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All Outputs (5)

The role of information and communication technologies in sociopolitical and ethnoreligious conflicts in Nigeria 2006-2014 (2016)
Olabode, S. A. The role of information and communication technologies in sociopolitical and ethnoreligious conflicts in Nigeria 2006-2014. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Conflict has been an integral part of Nigerian political life and has served as a catalyst for a progressive Nigerian society. From the precolonial era to the current period of democratization, conflict has also been a means through which dissident m... Read More about The role of information and communication technologies in sociopolitical and ethnoreligious conflicts in Nigeria 2006-2014.

'Silence no more' : an in-depth cyberconflict analysis of the Nirbhaya rape case and digital tender activism in India (2016)
Dey, A. 'Silence no more' : an in-depth cyberconflict analysis of the Nirbhaya rape case and digital tender activism in India. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Sociopolitical activism has been crucial in shaping the structure of the contemporary Indian society. Over the last few decades, while information and communication technologies (ICTs) and social media have been increasingly popular and a widely used... Read More about 'Silence no more' : an in-depth cyberconflict analysis of the Nirbhaya rape case and digital tender activism in India.

New mobile visualities and the social communication of photography : Instagram as a case study (2015)
Serafinelli, E. New mobile visualities and the social communication of photography : Instagram as a case study. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This research intends to show how visuality, through the mobility of Instagram (a social media platform designed for photo sharing), is modifying individuals’ perception of the world and their mediated lives. It examines how Instagram transforms indi... Read More about New mobile visualities and the social communication of photography : Instagram as a case study.

The ethics of remembering: Little Big Man and the exoneration of American guilt (2011)
Book Chapter
Aston, J. (2011). The ethics of remembering: Little Big Man and the exoneration of American guilt. In A. Karatzogianni (Ed.), Violence and War in Culture and the Media : Five Disciplinary Lenses (78-91). Routledge.

Andre Bazin reinvigorated the cultural form of the Western by declaring that it was ‘the American cinema par excellence’ (Lovell 1976: 166). For Bazin, the Western expressed ‘evocations of the birth of the United States of America’ (Bazin 1973: 14) t... Read More about The ethics of remembering: Little Big Man and the exoneration of American guilt.

The Israel-Hezbollah War and the Winograd Committee (2011)
Book Chapter
Cohen-Almagor, R., & Haleva-Amir, S. (2011). The Israel-Hezbollah War and the Winograd Committee. In A. Karatzogianni (Ed.), Violence and War in Culture and the Media: Five Disciplinary Lenses (171-187). Routledge.

On 12 July 2006, the Hezbollah terrorist organisation attacked two Israeli Defense Forces’ armored Hummer jeeps patrolling along the border with gunfire and explosives, in the midst of massive shelling attacks on Israel’s north. Three soldiers were k... Read More about The Israel-Hezbollah War and the Winograd Committee.