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All Outputs (2)

A mixed methods investigation of multidimensional fatigue in the wind industry: towards a sustainable workforce (2020)
McMaster, S. A mixed methods investigation of multidimensional fatigue in the wind industry: towards a sustainable workforce. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The wind industry encompasses a high hazard work environment with multiple demands unique to those working in this sector. A key risk to health, safety and productivity is operator fatigue. Poor management of operator fatigue is highly associated wit... Read More about A mixed methods investigation of multidimensional fatigue in the wind industry: towards a sustainable workforce.

On-call work scheduling : a multi-method analysis of psychological effects and moderators (2010)
Reid, T. On-call work scheduling : a multi-method analysis of psychological effects and moderators. (Thesis). University of Hull.

On-call working is a relatively new form of work scheduling in many occupational settings. For a large proportion of employees, being on-call is not an option but an integral component of the job. Essentially, utilising this type of work scheduling i... Read More about On-call work scheduling : a multi-method analysis of psychological effects and moderators.