V. (2015). Shaping plasmon beams via the controlled illumination of finite-size plasmonic crystals. Scientific reports, 4(1), Article UNSP 7234.

Plasmonic crystals provide many passive and active optical functionalities, including enhanced sensing, optical nonlinearities, light extraction from LEDs and coupling to and from subwavelength waveguides. Here we study, both experimentally and numer... Read More about Shaping plasmon beams via the controlled illumination of finite-size plasmonic crystals.

Stabilization of boron carbide via silicon doping (2014)
Journal Article
Proctor, J. E., Bhakhri, V., Hao, R., Prior, T. J., Scheler, T., Gregoryanz, E., Chhowalla, M., & Giulani, F. (2015). Stabilization of boron carbide via silicon doping. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 27(1), Article 015401.

Boron carbide is one of the lightest and hardest ceramics, but its applications are limited by its poor stability against a partial phase separation into separate boron and carbon. Phase separation is observed under high non-hydrostatic stress (both... Read More about Stabilization of boron carbide via silicon doping.

International student mobility : the role of social networks (2014)
Journal Article
Beech, S. E. (2015). International student mobility : the role of social networks. Social & cultural geography, 16(3), 332-350.

Building upon recent work on higher education mobility, this paper contends that social networks of friendship and kinship are critical determinants for students deciding to study overseas, not just, as has hitherto been suggested, a complementary fa... Read More about International student mobility : the role of social networks.

The passive diffusion of Leptospira interrogans (2014)
Journal Article
Koens, L., & Lauga, E. (2014). The passive diffusion of Leptospira interrogans. Physical Biology, 11(6), Article 066008.

Motivated by recent experimental measurements, the passive diffusion of the bacterium Leptospira interrogans is investigated theoretically. By approximating the cell shape as a straight helix and using the slender-body-theory approximation of Stokesi... Read More about The passive diffusion of Leptospira interrogans.

Gas absorption and reaction in a wet pneumatic foam (2014)
Journal Article
Perry, D. C., & Stevenson, P. (2015). Gas absorption and reaction in a wet pneumatic foam. Chemical engineering science, 126, 177-185.

Results for the rate of absorption of carbon dioxide gas into a pneumatic (i.e. continuously rising) foam formed from a sodium carbonate–bicarbonate buffer solution stabilised by a polyglycol frother are presented. Previous studies upon the use of ga... Read More about Gas absorption and reaction in a wet pneumatic foam.

Polymeric nanofibrous substrates stimulate pluripotent stem cells to form three-dimensional multilayered patty-like spheroids in feeder-free culture and maintain their pluripotency (2014)
Journal Article
Alamein, M. A., Wolvetang, E. J., Ovchinnikov, D. A., Stephens, S., Sanders, K., & Warnke, P. H. (2015). Polymeric nanofibrous substrates stimulate pluripotent stem cells to form three-dimensional multilayered patty-like spheroids in feeder-free culture and maintain their pluripotency. Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, 9(9), 1078-1083.

Expansion of pluripotent stem cells in defined media devoid of animal-derived feeder cells to generate multilayered three-dimensional (3D) bulk preparations or spheroids, rather than two-dimensional (2D) monolayers, is advantageous for many regenerat... Read More about Polymeric nanofibrous substrates stimulate pluripotent stem cells to form three-dimensional multilayered patty-like spheroids in feeder-free culture and maintain their pluripotency.

Palliative care among heart failure patients in primary care: A comparison to cancer patients using english family practice data (2014)
Journal Article
Gadoud, A., Kane, E., Macleod, U., Ansell, P., Oliver, S., & Johnson, M. (2014). Palliative care among heart failure patients in primary care: A comparison to cancer patients using english family practice data. PLoS ONE, 9(11), Article e113188.

© 2014 Gadoud et al. Introduction: Patients with heart failure have a significant symptom burden and other palliative care needs often over a longer period than patients with cancer. It is acknowledged that this need may be unmet but by how much has... Read More about Palliative care among heart failure patients in primary care: A comparison to cancer patients using english family practice data.

Spectroscopic signatures of extratidal stars around the globular clusters NGC 6656 (M 22), NGC 3201, and NGC 1851 from RAVE (2014)
Journal Article
Kunder, A., Bono, G., Piffl, T., Steinmetz, M., Grebel, E. K., Anguiano, B., Freeman, K., Kordopatis, G., Zwitter, T., Scholz, R., Gibson, B. K., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Seabroke, G., Boeche, C., Siebert, A., Wyse, R. F. G., Bienaymé, O., Navarro, J., Siviero, A., Minchev, I., …Helmi, A. (2014). Spectroscopic signatures of extratidal stars around the globular clusters NGC 6656 (M 22), NGC 3201, and NGC 1851 from RAVE. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 572, A30.

© ESO, 2014. Context. Stellar population studies of globular clusters have suggested that the brightest clusters in the Galaxy might actually be the remnant nuclei of dwarf spheroidal galaxies. If the present Galactic globular clusters formed within... Read More about Spectroscopic signatures of extratidal stars around the globular clusters NGC 6656 (M 22), NGC 3201, and NGC 1851 from RAVE.