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All Outputs (6)

Strategic restraint : modelling the role of moral weight in modern conflicts (2017)
Flint, J. A. Strategic restraint : modelling the role of moral weight in modern conflicts. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Strategic Restraint: Modelling the Role of Moral Weight in Modern Conflicts is a PhD thesis that seeks to make the argument that restraint has a strategic purpose. It begins with a discussion of an understanding of ethics as the negotiation of hierar... Read More about Strategic restraint : modelling the role of moral weight in modern conflicts.

Anti-war and the cyber triangle : strategic implications of cyber operations and cyber security for the state (2015)
Herpig, S. Anti-war and the cyber triangle : strategic implications of cyber operations and cyber security for the state. (Thesis). University of Hull.

[From the introduction:]

The main driver for this choice of research was the growing influence of Internet-related issues in contemporary politics in various fields. 2009 saw an intensification of this link between information and communication te... Read More about Anti-war and the cyber triangle : strategic implications of cyber operations and cyber security for the state.

Military transformation on the Korean Peninsula : technology versus geography (2011)
Lee, S. H. Military transformation on the Korean Peninsula : technology versus geography. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis provides an explanation of one RMA issue: the effectiveness of contemporary military technology against tough geography, based upon case studies in the Korean peninsula. The originality of the thesis is that it will provide a sound insigh... Read More about Military transformation on the Korean Peninsula : technology versus geography.