Coseismic ultramylonites: An investigation of nanoscale viscous flow and fault weakening during seismic slip
Journal Article
Pozzi, G., De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R. E., Bowen, L., Nielsen, S. B., & Dempsey, E. D. (2019). Coseismic ultramylonites: An investigation of nanoscale viscous flow and fault weakening during seismic slip. Earth and planetary science letters, 516, 164-175.
Faults weaken during the propagation of earthquakes due to the onset of thermally-activated mechanisms, which vary depending on the rock type. Recent experimental work suggests that carbonate-hosted faults are lubricated by viscous flow in nano-granu... Read More about Coseismic ultramylonites: An investigation of nanoscale viscous flow and fault weakening during seismic slip.